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Olli Juolevi | #48 | D


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Just now, Gooseberries said:

This. Juolevi has the ability to make team offense better without hitting the score sheet himself. I remember one game erhoff was a +5 without a single point. Think erhoff/salo when you think Juolevi. Theyou both made our offence better. They rarely topped 40 pts.

yeah. for sure. i think the erhoff and salo comparisons. salo was good defensively, and he had a rocket of a shot, was lethal in the league. he may not have put up 60 points a season, but he helped the club for sure. i'm not sure if juolevi will ever top 50 + points on a consistent basis, but i see him more of a 35-45 point guy. 

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Just now, N4ZZY said:

i'm not saying you were. i'm just saying, imo, he's going to help us down the road, even if it means that he's not the "best" dman in the draft that was taken. he's still going to be a good player. jack of all trades kind of dman, not great at any of area, but pretty average in every and all areas of his game. dunno if that's good or bad. 


NO one knows how Juolevi well develop, but I would say he is above average in every thing he does right now.

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12 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

You mean like reading hockey forums filled with people who watch him play regularly?   


Or we could listen to the homers on CDC, because they always have a great unbiased perspective, right? 

Or we could listen to people like you, who judge a player by one season. 

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1 hour ago, The 5th Line said:

 I'm not judging him by one season, I am simply discussing the season he just had.  Expressing some concerns about lowered ice time and his point totals compared to last seasons.  

Like yiu do with almost every high end prospect we have.


In every one of their threads 


There's a phrase for that kind of behavior.  I just can't recall what it is

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Didn't Olli spend a lot of his ice time paired up with a really young d partner?

He got more points than last year, helped a young d partner and played against teams that all know he is  first round pick and likely targeted every game.


I'm happy with the pick, and his progress.

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In short. I believe Juolevi will be just fine. 

He's going to be a stud dman in the NHL for a long time to come. If we ever meet Calgary in the playoffs one day, he might be the difference maker in the series. Shutting down the likes of tkachuk, monohan, etc. 

What's that saying? Defense wins championships! Gotta be able to score as well, though :P


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3 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

 He lacks aggression, meaning he will need some extra muscle to control NHL sized players.  Guy's like Stetcher lack size and strength but they are aggresive so they are successful.  And I expressed concern about him not being known as gym rat

Were the Sedins "gym rats"?  They are lightweight, have arms like pipe cleaners, and don't even skate that well, but have high-end hockey sense and understanding of the game.

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I think a season in the AHL would be good for Juolevi unless he kills it at training camp.


I think it's time for Edler to move on... be traded for picks or prospects or scoring forward


Sbisa is gone in the expansion draft.


Next seasons Defense could be


Tanev   Hutton

Stecher Tryamkin

Gubranson  Juolevi?





That's pretty thin if the injuries hit. 

Edler may not be traded if LV picks Sbisa.  It should be an interesting summer.

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2 hours ago, Sedintwinpowersactivate said:

I think a season in the AHL would be good for Juolevi unless he kills it at training camp.


I think it's time for Edler to move on... be traded for picks or prospects or scoring forward


Sbisa is gone in the expansion draft.


Next seasons Defense could be


Tanev   Hutton

Stecher Tryamkin

Gubranson  Juolevi?





That's pretty thin if the injuries hit. 

Edler may not be traded if LV picks Sbisa.  It should be an interesting summer.

Juolevi is not eligible for The AHL next season.

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9 hours ago, Hutton Wink said:

Were the Sedins "gym rats"?  They are lightweight, have arms like pipe cleaners, and don't even skate that well, but have high-end hockey sense and understanding of the game.

The sedins are some of the most well conditoned athletes in thé NHL.... gym rats.

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19 hours ago, The 5th Line said:

Personally I would draft high end offensive forward with every 1st round pick I ever had unless I thought I had an absolute steal of a defenceman in my spot.  GMJB never seems to have a 2nd round pick to use so I guess he figured he should draft a defenseman while he can.. We may have missed the boat in 2015 with Hanifin, Werenski and Provorov all going in the top 10.  3 studs.  

why the comparisons so soon.  the kid is still 18.  give him a breather.

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11 hours ago, Sedintwinpowersactivate said:

I think a season in the AHL would be good for Juolevi unless he kills it at training camp.


I think it's time for Edler to move on... be traded for picks or prospects or scoring forward


Sbisa is gone in the expansion draft.


Next seasons Defense could be


Tanev   Hutton

Stecher Tryamkin

Gubranson  Juolevi?





That's pretty thin if the injuries hit. 

Edler may not be traded if LV picks Sbisa.  It should be an interesting summer.

If Edler moves on, Sbisa would become protected. So we won't be that thin on the left side. 

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2 hours ago, Rush17 said:

why the comparisons so soon.  the kid is still 18.  give him a breather.

Because it's easy for him to whine and complain about a player who has never played an NHL game and say he isn't as good as 3 defenceman who have played NHL games. Makes a lot of sense I know. 

Edited by Camel Toe Drag
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3 hours ago, Rush17 said:

why the comparisons so soon.  the kid is still 18.  give him a breather.

Because it's important for some posters to be as obnoxiously negative as possible about Canucks. And 18 year old kids, being only partly developed and still having many flaws, provide plenty of ammunition.

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1 minute ago, The 5th Line said:

Good god you people literally can't handle any criticism without getting stressed out and wound up.  This is actually pathetic



No pal


Criticism is criticism.  it is critiquing a player based on statistical analysis and forward vision through personal first hand witnessing


The crap you spew is junk, garbage.  ZOMG stat lines, Tkachuk EHLERS


Trying to somehow fabricate a story or scenario where Juolevi is a terrible pick because you cannot fathom the fact we didn't take Tkachuk is pathetic


The best thing you could do is simply zip your lips unless you actually have a comment based on his play, not wahat you THINK is happening or assume to be a possible future scenario.


The thing we cannot stomach without getting wound up is worthless commentary like yours.

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5 hours ago, HorvatToBaertschi said:

The sedins are some of the most well conditoned athletes in thé NHL.... gym rats.

The Sedins are not gym rats they keep in shape by a doing a number of other activities. The gym has little to do with their conditioning.

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1 hour ago, The 5th Line said:



  Alright everybody do you all here that?  No more comments unless you watch him play full games.  Sorry for the inconvenience


I already told you, go read the Knights fan board.  You conveniently skipped over that part of my response so you could have an excuse to keep freaking out at me.




You are not wrong in your criticisms, but it would probably help if you gave a little context to them. I haven't seen Joulevi play a full game this year, just highlights, so I was interested in what you suggested in checking out the board by those who do watch the Knights on a regular basis. By all account from posters on the London Knights HFBoard, Joulevi is not having a good year. Posted below are all the comments that mention Joulevi in the last couple of months:



"Vande Sompel and Juolevi are playing lousy."


"Juolevi on first power play why?"


"If he cant make his time in the OHL successful he is done in hockey. As a 19 year old and 4th year player he would be returned to the OHL as it is a higher level of hockey that the finnish Jr leagues. He is not good enough to play in the Mens leagues as of now as he is struggling to dominate the O."


"Juolevi has regressed, Vancouver maybe should send him home to play in the Finnish Elite League or something? Not sure if they can or not though? They are in danger of looking like they wasted an awfully high pick IMO he has struggled badly."


"Juolevi shouldn't be in the NHL next year, but who knows what Benning will do."


"Joulevi is a bigger liability than Bouchard."


"I know I will take some heat here but Juolevi's game is really starting to grow old. It's great to be calm, cool and collected but goodness gracious does he actually ever play like he is even slightly interested in the outcome? I know go ahead flame away he is awesome, tell me the Canucks have him working on certain aspects of his game so he will excel in the NHL. But this season when it comes to him he has been a let down IMO. He seems disinterested, slow, yet he gets quality ice time on the PP with Mete?"


"Since the deadline London is 6-2-2 in January and 4-3 in February, they did fine at the start, it's just recently that the wheels have started to fall off. That being said there are a handful of players that are performing below par over the last few weeks, (Pu, Jones, Johnson) and then you have Joulevi who has regressed since last season. It's those players that have to figure it out."


"Bouchard and Juolevi seem to let guys get behind them too easily."


"Juolevi has been so weak that it really upsets the balance throughout the lineup. If Juolevi had played as well as he did last year we would not have needed to trade for MVS. With Mete out this hole on the back end widens to an infinite chasm that is impossible to plug."


"Bouchard has messed up the past few games...regardless of having scored a few goals. Erie has spoken volumes during the last two games we played against them while we're on MUTE volume. Mete is VERY MUCH missed, Joulevi needs to start playing like a 5th overall pick...not a fifth rounder. Can you sense my frustration?!?"



There was literally NOTHING positive said about Joulevi in the past couple of months. The opinion of most people on that board is that Mete has progressed past him and surpassed him on the depth charts. With that said, generally, the whole team has not been playing well as of late, lacking in motivation and drive. Joulevi could seemingly be a player that can only react to the overall teams ambition, but cannot lead the drive forward. Regardless, unless the Canucks management thinks this regression is because of the players or organization (not likely) of the London Knights, Joulevi should be back in the OHL next year, or even to a Finnish team, but not the NHL. 

Edited by HomeBrew
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42 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:



  Alright everybody do you all here that?  No more comments unless you watch him play full games.  Sorry for the inconvenience


I already told you, go read the Knights fan board.  You conveniently skipped over that part of my response so you could have an excuse to keep freaking out at me.




Knights fan board is mix of some concern about his play and his development is going just fine. Not sure what you think is proven by going there and reading almost exactly what being read here. You have a few people at that forum that dominate the discussion.

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Just now, HomeBrew said:

You are not wrong in your criticisms, but it would probably help if you gave a little context to them. I haven't seen Joulevi play a full game this year, just highlights, so I was interested in what you suggested in checking out the board by those who do watch the Knights on a regular basis. By all account from posters on the London Knights HFBoard, Joulevi is not having a good year. Posted below are all the comments that mention Joulevi in the last couple of months:



"Vande Sompel and Juolevi are playing lousy."


"Juolevi on first power play why?"


"If he cant make his time in the OHL successful he is done in hockey. As a 19 year old and 4th year player he would be returned to the OHL as it is a higher level of hockey that the finnish Jr leagues. He is not good enough to play in the Mens leagues as of now as he is struggling to dominate the O."


"Juolevi has regressed, Vancouver maybe should send him home to play in the Finnish Elite League or something? Not sure if they can or not though? They are in danger of looking like they wasted an awfully high pick IMO he has struggled badly."


"Juolevi shouldn't be in the NHL next year, but who knows what Benning will do."


"Joulevi is a bigger liability than Bouchard."


"I know I will take some heat here but Juolevi's game is really starting to grow old. It's great to be calm, cool and collected but goodness gracious does he actually ever play like he is even slightly interested in the outcome? I know go ahead flame away he is awesome, tell me the Canucks have him working on certain aspects of his game so he will excel in the NHL. But this season when it comes to him he has been a let down IMO. He seems disinterested, slow, yet he gets quality ice time on the PP with Mete?"


"Since the deadline London is 6-2-2 in January and 4-3 in February, they did fine at the start, it's just recently that the wheels have started to fall off. That being said there are a handful of players that are performing below par over the last few weeks, (Pu, Jones, Johnson) and then you have Joulevi who has regressed since last season. It's those players that have to figure it out."


"Bouchard and Juolevi seem to let guys get behind them too easily."


"Juolevi has been so weak that it really upsets the balance throughout the lineup. If Juolevi had played as well as he did last year we would not have needed to trade for MVS. With Mete out this hole on the back end widens to an infinite chasm that is impossible to plug."


"Bouchard has messed up the past few games...regardless of having scored a few goals. Erie has spoken volumes during the last two games we played against them while we're on MUTE volume. Mete is VERY MUCH missed, Joulevi needs to start playing like a 5th overall pick...not a fifth rounder. Can you sense my frustration?!?"



There was literally NOTHING positive said about Joulevi in the past couple of months. The opinion of most people on that board is that Mete has progressed past him and surpassed him on the depth charts and Joulevi. With that said, generally, the whole team has not been playing well as of late, lacking in motivation and drive. Joulevi could seemingly be a player that can only react to the overall teams ambition, but cannot lead the drive forward. Regardless, unless the Canucks management thinks this regression is because of the players or organization (not likely) of the London Knights, Joulevi should be back in the OHL next year, or even to a Finnish team, but not the NHL. 

Not what I got from that Forum there are many posting there should be no concern about his play.

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Just now, vancan2233 said:

Not what I got from that Forum there are many posting there should be no concern about his play.

Then by all means post the content because I literally just searched for his name and posted results. I did not see anyone sticking up for him or saying anything positive. 

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