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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Philadelphia Flyers | Oct. 15, 2021

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-Vintage Canuck-

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10 hours ago, wallstreetamigo said:

If you are waving your stick in another players face for any reason you have to know there is a chance you are getting called. It was a mistake by OEL to be careless with his stick that unfortunately he paid the price for.


The icing could have gone either way really. It was pretty close. Had the puck not bounced so far out off the end boards it’s likely not called. I personally thought the Philly player still had the front position on Highmore when the whistle went. Was pissed as a Canuck fan but realistically it was too close to suggest it was a botched call. 

So he slashed him in the face?  Because that was the call.


If you were pissed then you're not really convincing me of the icing, either.

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5 hours ago, spook007 said:

This bolded part should be pinned...

Not just this ding dong, but for a lot of debates, where several posters on these boards think, their opinions are far more important than others. Not naming anyone or pointing fingers at anyone.............

hope this helps...

I saw what you did there:ph34r:

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10 hours ago, wallstreetamigo said:

And like I have said, building confidence in a player is a lot harder than destroying it for a coach. 

So I'm quite sure he left feeling confident after his goal and a win for the team.


But let's just say he's in there in the third and things unravel and they lose.  We don't know what the outcome would have been if things changed.  Do you think his confidence would be higher?  Because he contributed to the "loss", but scored.  Or do you think leaving with his first goal in a game that the team left celebrating a win had him feeling pretty good?


You should try celebrating the wins...it's a much better way to do this.  Carrying a narrative over year after year gets tiring.  It's a new team, fresh start and we're doing ok so far.  There's reason to be positive and not ONLY look for things to debate.  Don't worry, be happy.  :)

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44 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

So he slashed him in the face?  Because that was the call.


If you were pissed then you're not really convincing me of the icing, either.

We get the benefit of hindsight and slow motion replay. 


But in real time, Ref obviously thought it was a high stick.  But probably realized it was the puck that hit the guy in the face (after talking with other ref/linesman).  Then made that $&!#ty call of slashing.  Also Refs probably wanted to even up the calls (game management) too.


Not fair but we won.  

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29 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

OMG I love this.  :towel:

It's decided....my next jersey is a Miller jersey.   Petey's got the death stare...Miller's got the death glare.


Looks more like a passport photo to me.  Good to see that he wore his Canuck jersey for the occasion, helps with the occupation questioning. 

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31 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

I think Podz has great puck possession skills and would be great at protecting a lead. He attacks the puck, good on the boards and he is responsible defensively. 

All very true, and I think we’ll see him used to protect leads this season.

Just not in his 2nd NHL game.


I find it easy to understand Green’s decision. 4-2 lead going into the 3rd period, on the road, against a well coached team in their home opener. You know there’s going to be a pushback coming. So Green shortens his bench. Sits Chiasson, which is obvious. And then sits his too worst performing players on differentials. Dowling and Podkolzin were both only 25% CF% at 5v5 on the night. Nearly 20 points worse than the next Canucks forward. Green gets stats reports delivered between periods and you know he uses them to make his decisions. 

And also, he’s just protecting Podkolzin. We saw through camp that Pod needed a little help with his confidence, and how he responded from that “talk” with his coach. He’s a young guy and finding his way. Maybe he would’ve gotten a boost from being played protecting the lead in the 3rd, but maybe he ends up on the ice when the Flyers score, and that shakes his confidence. He’d already gotten the goal and had a good individual game. Nothing wrong with saying “good job, kid, we’ll take it from here.” Canucks still pull out the win, and Podkolzin gets to take celebratory pictures post-game with his first goal puck. Great result.


And really, if you’re going three lines to protect a lead on the road, the players Green used were his best options, and the choices that made sense, based on overall performance that night.


Dowling and Podkolzin were getting cratered on possession. And Chiasson isn’t really the guy you want out there to protect a lead (even though he had a great night statistically).


I’d probably have made the same call as Green, if I were coaching that game. 

(And I love Podkolzin and think he’s going to be an amazing two-way NHL player and one of the most trustworthy defensive forwards on the team, eventually.)

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9 hours ago, DefCon1 said:

Once Boeser and Motte get back, I expect even better stats with more goals. Boeser bumps Hoglander to 3rd line and give Podkolzin and Dickenson a real boost while Motte and Highmore will make that 4th line play more on the offensive zone.








I don't think Greener will put Pod in a position for a while yet where he has to play hard matchups. 


I think our healthy lineup will look like


 Miller Pete Boeser

Pearson Horvat Garland 

Hog Dicky Motte

Chaisson Lammi Pod


I think Highmore is the odd man out as he's more of what we have in Motte Hog Garland........ Lite. 


Chia Lammi Pod makes the most sense to me as a heavy utility line that can take advantage of matchups or be put in the blender.  


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9 hours ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

Great showing by our top players, glad to see Miller, Petey, OEL and Hughes make strong plays, Demko didn't have much of a chance on our goals against, our PK and defence, particularly Poolman, weren't very good tonight. We shouldn't be letting up late 2 goal advantages but found a way, have to play with more confidence to end a game. Dreadful defending on the last 2 goals. 


Chiasson and Podz scoring proves our depth, this team finally has some good 3rd and 4th liners who aren't just pylons but who can score. Our 4th line were pretty useless but we've got a great 3rd line developing now with Chiasson and Dickinson and they play a hard game as well.


Lots of things to tighten up on the PK and defensively but we're scoring goals and got pretty lucky tonight with the bounces. Hope we'll be able to contain Bertuzzi tomorrow night...


1st period was all Flyers 

2nd period was all us 

3rd period was mostly all us until the last three minutes when Flyers poured it on and OEL took that penalty.  I actually don't have any issues with the call or with the icing call.  Highmore beat the opposition to the hashmarks but the puck had bounced on the wrong side and so while the Flyer dman was half a step behind, he was closer to the puck and probably would've been able to touch it first.  Still don't see why they blew the play down before the players had a chance to touch the puck, nobody was at risk of getting run into the boards which is the primary reason why they implemented the early icing call to begin with. 

OT was all us 


We did also get lucky with that one Elias bounce no doubt, but I wouldn't call any other goals lucky, they were just hard work around the net.  


One other thing, I think that Highmore has developed into a top notch forechecker, shot blocker and just generally a guy that you can throw out there against anyone.  Pretty happy with both Chiasson and Dickie, but Highmore to me has been the most effective bottom of the lineup guy for 2 games + 18 games to end last season. 


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7 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

So, anyone heard if they've announced the parade route yet?


(You can sure tell we've come off a really bad year with the fan reaction tonight after we're only 1-1/2 after 2 games) 




We're allowed to cheer for our team and even be *gasp* excited by a win. 


There's a captcha thingie to see if you're a bot or not, why can't we have one of those here to prove you're not a troll. Then we wouldn't have pages of stupid debates that we have to wade through for a snippet of real hockey talk. Not singling anyone out just an observation. 

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2 minutes ago, buddhahoodlum said:

We're allowed to cheer for our team and even be *gasp* excited by a win. 


There's a captcha thingie to see if you're a bot or not, why can't we have one of those here to prove you're not a troll. Then we wouldn't have pages of stupid debates that we have to wade through for a snippet of real hockey talk. Not singling anyone out just an observation. 

I actually think private, invite/permission only threads for gdt would be a good step

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6 hours ago, IBatch said:

Thanks Spook ... had the absolute pleasure to watch that live with my brother, who loves the Canucks probably more then i do which is hard to do - first time since we watched a live game just before covid started and because of covid was restricted for travel to meet up ... it was awesome.   Didn't even know it was Keith taking the hit at first ... loved that no penalty on the play, loved that we got the PP, refs got it right.    Myers was awesome in the bubble - sure he's prone to gaffs, so was Edler (with Hamonic out too bad we didn't re-sign him for the third pairing and PK!!)...Last night he made a great play to help Podz get his first goal.   Guys like Myers often age like fine wine - i'm sure he will get another deal once he's done this contract too.   Cheers! 

Every player makes gaffs from time to time, though some more than others. The nice thing is we have a high IQ defender in OEL who knows how to cover for his teamamtes. If the OEL-Meyers pairing can keep up their current level of play we will have something special on our hands. 

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8 hours ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

Rookies also realize this is how things work sometimes and you realize it's 2 games right? 

Podz doesn't strike me as a diva, quite the opposite. 

Anyone who thinks Podz would actually feel this way after 2 games because that's how they would feel were the kind of rookie teammates that ended up with no eyebrows and tiger balm on their jock strap back in college.


Wanting more ice time has nothing to do with being a diva though. I didn’t say he was complaining about it, etc. I said, and this is based on working with professional athletes including NHL players and knowing hundreds of them, that it’s very easy for them to lose confidence especially if their coach doesn’t have a lot in them. They all want to play more. And the often repeated mantra that you earn what you get is probably the biggest lie in professional sports. Coaches who say they are protecting a player are really saying they don’t trust that player. Trust takes time and so does development and hopefully Green will see something in Podkolzin that he can trust. But looking at how Podkolzin has played in his small sample size, I guess I don’t really see why he can’t be trusted in 3rd periods either with the lead or without it. 

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7 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Wanting more ice time has nothing to do with being a diva though. I didn’t say he was complaining about it, etc. I said, and this is based on working with professional athletes including NHL players and knowing hundreds of them, that it’s very easy for them to lose confidence especially if their coach doesn’t have a lot in them. They all want to play more. And the often repeated mantra that you earn what you get is probably the biggest lie in professional sports. Coaches who say they are protecting a player are really saying they don’t trust that player. Trust takes time and so does development and hopefully Green will see something in Podkolzin that he can trust. But looking at how Podkolzin has played in his small sample size, I guess I don’t really see why he can’t be trusted in 3rd periods either with the lead or without it. 


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2 hours ago, -DLC- said:

So I'm quite sure he left feeling confident after his goal and a win for the team.


But let's just say he's in there in the third and things unravel and they lose.  We don't know what the outcome would have been if things changed.  Do you think his confidence would be higher?  Because he contributed to the "loss", but scored.  Or do you think leaving with his first goal in a game that the team left celebrating a win had him feeling pretty good?


You should try celebrating the wins...it's a much better way to do this.  Carrying a narrative over year after year gets tiring.  It's a new team, fresh start and we're doing ok so far.  There's reason to be positive and not ONLY look for things to debate.  Don't worry, be happy.  :)

Like I said, overall I am happy with the changes and the team has played ok so far. 

I guess I sort of don’t get your second point. I don’t know of a single NHL player who would not want to be on the ice, win or lose. I’ve never heard a player say, “Wow, I’m sure glad the coach didn’t put me out there in the 3rd or we might have lost.”


Confidence in players is very fickle. They can lose it quickly and it can be hard to gain back. Benching players in 3rd periods when there is really no reason to based on their play is a pretty quick way for a coach to kill a players confidence.


Last nights game is actually the perfect example of why teams that can roll 4 lines and 3 D pairings tend to win more consistently. OEL’s penalty was a bad mistake by him. Probably due to desperation and fatigue more than anything. Maybe those guys tasked with shutting down the last few minutes of a game would not be quite as tired if throughout the game the 4th line and 3rd D pairing could take a few minutes more time. 

Hockey is a team game. And even a few minutes of ice time can make a difference. Benning set the team up to be able to use all the players in roles and decent minutes. Seems Green doesn’t trust a bunch of them though. 

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3 hours ago, Jetliner said:

Lol dunno about this team. Honestly is the same for the past 3 years. Can't play defense, can't hold onto leads

So you are going to base the entire season on a three minute stretch of a single game?  Check the standings.  Apparently it's not all doom and gloom.  There is a bit of concern about blowing the lead, but unless it happens often, it's nothing to worry about.  The last goal was a brilliant shot on a good play.  It's the goal before that that needs addressing, but should be easy to fix since it was a d-man getting caught too high in the zone that blew that coverage (I won't say who because he's had two great games other than that one mistake).

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