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'Serious' allegations of child abuse levelled against Canucks owner Francesco Aquilini

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-Vintage Canuck-

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1 hour ago, Philthy said:

The perks of being born into a wealthy family.

I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just stating that this is simply family law. Which is why he needs to make a claim to review his order. Instead he stopped making payments as of September 2021.

“She said that Francesco Aquilini had provided child support up until September 2021, but then stopped payments.”





“Every child in BC has a right to child support. Parents receive child support on behalf of the child. A parent can't refuse to pay child support simply because they don't like the other parent or don't approve of how the other parent will use the money. The law says the parent the children live with most of the time is entitled to get child support from the other parent. If the children spend equal (or almost equal) time with both parents, the person with the higher income usually has to pay child support.”


 no idea cbc states they paid up til august 2022 minus the extra expense of 140k


Both parties agree that Francesco Aquilini has paid his obligated support up until August 2022.

However, Hunter said the intervention of the court has been required a number of times over the years for those payments to be made, and Francesco Aquilini now owes $140,000 in additional university expenses.

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11 minutes ago, Tre Mac said:

Just do us all a favor slumlord and sell the effing team.

Has to be an owner with deep pockets.

There's not a lot of those around. As of 2019 the Canucks are worth $740 million dollars.

We had an absentee owner before, John McCaw and all people did was moan and complain about him.


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1 hour ago, IBatch said:

The NHL is a franchise.   Owners can be bumped or forced to sell.  


But some of the cancel culture on here is a little over the top.   I'm not going to stop supporting the club because of the owner.   They come and go.   If you go there, then might as well stop NHL entirely.   Since the cap, revenue is shared both between the owners and the players, and teams.    Wealthy teams support the bad earners ... Like Florida, CAR and ARI.   


And it's a little nuts to think an adult is a kid if he goes to University, but those adults that don't go are adults.   Goofy law.   When we were kids, you were expected to get a job as a teenager, and work the summers so you had some money to start your life.   Pay for your own schooling etc.     This is about payback, and getting dirty laundry spread into the court of public opinion to hurt back.    I'm sure the money is there just from the divorce settlement.   Greed might also be a motivator.....or just pay back or both.   Karma is a b!tch in any case.   The fact the kids want nothing to do with him, is awfully telling.   


No point in taking this personally though.    Just be a good parent.    That's about the best thing you could do, be a good role model.  

Who said to stop supporting the team?

The suggestion that was made was to cut any active source of time and money (i.e season tickets, going to games, fan events) because such financial and social implications would force eventual action (i.e selling the team, announcing a restructuring, whatever).  A fairly temporary course of action to take to achieve the morally-correct thing in the long-run.

Nobody has once said that the team needs to be intellectually boycotted or forgotten about entirely, that's just hasty and sweeping rhetoric, and a contrived, spurious assumption, pushed by the "We Are All Canucks" radicals that apparently have so much "love" for the team, they'd be happy to overlook the issues at hand.  One user said it best - 3 hours of "entertainment" matter more to some than apparent human rights issues.  Whatever floats their boat, I guess.

Edited by AV.
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Interesting that nothing is said about the alleged abuse until the money stopped flowing.....


Anything is possible but what can be declared as abuse now days was considered responsible parenting when I was growing up. A pat on the butt to get your attention, raising one's voice to get a child to listen to them or taking away a video game as pinishment would be considered abusive parenting by many these days.


Hard to say what really happened here but the timing sure seems suspect as why wait until there is a dispute over money to air these allegations?

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3 minutes ago, GB5 said:

Interesting that nothing is said about the alleged abuse until the money stopped flowing.....


Anything is possible but what can be declared as abuse now days was considered responsible parenting when I was growing up. A pat on the butt to get your attention, raising one's voice to get a child to listen to them or taking away a video game as pinishment would be considered abusive parenting by many these days.


Hard to say what really happened here but the timing sure seems suspect as why wait until there is a dispute over money to air these allegations?

True or false, the allegations made have never and should never been considered responsible parenting.

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Where there's smoke, there's fire. Sheldon Kennedy spoke up as an adult against sexual predator and former junior  hockey coach Graham James. Now, the grownup Aquilini siblings are speaking up. This isn't surprising. Francesco is a ruthless bully and a monster. Pure cowardice. Karma is a "you know what" and it's finally catching up to him.

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30 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:


Maybe "outraged" is not the best word to use when trying to prove to the court of public opinion you don't have anger issues.


Why is it we often see the wealthy elites have the most abject wretched private lives?

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It's strange that these events never came up in the divorce considering custody would've been an issue no? or maybe FA was fine handing it over?


It makes sense that he would want to stop the payments if he had no indication they were attending post-secondary. But also it doesn't seem in dispute that the relationship between them & FA isn't cordial - so you can certainly understand their rationale for withholding information.


A thing I'm keeping in mind is when money gets involved things can go off the rails, and also that rich families can be weird just in general.


The acquisations are very serious & their must be some smoke (to some degree) considering their torn relationship, though I could also see this as an exaggeration in pursuit of the payments continuing (and perhaps correctly from a legal standpoint).


Regardless, it's a mess & Im gunna see how it plays out before making declarations.


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Here's a fact, Divorce is 99% of the time is a bitter bitter ending. As I recall she receved in the divorce a very large settlemment, mucho moola :) So I don't for a moment think it's about money. This is about unflicting pain as much as possible and as hurtful as possible. The good news is seems like the kids are at at uni. and once they turn 21, well who knows :)

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For those wondering why the allegations of abuse didn't get aired earlier:



Outside court, she declined to elaborate on why the marriage fell apart.

“Circumstances came to light that weren’t conducive to marriage,” she said."


This could have been anything- maybe even allegations of abuse- or not.

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This screams parental alienation.


I grew up in a broken home and my mom vilified my father. My aunts and grandparents vilified my father.


They have my little brother convinced that he's a pos. Still to this day (he's handicapped, easily manipulated) 


I have a great relationship with all my family and I just stay out of the drama and I know they are all a bit crazy lol.


But my mom and her family pushed their hatred for my dad on to their kids, grand kids and nephews.


I can imagine that millions of dollars would only exacerbate this situation. Why has this never been brought forward until the money stopped? Sounds like these "kids" have been conditioned their whole life and mom is greedy.

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