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As a 'Nucks-Backer, What Burns Your Bacon?

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40 minutes ago, Where'd Luongo? said:

You're right, it could. I just don't want it to be. I am REALLY hoping for an entrance this coming season :towel:

JB’s job likely depends on it - and he likely pulls out all the stops to give them a realistic shot. Can we avoid the injury woes though?

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2 hours ago, 5Fivehole0 said:

You know what burns my bacon? These pointless negativity threads


Oh and the riots.

That's highly interpretive, with a negative slant. Go back to the first post. I merely stated the Maple Fleas antics, back a few yrs, while the Canadian Lamestream media were treating them like sacred cows. Our boys were wronged, but were always valiant(recall Honey Badger jumping in, while injured; & Millsy getting his nose dirty on Stecher's behalf).


The LEAGUE & MEDIA are big, F***ing negs, my friend. The Vancouver Canucks are ACES, in my books.

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The riots.  The league has 31 teams, that means 30 teams screw it up at some point.

Every team has had hated opponents, dirty injuries, bad reffing, bad contracts, bad management.

But we also have a violent riot.  

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2 hours ago, BCNeil said:

The riots.  The league has 31 teams, that means 30 teams screw it up at some point.

Every team has had hated opponents, dirty injuries, bad reffing, bad contracts, bad management.

But we also have a violent riot.  

That’s the result of getting worked over with the 2 rule books. 

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On 4/1/2019 at 3:05 PM, canuck73_3 said:

The series against San Jose when they had a 24-8 PP advantage there is no way we actually took penalities to that much of a difference. Ridiculous. 


I still think we would have lost the series but god damn was that officiating a joke. 

That series was one of the most blatant fix jobs in the history of sports... 


SJ has extremely smart ownership. They pay the right guys to make the wrong calls to help them win. 


Just look at game 7 this year vs Vegas... 5 minute major lol... Or look at their game 7 vs Colorado... Landeskog offside and waived the tying goal. 


Sharks are the biggest cheaters out there. 


Not to be outdone by the Penguins, Kings and Hawks though... 

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Jim Benning will most likely be replaced as GM a year from now..However, what bugs me are hatchet jobs in the media..Really seems like Ed Willes is campaigning to get his pound of flesh...Claims that the Virtanen and Juolevi selections have set the rebuild back two years..?



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On 5/10/2019 at 12:28 AM, Hindustan Smyl said:

And even before 2006, these guys weren’t exactly lighting it up.   My memory is fading now, but even before 2006, hadn’t they missed the playoffs for the better part of 7-8 years?   I seem to recall them getting a few playoff upsets during the late 90’s, but not really doing anything after that (until their cup run in 2006).

All we’ve done during the Sedin era is win more games than every other team but the Sharks.  Before that we had one other good team and a heartbreaking loss in 94.   As far as the Oilers go they got more loot than any team I can remember for dismantling their dynasty, so many first founders and top prospects and they completely screwed the pooch with that bounty of goods.  They were considered almost a sure thing at the time (as a team that would turn the corner quick and be right back into contention) and did get some decent players with those picks.   But nothing materialized.  Ranford continued to play great and then peterred out.  Weight was one of the better centres for a while but not top tier.  Ryan Smith had the best hockey hair most of his career and “Captain Canada” did his best always but it wasn’t enough.  


Growing up in the eighties with Gretzky destroying the record books and the Oilers just dominating and outscoring everyone ... they were mythical even when they were just starting their second contracts.   I have a sticker book still from the early eighties and it has 8 or 9 Oilers dressed for an all-star game.  By 86-87 they had two entire lines sent plus the coach.  Ten guys (two goalies too) And back then they only sent guys that earned it none of this nonsense they do now where every team has to be represented and fans vote guys in.  


It must be frustrating to be either a Habs or Oilers fan (maybe even Detroit) given how good they were for so long.  Since then the league has expanded 50% too which makes it a lot harder and the cap pretty much gets rid of the chance of any dynasties from forming (TB has/had the guys to do that and the cap advantage to make it stick but so far it’s a no go, reminds me of the NYR teams of the late 90s early 2000’s that had ridiculous star studded lineups but couldn’t make it work) ...


Now they have the best player in the planet on their team wasting away his best years.  And cap problems galore.   Bet they can’t wait for the next CBA and the buyouts that will come with it.  At least they have a better GM now.  


Benning might not have star power written all over him but I’m glad we have him (for now).  Drafting is KING in the new NHL, and our future relies on it as much as any other team.  

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1 hour ago, ilduce39 said:

What sucks about this is that there has been some research into how many picks turn out to be top players vs just making the nhl.  


I always reference that cullen article and it basically says the 5th and 6th picks are close to 50/50 at being top 6 / top 4 forwards or defenders in the nhl - in other words no sure things.  


While Jake and Olli haven’t made the bar yet, Pettersson and Boeser (at the 20s where it’s more like 30% go on to top 6 status) show that JB is at least batting the average.  I’d say even better considering Brock and Petey are better than “top 6” - id consider them first liners.  Then there’s Hughes who looks likely to hit as a top-4 defenceman.  Jake is a a 3rd liner right now but a lock as an NHL’er.  Olli’s strong showing in Liiga and the AHL plus injuries leave him as an uncertain rather than unlikely in my book.


The point is, the rebuild is only “set back two years” if you expect every top 10 pick to be a lock as an impact player - something the odds show isn’t realistic at all unless you’re drafting top-2. 

Great post.  This sort of logic should have its own thread.  Some guys make it.  Some don’t.  First rounders and even second rounders usually get try outs even if their play doesn’t really warrant it, later round picks fight harder to make the show.  So far only OJ hasnt made it, maybe he will maybe he won’t, but Benning is still getting it done.  I like to point out Quin with all his powers drafted Stajanov and Antoski back to back (he liked his guys big and mean which is ok, but they still have to make it).   Not every first rounder is going to make the NHL, so far only OJ hasnt and he’s at least an OK possibilty, maybe even a top four guy as we all hope.  If that happens Benning stock will get a bump for sure.

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The 2 most important factors which have plagued this team for decades is 1) Lack of push back(as a team) since the 90's and 2) inconsistency in the officiating.

If we had these 2 things in the last 2-3 decades, we would be bragging about our Cup(s) by now.

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19 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

The 2 most important factors which have plagued this team for decades is 1) Lack of push back(as a team) since the 90's and 2) inconsistency in the officiating.

If we had these 2 things in the last 2-3 decades, we would be bragging about our Cup(s) by now.

I want to point out that inconsistency in the officiating is more of a league-wide issues in my opinion and it is especially being exposed these playoffs. It would be nice if measures are put in place to assist officiating after this season is over because I think we desperately need them. I don't even think it's necessarily the fault of the officials either. (although in some cases absolutely it is the fault) The game is fast and not always easy to officiate.

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Not getting good defencemen when they were available...quality over quantity. 

Settling for Y. Weber, P. Larsson, Bartkowski, Pouliot, MDZ etc, etc. Burns me ever since JB took over.


p.s. time to move on from Tanev an Hutton.

Edited by Pete M
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22 hours ago, Pete M said:

Not getting good defencemen when they were available...quality over quantity. 

Settling for Y. Weber, P. Larsson, Bartkowski, Pouliot, MDZ etc, etc. Burns me ever since JB took over.


p.s. time to move on from Tanev an Hutton.

I call this filling holes with PLUGS. We are finally seeing the team filling the team with "quality" and pulling out the "plugs". Hutton never panned out to anything so he is a plug who will eventually be pulled from the team as will Tanev because of his injuries. Hughes will make this transition a little easier.

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