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[GDT] December 16, 2021 Vancouver Canucks (13-15-2) @ San Jose Sharks (15-13-1) at 7:30 pm on SportsNet TV and Radio 650

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39 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Journalistic integrity has suffered under the advent of social media. Now that the average human attention span is measured in seconds instead of minutes, the proliferation of quick news bites (that don't have to necessarily be completely vetted) has made the provision of information all about speed instead of accuracy. 

Part of the problem too is that people have a hard time distinguishing real journalists from the basement youtubers/bloggers.  There's more information at your fingertips than there has ever been in the history of humanity, but 99% of it is complete horse crap.

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1 minute ago, Dekey Pete said:

Part of the problem too is that people have a hard time distinguishing real journalists from the basement youtubers/bloggers.  There's more information at your fingertips than there has ever been in the history of humanity, but 99% of it is complete horse crap.

Due to the advent of social media. The average person isn't really very discerning in their search for the truth anymore. If something confirms what they already feel (rather than know), they go with it. Hell, quite a few "fact-checking" websites, if you dig deep enough into them, are biased. 


The truth is out there, but finding it is near impossible. 

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3 minutes ago, Dekey Pete said:

Part of the problem too is that people have a hard time distinguishing real journalists from the basement youtubers/bloggers.  There's more information at your fingertips than there has ever been in the history of humanity, but 99% of it is complete horse crap.

Delicious ironing...Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with a clothes iron

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17 minutes ago, tas said:

dhaliwal is a joke who fabricates nonsense and pissed all his actual sources down the drain with his loose lips. 

Can't stand him, but I listen to Donnie & Dhali almost every day anyway. He might do pretty decent in their trivia, but he's ignorant. He also yells a lot, which annoys me. I imagine his household being very loud, everyone yelling at each other so they can be heard.  

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23 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Due to the advent of social media. The average person isn't really very discerning in their search for the truth anymore. If something confirms what they already feel (rather than know), they go with it. Hell, quite a few "fact-checking" websites, if you dig deep enough into them, are biased. 


The truth is out there, but finding it is near impossible. 

News in general is no longer news. It's entertainment. It's the tiktok twitter age. 5 seconds or less. 

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48 minutes ago, FaninMex said:

Why are you just noticing this now?

Like when Sekeres or Drance stated that Hughes was on IV then Dhali and the trifecta all started saying a source said. It was just them quoting each other and pushing it until the rest of media and CDC said where there is smoke there is fire garbage and it became truth. Hughes finally had to call them out.

How many times now has Dhali and Donnie had on their show  someone say the media is horrible and they quote them and make a big laugh. They are proud of being slime.

I'm not sure what the big deal is about the IV fluid thing? People bring this up all the time.  It would be entirely reasonable for an org. to send their medical staff to put a few bags of fluids up for some vomiting/diarrhea affected players. Even if that player was simply hungover or had gastro rather than covid it would still be fine and doesn't mean they were that sick. Maybe it happened maybe it didn't, it doesn't mean anything, nor does it matter that they reported it. 


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1 hour ago, PhillipBlunt said:

I think since he's joined the radio show, he's improved.


I get where you're coming from though. He started off really well, just providing the facts via his Twit account, but then slowly became another speculative donkey. 

Ricky D peaked as Dan Russel's producer, and has been on a down hill slide since then.

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12 minutes ago, austy said:

I'm not sure what the big deal is about the IV fluid thing? People bring this up all the time.  It would be entirely reasonable for an org. to send their medical staff to put a few bags of fluids up for some vomiting/diarrhea affected players. Even if that player was simply hungover or had gastro rather than covid it would still be fine and doesn't mean they were that sick. Maybe it happened maybe it didn't, it doesn't mean anything, nor does it matter that they reported it. 


While I agree with the first part; taking IV fuilds happens all the time and it isn't that big of a deal. I do think reporting it when it was fasle is a big deal. Quinn was asked directly and said "no, that didn't happen. I don't know where you got that from" (exact quote might be off, but words to that effect). 

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2 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Or when we needed a D to play forward & watch Bieksa roam everywhere up the ice.:P

no I rememebr thinking is should be Bieksa but it was actually Alberts or Biega

no one is worried when its a D moving up, but an F going back is always a huge concern

Last guy I remember was Fedrerov, Sergei, not Fedor , and before that Jim Roberts and Red Kelly

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