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[PGT] Nashville Predators at Vancouver Canucks | Nov. 05, 2021

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3 minutes ago, grandmaster said:

Special teams killed us again. This is a coaching issue. X’s and O’s. When is management going to deal with this?

What penalty killers do we have on this roster? Benning gave him those players. The depth in this organization is terrible still in terms of the next wave of penalty killers. I don’t think Green is the right coach but come on he was given a team with very little penalty killers.

Edited by Canuckfanforlife82
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1 minute ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

What penalty killers do we have on this roster? Benning gave him those players. The depth in this organization is terrible still in terms of the next wave of penalty killers. I don’t think Green is the right coach but come on he was given a team with very little penalty killers.

Jason Dickenson and soon Tyler Motte are the leaders in this department. Regardless, any player can learn to penalty kill, including our top players. 

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16 minutes ago, DS4quality said:

Didn't Elliott Friedman and the media tell us 'WE NEED TO SIGN TRAVIS GREEN?'

Why? These aren't this season problems,  they've actually gone on for 5 years, with the exception of the bubble.

A coach who uses the bag skate to judge his players isn't my type of coach. 

I think there's a reason it took us a long time to re-sign him. I believe management didn't want him back but the pressure from Greens friend from the media kinda forced them to. 


I remember all summer the narrative was how it would be a huge mistake not to re-sign him, but right now its looking like the only mistake JB has made.


TG talks to the media likes he's a HOF coach with 20 years of coaching exp but he has done $&!# at this level. Every post game he says the same played out answers. Ever listen to veteran coaches like Tippett after a game? He points out what went wrong and how to get better. TG just compliments the other team with cliches. that's a losing mentality.










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2 minutes ago, grandmaster said:

Jason Dickenson and soon Tyler Motte are the leaders in this department. Regardless, any player can learn to penalty kill, including our top players. 

I don't want to see a single top player on the PK blocking shots 

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3 minutes ago, Silky mitts said:

GM hope they push for McFarland in offseason. 

coach I don’t know just frustrated right now , green is under more hot water than benning right now imo

True. I've never seen Green so relieved as over the win the other night. He knows he's skating on thin ice. 

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6 minutes ago, grandmaster said:

Jason Dickenson and soon Tyler Motte are the leaders in this department. Regardless, any player can learn to penalty kill, including our top players. 

Should you really go into a season without top notch penalty killers? Jason Dickenson has not been known to be a top penalty killer and he’s bad at faceoffs so I don’t really know why you through him in there and if your hoping players learn to be penalty killers your in big trouble.

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I’ve been lenient with Green because he hasn’t always had the best of groups to work with, but thus far this season the team’s been playing worse than the sum of its parts. If the team doesn’t turn it around quick, he needs to go. 

Still doesn’t excuse Pettersson’s play though. Signing such a lucrative bridge deal and then playing like this handicaps the team. I hope he’s feeling the heat. 

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5 hours ago, alucard said:

Fire green, hire Babcock, give this team a psychologic shakeup, boost their mentality.

come on, otherwise this season is a lost season like last year and this kind of seasons 

are so damaging to the core`s mentality and fans relationship with organization.

do it Benning it must be done,Green has had enough time. chasing his own tail.

I think it's time to bring Babs back into the NHL. He's a great hockey mind but his methods were too old school. 

If he is as smart as everyone said he was when TO hired him, I'm sure he learned from it and it's worth giving him another shot. 

He's like a smarter technical version of D Sutter. I know Babs wouldn't put up with the crap we're seeing on the ice. 

I love Boes but he blew it on the back check yesterday. We see Miller do the same quite often. 

Babs will make this team play with no quit or their butts will be shipped out of here. 

Time for a culture change. 

Bag skate in preseason was a joke. What a waste of time. 


I was reminded how important coaching was today. 

My son had a soccer game today. Imagine a group of privileged kids from the west side with privileged coaching come strolling into a multi ethnic stadium with parents from all diversities and lower income neighborhoods. Their players looked like athletes. My wife thought our boys would get killed. When the game started, the difference between great natural athletes vs a well coached less athletic team was night and day. Our kids blew them out. Their footwork, ball support, "systems" was night and day. I say priveleged because our kids are priveleged. But they are part of a system / league where resources are spent on top level coaches who demand their best. So even though they're not the best natural athletes, they do what their told. 

I can say the same. I'm a normal guy but going to a good school with a great sports porgram allowed me to go on and play university level sports. I know if I had crappy coaching, there's no way I would have even had a sniff of collegiate sports. 

Long winded way of saying we need a new coach. Our talented athletes are playing at 60% potential. 




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Ok.   Is anyone getting frustrated yet!   I'm getting frustrated.   Like f!ck!   We keep losing one goal games.   That's better then getting blown out, our start last season was actual trash plus plus plus plus.   Ugh.   Green last night, put the Lotto line out after breaking them up for the last 30 seconds.   It worked!   I listened to the first period on the radio and went to bed thinking - man we've got this (and watched Brock Boeser's goal (waited up to see it posted) .. it was a great goal!)... then woke up and saw the score.   Argggh.   Keep saying we need a bigger sample size.   Still 15-20 games for me.    Yes we are .500 in November too.   But i'm starting to worry too.   

Edited by IBatch
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29 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Should you really go into a season without top notch penalty killers? Jason Dickenson has not been known to be a top penalty killer and he’s bad at faceoffs so I don’t really know why you through him in there and if your hoping players learn to be penalty killers your in big trouble.

You're a miserable little guy eh?



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Players have changed and the team still stinks, playing boring & unmotivated hockey. Last night there were glimmers of hope, however, I believe that's only because our team has skills to shine through at times.


The home opener was a huge eye opener that despite being in front of fans for the first time in 500+ days, we played like game 82 of the regular season where we weren't making the playoffs.


This group is UNMOTIVATED. We need a new MOTIVATOR. It's not rocket science. Green's leash has been long enough.


Management needs to accept the glaring holes in our system that were evident even before the bubble - and stop trying to force it with Green. We still rely on goaltending and special teams way too much to ever be a cup conterder, and that comes back to the system. The same, boring, passive, weak system that Green has deployed since he was hired.

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41 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

What penalty killers do we have on this roster? Benning gave him those players. The depth in this organization is terrible still in terms of the next wave of penalty killers. I don’t think Green is the right coach but come on he was given a team with very little penalty killers.

Lol.   Think about it for a minute (and i agree TG was given crap for PK to start the year).    Our left side was OEL, QHs and Rathbone.   Even if OEL wasn't just on the ice (good chance he was!) OR even worse, he's the guy who took the penalty ... who's TG got to put our on the second unit?   Found out the very first game ... it was Rathbone who went out.    Your bottom pairing and bottom six guys have to be capable of taking this role on.   No surprise Rathbone was put down into the AHL again.   Who's fault is it?  I don't really know.  TG and JB really (OJ killed penalties at least!).   Our left side was a team strength that now isn't so strong.   Burroughs did fine considering (yes i know right side).   


All this said now Hamonic is back i'm willing to wait another five games before bringing out a pitchfork like a lot of CDCers already have.    I'm happy with the overall effort.   The results not really. And EP ... f!ck dude do something already. 

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1 hour ago, Ghostsof1915 said:


Lets preface this, I am savagely mad.  Decades I have been watching this team.

I really love Petey.  (Swedish heritage)

But someone needs to start chanting Louie Louie everytime he steps on the ice.  If that doesn't light a fire under his ass, ........I just don't know what to think.

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