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Francesco Aquilini owes Canuck Nation an explanation.

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18 minutes ago, Alflives said:

You do realize without Hammarstrom we don’t have Petey, right?  Our owners very well know the value of our Swedish pipeline of players, and it’s connection to scouts like Hammarstrom.  

I think the name you meant to say was Thomas Gradin.  I mean, Gradin’s mother even babysat Naslund as a child!



skip to the 1 minute 10 second mark.


Gradin, I believe also had a hand in drafting Ohlund.


Solid career as a Canuck player.  Even better career as a Canuck scout.  A legendary Canuck that often gets overlooked.

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3 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

Canuck's Nation & Season Ticket Holders demand ownership step up in front of the microphone at a news conference and explain what the game plan is and answer all questions from reporters.   It's been 7 years now with JB & Co. and we're right back at square one - actually much worse this year than back then.  The cycle of excuses and attempted distractions from JB's incompetence, like hiring Trevor and the chatter now about hiring the Sedins/Courtnall doesn't cut-it. We know that's all smoke and mirrors.  Jim Benning Has Failed this franchise and should be removed NOW!


WE (Canuck's Nation & Season Ticket Holders) WAN'T TO KNOW WHAT THE GAME PLAN IS GOING FORWARD   Be a Man Francesco and step up to the podium and answer for these sins!

This is the rationale of a 6 year old. You R a waste of time. Don't like the product then tap out. 

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9 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

I think the name you meant to say was Thomas Gradin.  I mean, Gradin’s mother even babysat Naslund as a child!



skip to the 1 minute 10 second mark.


Gradin, I believe also had a hand in drafting Ohlund.


Solid career as a Canuck player.  Even better career as a Canuck scout.  A legendary Canuck that often gets overlooked.

no, he was right, it was hammarstrom and ron delorme that found and pushed for petey. 

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The fact that fans are going to Aquilini is a bad sign in itself, this should be directed towards a team president. Owner should not be this involved in the messaging and running of a team.


The team owes it's customers something that can generate consumer confidence, from a strictly business standpoint. 


And like others pointed out, if this is the best the team's got and it's not good enough for you, then the Canucks aren't entitled to your money. And just leave it at that. 

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18 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

I think the name you meant to say was Thomas Gradin.  I mean, Gradin’s mother even babysat Naslund as a child!



skip to the 1 minute 10 second mark.


Gradin, I believe also had a hand in drafting Ohlund.


Solid career as a Canuck player.  Even better career as a Canuck scout.  A legendary Canuck that often gets overlooked.

Gradin brought us Sedins, and all the other players from Modo.

A pity Inge Hammarström wasn’t with us when Foppa was drafted. 
Inge was the guy behind Flyers drafting Foppa Forsberg in the same way Petey was drafted by us.

Think of Foppa with the Canucks…

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5 minutes ago, DSVII said:

The fact that fans are going to Aquilini is a bad sign in itself, this should be directed towards a team president. Owner should not be this involved in the messaging and running of a team.


The team owes it's customers something that can generate consumer confidence, from a strictly business standpoint. 


And like others pointed out, if this is the best the team's got and it's not good enough for you, then the Canucks aren't entitled to your money. And just leave it at that. 

I wonder if the Aquilini's want to keep top management positions within the family.  Kinda like passing on the business to the next generation.

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6 minutes ago, BPA said:

I wonder if the Aquilini's want to keep top management positions within the family.  Kinda like passing on the business to the next generation.

You can still have that as Director of the Board. Even on Wall Street it's the CEO that usually answers to the press. 

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8 minutes ago, Timråfan said:

Gradin brought us Sedins, and all the other players from Modo.

A pity Inge Hammarström wasn’t with us when Foppa was drafted. 
Inge was the guy behind Flyers drafting Foppa Forsberg in the same way Petey was drafted by us.

Think of Foppa with the Canucks…

I cry about it all the time thinking “what if”.:lol:


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knew how this thread would go just from reading the title, and CDC did not disappoint. :lol:


Fan protests and “demands” always seems a bit pointless and childish.


And the one position in hockey where you kind of get to do whatever the **** you want, is team owner, so long as you don’t run afoul of the NHL or break any of the basic governing agreements.


So yeah, Frankie doesn’t owe us anything.




We also know that the Aquilinis are very reactive, and even stuff that seems really dumb, like flying #FireBenning banners,, chanting “fire Gillis,” wearing anti-ownership/management T-shirts, holding rallies/protests, negative press stories about “fan confidence,” angry social media posts, and the like, are all things that ownership notices and reacts to. 

It all has an effect, and these owners will react. Their approach and actions are greatly influenced by whatever feedback they’re getting from the fans.


JB appears to have been given another year, for the time being, so the #FireBenning movement did not (yet) succeed. However, the conversation around Benning’s job security has certainly changed, and that’s mostly because of the fans. Jim already came much closer to getting canned this year than he would have without the actions of the anti-JB fan movement, and he’s not out of the hot seat, by any means.

Same thing goes for ownership bringing in all these new advisors, and looking to give themselves cover, by bringing in former players, especially the universally loved Sedins.

Probably none of that happens, if Canucks fans were simply united in their positivity and agreement with the plan and approach taken by this team.


So, while a lot of this stuff may seem, to many on CDC, like a bunch of petulant, wet diaper, childish fans throwing silly tantrums, the fact remains that ownership does notice and react to negative fan sentiments, and it does shift their approach to how the team is run.

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Welcome to the new reality. This isn't the 24-26 or even 28 team league anymore. Starting in the new season, the reality is no matter how good you play, HALF the league will not make the playoffs. And due to the cap every team has warts. It's not as simple as be a GM in NHL 21. This was Benning's worst season as GM. As long as he learns from it and the team improves. Can you be upset? Sure. Scream, rant and rave all you want. But in the end you're still back in the same place. 


Getting a new GM doesn't wave a magic wand and everything gets fixed. Even with a new GM they would have to evaluate the team in league play to see what players they want to keep, what to trade. Hell the whole summer would be seeing who stays and goes in the organization.  So the "instant gratification" isn't going to happen. 


Love to see how this social media generation would have responded to the late 80's Canucks. Where there was truly no hope, no plan, and they trade a quality guy Cam Neely for a guy on paper that was getting points. Only to see the trade blow up in our faces. Thank God Quinn was brought in right the ship. 


If you think this is bad, wow.  You don't know Canucks history. 

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10 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

I cry about it all the time thinking “what if”.:lol:


I just remembered it could have been Henrik Zetterberg also together with Foppa and Jagr...  But I don't know if the Canucks was able to choose any of them before they were.


Here is a fun interview to read about how Inge scouted and pushed about Foppa. A lot of similarities to Petey.

He used the same reference about Petey as he does with Foppa in hus interview. Something like" Even Stewie Wonder can see how good he is".




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4 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

Canuck's Nation & Season Ticket Holders demand ownership step up in front of the microphone at a news conference and explain what the game plan is and answer all questions from reporters.   It's been 7 years now with JB & Co. and we're right back at square one - actually much worse this year than back then.  The cycle of excuses and attempted distractions from JB's incompetence, like hiring Trevor and the chatter now about hiring the Sedins/Courtnall doesn't cut-it. We know that's all smoke and mirrors.  Jim Benning Has Failed this franchise and should be removed NOW!


WE (Canuck's Nation & Season Ticket Holders) WAN'T TO KNOW WHAT THE GAME PLAN IS GOING FORWARD   Be a Man Francesco and step up to the podium and answer for these sins!

Lol.  Yeah, because nothing inspires confidence like a media session with Francesco Aquilini.  

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13 minutes ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

Probably none of that happens, if Canucks fans were simply united in their positivity and agreement with the plan and approach taken by this team.


So, while a lot of this stuff may seem, to many on CDC, like a bunch of petulant, wet diaper, childish fans throwing silly tantrums, the fact remains that ownership does notice and react to negative fan sentiments, and it does shift their approach to how the team is run.

The problem, for me,  is that none of us really know what's happening on the inside...and that's what matters most.


We have a lot of instant gratification fans...the ones who show up and boo if we're struggling.  Leave.  They feel the team owes them on a regular basis and don't really recognize how tough it is to win all the time.  For some (many?), it's "win or bust" but there's no in between or patience.


As a really long time fan, we're seeing some pretty exciting competitive hockey when the team isn't being stretched as thin as it was this season.  Sure, last season they struggled too but what these fans ignore is the facts.  Injuries really do matter and they ignore that.  The flipside of that IS depth, and that means you survive the injuries fairly intact and can manage through them.  But we're slowly being able to fill in some holes from the cupboard stock and that hasn't always been.


I know there are some who have a mob mentality and go along with the "movement" more than fully digest it.   Always complaining.  


Pressuring ownership into reacting to the screaming may have them do things that make us worse, not better.  I've seen that side of it ... and it scares me.


I've said for awhile that I'm not opposed to change.  But be careful what you wish for...the grass isn't always greener.  Look back at the threads of "FIRE [insert name here]" to see this is an ongoing saga.

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Hey Francesco, how 'bout them Jets? :ph34r:


The only way to make the owners listen is by not buying merchandise or going to games. Stay home, watch ot on your big screen, enjoy your cheaper drinks and food, no lineups at the washroom!  I'm perfectly happy wearing my Naslund jersey until those bozos fix this.

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FA doesn't owe us eff all, he can sell this team to anyone he wants tomorrow and still owe us nothing.


Technically he can fire and pay everyone minimum pay and ice a team full of AHLers that meets the bottom line requirement set by NHL and there is still nothing we can do about it.


Yea, vote with your wallet and protest all you want. But at the end on the day, the Canucks is a privately owned entity and if FA wants to shut entry to fans and only allow his business buddies to each game without violating any agreement with the NHL, he can do just that.

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