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Ray Ferraro calls out Sekeres.

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26 minutes ago, MoneypuckOverlord said:



I'm not sure where to post this, if it gets removed I won't look sleep.



Smoke Blower Matt Sekeres, started rumours as far as  Boeser being on the trade block going back to the Canucks last year playoff run.  He timed it perfectly at a point where he gets the most attention.  Brock Boeser comes out and says he has no clue what that was about so did Jim Benning. 


couple months ago, he accuses Quinn Hughes of being on TRT, which is also something not true and can make Quinn look bad if he was doing it, but he wasn't.  


More importantly he also made it sound like Nate Smitdht has demanded a trade, which Nate also was like I don't know where this came from.

I am glad Matt Sekeres gets his ass called out by Ferraro.  Someone reputable for once is calling him out although many normal folks have called us Sekere's bull $&!#. 

Sekeres is a trouble maker for sure.   Almost as bad as guys like JD Burke and Thomas Drance. 


Kudos to Ray Ferraro for putting him in his place.   


I also don't understand how Dan Riccio can tolerate the morons surrounding him over at 650 sports net.   

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So say Buffalo doesn't take him, and they take like Eklund of Beniers.....


Seattle takes Powers and we get our butts kicked by him for the next 8 years or so.


Never hoped for a kids career to die in Buffalo more.  Even if I still think Powers might be a shade overated

Edited by Warhippy
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1 minute ago, Dazzle said:

I would LOVE for someone reputable to call out Sekeres. We all know he's full of $&!# - but how is this particular post an example of that?

We're reallllllllllly reaching if we consider this to be "calling out" someone?


Sekeres merely asked a question - and Ferraro answered it.

Exactly, when Ray Ferraro calls you out - you know it. Ray doesn’t mince words when you irritate him, and he irritates easily.

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Within a few tweets Sekeres basically invented this whole narrative that Owen Powers is a problem case who doesn't want to be in Buffalo, its amazing the lengths he'll go to for a few likes and some attention. Really awesome to see Ferraro just shut him down; even though it means we don't have to listen to Sekeres on air anymore, I miss having TSN 1040 around because I always really liked Ferraro's interviews and insight.

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When Sekeres isn't reporting BS, he's creating narratives.  He likes to make these inferences, often spinning it as profound and logical.  For Powers, him going back to Michigan has to be tied to the Eichel situation in BUF....


One thing about VAN media is how they like to circle the wagons.  This Ferraro example is good because it shows how little disagreement exists within VAN media.  


It's annoying but you've got lots of stuff to tune into if you're a Canucks fan.  I'd love to see some of these guys reactions if the Canucks turn things around 






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Sekeres is full of sh$@ we all know that.


That being said if there was ever a time for a 1st overall pick to pull a Lindros this would be it.


I wouldn’t blame him one bit for taking his career into his own hands. Buffalo has wasted too much promising young talent.

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6 hours ago, Patel Bure said:

Sekeres is a trouble maker for sure.   Almost as bad as guys like JD Burke and Thomas Drance. 


Kudos to Ray Ferraro for putting him in his place.   


I also don't understand how Dan Riccio can tolerate the morons surrounding him over at 650 sports net.   

check out the entire tweet.  Matt proceeds to ask Ray what would he do if he had a choice between Buffalo Seattle or Anahiem?    What a duchebag.  Dude is a great A troll.  He gets called out then proceeds to question the 1000 game NHLer what a disrespectful clown. 

Edited by MoneypuckOverlord
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1 hour ago, MoneypuckOverlord said:

check out the entire tweet.  Matt proceeds to ask Ray what would he do if he had a choice between Buffalo Seattle or Anahiem?    What a duchebag.  Dude is a great A troll.  He gets called out then proceeds to question the 1000 game NHLer what a disrespectful clown. 

Vancouver has some of the worst media members in all of hockey.  JD Burke is flat out of cancerous to Canucks hockey.   

Sekers isn’t too far behind.

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4 hours ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:


Sekeres is the worst. He lies, straight up. Makes up many of his stories.


Drance and Burke can be annoying af, but they don’t really lie. They get some things wrong, but usually they’re clear when they are presenting speculation and opinion, versus reporting actual facts. When they report something, it’s usually true, and when it’s not, it’s usually just because of a bad source (or them getting tricked and used by a source seeking to spread disinformation). But they don’t straight up make stuff up and try to pass it off as news coming from “sources close to the team.”


Sekeres is shockingly dishonest. I listened to him recently (the one and only time) on his podcast and it was just pumping lie after lie, and several that I could personally verify as false, and presenting it all as factual, “insider,” Canucks news. 

And he’s been behind so much dishonest reporting that’s been the flashpoint for false narratives and disinformation that spreads like wildfire through the market, both on social media, and the conventional, “legitimate” sports media in Vancouver.

Just brutal. He has to be the worst in this market, past or present, when it comes to having absolutely zero journalistic integrity.


I don’t know why anyone listens to him. Certainly can’t understand why he’s even tolerated by his peers in the media, because he makes them all look bad. And at this point, I can’t really understand why anyone in the general public still has time for him, given how many times he’s been caught deceiving his own audience.

JD Burke doesn’t lie but he’s worse in the sense that he’ll take a fact and completely distort it.  The dude is flat out cancerous to Canucks hockey.   Agreed with that Sekeres is a POS as well.


Only guy on 650 who knows his stuff inside and out and talks objectively is Dan Riccio in my opinion.

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19 minutes ago, Alflives said:

First time I heard this guy’s voice I stopped listening.  Just don’t listen, and he will fade away into nothingness soon enough.  

He definitely has a voice made for newspapers.

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Saying this is "calling him out" is pretty random and is inventing a narrative as badly or worse as Sekeres does.

This doesn't show Ferraro "calling him out" even remotely.  It just suggests Ferraro doesn't agree with him.

I am happy not to listen to Sekeres anymore and happily listen to the Donnie and Dhali show instead with an occasional Rintoul filtered in when he has a good guest.

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