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Coronavirus outbreak


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Off to bed for a 3:30 check-in at Mexico City for an Air Canada 5:25 flight to YVR. We are asymptomatic but will self-isolate at home. Our neighbour will pick up our SAVE-ON order we put in online from Mexico. The media is talking about Covid but the president of Mexico is out hugging, kissing and shaking hands all over the country. Says Covid is a myth. Nobody here in CDMX seems to be taking any precautions, nothing appears closed down and there is no panic buying. Only in the State of Veracruz  are bus passengers arriving given an information sheet and verbal instructions on staying careful. Oh, yeah, in 28 days we haven’t seen a single drop of rain, and it’s been hot. Don’t know if that has any effect on virus spread, but it is interesting. But, when the virus hits here full force, it is going to be a nightmare.

Edited by Curmudgeon
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2 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:

Off to bed for a 3:30 check-in at Mexico City for an Air Canada 5:25 flight to YVR. We are asymptomatic but will self-isolate at home. Our neighbour will pick up our SAVE-ON order we put in online from Mexico. The media is talking about Covid but the president of Mexico is out hugging, kissing and shaking hands all over the country. Says Covid is a myth. Nobody here in CDMX seems to be taking any precautions, nothing appears closed down and there is no panic buying. Only in the State of Veracruz  are bus passengers arriving given an information sheet and verbal instructions on staying careful. Oh, yeah, in 28 days we haven’t seen a single drop of rain, and it’s been hot. Don’t know if that has any effect on virus spread, but it is interesting. But, when the virus hits here full force, it is going to be a nightmare.

Safe travels. Don't forget to turn off the vents above you on the plane. 

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5 minutes ago, Jester13 said:

Being above the law/rules/social contract, lacking empathy towards people dying, worrying only about themselves without care for the ramifications, getting supply from bothering other people, etc. are all signs of being heavy on the narcissism scale. There's no point in trying to convince someone like this, as it's merely giving them narcissistic supply, which is what they crave and feed off of. 

i agree

have considered invoking the iggy list

but some posters just are repeatedly quoted

and it makes that move pointless

so i'll continue to review my method of addressing certain posts


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8 hours ago, Warhippy said:

People complaining the government hasn't closed borders


Government closes borders.


People complaining not enough has been done now or that they want more or more sooner 


You literally cannot make anyone happy can you?

Yes . They should have closed the border when the states did at the very least. Canadian citizens have every reason to be angry it wasn't done. 

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10 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Seems many groups are altering their plans...........


ISIS tells terrorists to steer clear of coronavirus-stricken Europe

Terror group advises hand washing rather than attacks on the West.


By Aitor Hernández-Morales


3/15/20, 12:51 PM CET

Updated 3/15/20, 1:05 PM CET


Islamic State (ISIS) has adopted a safety-first approach to the coronavirus pandemic and advised its members not to travel to Europe, Homeland Security Today reported.


In the latest edition of the terrorist group’s al-Naba newsletter, the editors who normally urge followers to carry out attacks on the West instead ask them to "stay away from the land of the epidemic" for the time being.


In a full-page infographic on the back cover, a list of pro-tips instructs militants on how to stop the pandemic's spread. ISIS members are advised to "put trust in God and seek refuge in Him from illnesses," but to also "cover the mouth when yawning and sneezing," and to wash their hands frequently.


Those who believe they might have contracted coronavirus are told to stay away from areas under ISIS control in order to preserve the health of others and fulfil the holy "obligation of taking up the causes of protection from illnesses and avoiding them."





Lol how the hell did you come across this? 

Also if they publish a news letter how can the US, Russia, Canada, UK, France, etc not track this and kill them?

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4 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Lol how the hell did you come across this? 

Also if they publish a news letter how can the US, Russia, Canada, UK, France, etc not track this and kill them?

My news feeds like to break up the dreariness with a little levity once in a while. Gotta keep your sense of humor. :)


I doubt the newsletter gives the location of the annual ISIS BBQ.

Edited by nuckin_futz
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10 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

Everyone should do their part in time of this crisis.

The goal is to try to slowdown spread of this virus, in order to not overwhelm the medical system.

In Italy they are forced to basically decide who lives and who dies.

If you as a person can’t be bothered to stay out of bars, clubs, restaurants, sporting events, travel etc. for few weeks.

You can go &^@# yourselves!


Anyone posting they're knowingly risking spreading this and not caring should be the absolute last priority for medical attention.

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34 minutes ago, coastal.view said:

i provided some direct feedback to him as well in another thread

he is an insensitive twit

being intentionally irritating on this issue

don't know why he gets pleasure out of this


it is not from lack of smarts on his part

that's what makes him cruel. .he knows what he is doing

and just continues


you hearing me ?



For sure!! I used to really enjoy his post, but this is becoming a theme with him...it was already an issue, but it's more of an issue now, especially considering the topic. 

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12 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Anyone posting they're knowingly risking spreading this and not caring should be the absolute last priority for medical attention.

Denmark's parliament on Thursday night unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police.



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2 minutes ago, IRR said:

For sure!! I used to really enjoy his post, but this is becoming a theme with him...it was already an issue, but it's more of an issue now, especially considering the topic. 

I still like his sense of humour in other threads but he's basically suggesting posters or their family members' lives aren't worth saving.  C'mon @Alflives, you're better than this.

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So my Dad's been waiting for his surgery for ages and they called today?  To book him in a couple of weeks for a series of appointments to prepare for it.  I think this is a little strange considering others are currently canceling appointments.  His surgery is to remove a hip that was replaced and put a new one in.  He's going to cancel (for now).  Just a weird time to be setting something up in my view with the uncertainty of it all.


Maybe trying to push it through before an anticipated surge that puts him on a back burner?

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23 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

My news feeds like to break up the dreariness with a little levity once in a while. Gotta keep your sense of humor. :)


I doubt the newsletter gives the location of the annual ISIS BBQ.

Lol well I get that but if it's online I would think it could be tracked.

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21 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

Denmark's parliament on Thursday night unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police.



That is absolutely insane. I mean it makes sense it’s just blowing my mind what we’re seeing right now 

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36 minutes ago, Down by the River said:

I provided you with plenty of links for information not coming from politicians. You have purposefully ignored them and purposefully ignored other pieces of information that don't fit with the way you want the world to be. I'm embarrassed for you. You're not so young that you can be justified in being this stupid. 

And I will be watching for spikes in suicide rates from social distancing in the coming months. Maybe the UK has the right idea with their 'herd immunity' strategy of combating the virus. Looks like someone forgot to send them your "links".

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2 hours ago, fanfor42 said:

Sorry pal you're wrong. Matter of days to weeks before the US border gets shut down and EVERYONE will ask why it didn't happen sooner.  Get your head out of your **s. 

Your attitude is dangerous to people and needs to stop. 

"It's not that bad we have it under control."  Nope. Wrong.  Please stop posting dangerous nonsense. 

Once we close the borders we can focus on internal decisions only.  Stop.





Random comment section guy with a lot of fear in his eyes














Gonna go ahead and uh, listen to the experts here.  Why?  because they've fought infectious diseases and influenza their entire professional careers.  To claim the medical community may have any bias or ulterior motives beyond that is just not even sound thinking.


You can be as scared as you'd like.  You can make grand sweeping statements about me without knowing a thing about me.  But it won't make you a more credible argument over medical experts who advise governments on how to act or react in these events.



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