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What I am hearing from the medical community is that everyone is burnt out. People are tired of being mistreated by the unvaxxed who know better than them about treatment. Tired of the death threats and the physical abuse. How are we supposed to get new people working in health care when we can't even protect the ones already in it? If our health system collapses, any shred of empathy I have for antivaxxers will be gone. 

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14 minutes ago, stawns said:

Yeah, that's what we thought.......teachers and nurses pretty much got them elected the first time.  Their "commitment to funding education" was BS, plain and the simple.  That said, they are light years better than the Libs

I see it that same way. The NDP should be doing better things for their core voter base and show they actually give a crap. Their commitment shouldn't have just been at election time and union negotiations. The liberals probably would have done worse though. Politicians in general need to be better, and I wouldn't know who to vote for given current political climate.

If you can make it through the next month somehow, I think things will get better. 5 weeks seems to be the curve we are up against looking at other country data. 

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50 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Surgeries and ICU should never effect each other in a strong health care system which was my point.


The key words were urgent care though. That’s someone who will certainly die if they’re not treated. Delaying surgeries does not equal certain death.


All I’m saying is we’ll never be a country that turns away a patient that is literally dying.


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1 minute ago, DeNiro said:

You will never be in a position to make that call thankfully.


All you have to do is support the doctors and nurses that sadly do.

Antivaxxers need to stay away from medical care for Covid.  Very easy fix.  No vaccine card (adult) no Covid care.  Then we wouldn’t be cancelling surgeries, and out healthcare workers would be overwhelmed by selfish cowards.  

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24 minutes ago, iwtl said:

BC healthcare is in crisis and was before covid. This is the direct result of the BC liberals move to contract out health care and starve off wage increases


You could open 20 new icu beds but we don’t have the nurses to staff them. You could provide more operating room time but we don’t have the nurses or the sterile processing techs who clean the surgical instruments 


BC liberals made health care a career few people are interested in going into.  We could post icu nurses jobs at $20 per hour more than other icu nurses and the only takers would be the nurses already working other icu beds. Open 20 then close 20 would be the result


also many LPN’s and care aides started out as housekeepers or food services in hospitals and once there continued their education to advance in healthcare


Gordo killed that selling those jobs to multinational corporations who pay just above minimum wage to hospital housekeeping and kitchen staff.


care aides as well pre pandemic most working in private facilities made 19-20 per hour. 

The number one injured occupation in Canada for many years has been bed side care providers ….. care aide’s. 1 in 10 suffer a career ending injury each year. Next to no care aide works past 60 because their body is broken. Under the Bc liberals those RCA’s saw wages drop tom$20 per hour and lost their pension. So after a life of back breaking work they get a cake when they have to retire. And their wages had been too low to have rrsp’s


we need to bring all care facilities under public contracts with decent benefits , pay decent wages and provide educational support with financing for people to go into needed healthcare jobs


then when we healthcare is fixed and people see it as a desire able career we will have enough skilled staff that the simple fixes of just opening more rooms and beds be possible 

The Office Yes GIF

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22 hours ago, gizmo2337 said:

“...everyone will get it. We will all get Omicron” - Bonnie

Is this a message you think should be coming from the public health leader? It's not right, because with proper N95 masks and more ventilation, not everyone will catch it. And the health workers and educators needed the protective measures support at this time. My support is behind the health workers and educators. The elected government NDP is supposed to stand up for those people and they aren't. It's practically shocking.

You DO realize that N95 masks are not immune to omicron, right? You make it seem like N95 is 100 percent effective.


I do think it's a bit concerning that you bring up the fact that you have a science background, but fail to provide a peer-reviewed source that talks about hospitals in BC not having 'adequate' masks. Moreover, the Twitter source you have posted is definitely not unbiased; he has parroted the view that Bonnie Henry should be fired. To me, he is a provocative Twitter user that happens to be a doctor. Guess what? Not all doctors are all that ethical. There's a doctor in Ontario that got reprimanded for spreading anti-vaccine ideas, and she IS very much a licensed doctor, unfortunately.




Here are more doctors...










Edited by Dazzle
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4 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

What percentage of Canadians are already vaxxed? Seems like the overwhelming majority is on side with vaccinations.


Now they are considering mandatory? What happened to a certain percentage of vaxxed need to achieve herd immunity? Dont we have a high enough percentage? 

Duh…Obviously not Captain. 

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1 hour ago, iwtl said:

BC healthcare is in crisis and was before covid. This is the direct result of the BC liberals move to contract out health care and starve off wage increases


You could open 20 new icu beds but we don’t have the nurses to staff them. You could provide more operating room time but we don’t have the nurses or the sterile processing techs who clean the surgical instruments 


BC liberals made health care a career few people are interested in going into.  We could post icu nurses jobs at $20 per hour more than other icu nurses and the only takers would be the nurses already working other icu beds. Open 20 then close 20 would be the result


also many LPN’s and care aides started out as housekeepers or food services in hospitals and once there continued their education to advance in healthcare


Gordo killed that selling those jobs to multinational corporations who pay just above minimum wage to hospital housekeeping and kitchen staff.


care aides as well pre pandemic most working in private facilities made 19-20 per hour. 

The number one injured occupation in Canada for many years has been bed side care providers ….. care aide’s. 1 in 10 suffer a career ending injury each year. Next to no care aide works past 60 because their body is broken. Under the Bc liberals those RCA’s saw wages drop tom$20 per hour and lost their pension. So after a life of back breaking work they get a cake when they have to retire. And their wages had been too low to have rrsp’s


we need to bring all care facilities under public contracts with decent benefits , pay decent wages and provide educational support with financing for people to go into needed healthcare jobs


then when we healthcare is fixed and people see it as a desire able career we will have enough skilled staff that the simple fixes of just opening more rooms and beds be possible 

As with most right wing politicians the people have to clean up the mess. 

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5 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Federal health minister suggesting that provinces will make vaccines mandatory or people will face fines or possible imprisonment like is occurring in places in Europe right now.  He says it is a conversation that the provinces may want to be having with the feds and amongst themselves.  He says this on the heels of Quebecs new stricter measures.


I'll only say this one time.


I am 100% pro vaccine.  I am dead set against the selfish whining pity me anti maskers and anti vaxxers who think a mask and not being able to watch spiderman in a theatre are a loss of rights.  




The moment you start forcing people to do something against their will, stripping the rights to bodily autonomy away we have a serious gd problem and I will stand up against it.


I refuse to accept this and will not allow the smug conspiracy peddling idiots their moment of see, see I told ya so it's the nwo lizard people take over




ON a fun note though, after this suggestion today anti abortion groups are up in arms and screaming about the suggestion that their body autonomy might be at risk.  So there's that fun bit of irony.


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47 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Yeah I'm with the majority here.  Not interested in any mandatory vaccinations.  Not interested in giving any more power to our governments than they already have.  I could only imagine the uproar of the police breaking into people's homes and having medical staff forcibly injecting them with a vaccine.  Not in this country.


As for our current situation, we've been in a quasi medical crisis for awhile now, it's only been amplified because of the pandemic.  It shouldn't take two years to fix the problem.  And for those who say we don't have the money to fix our medical system, I will remind you that our leader Trudeau felt it necessary to waste $600 million of our hard earned tax dollars on an election in the middle of a pandemic that accomplished absolutely nothing.  I'm thinking that $600 million would have been better spent hiring more nurses and doctors and opening up more medical facilities.


As for the anti-vaxxers clogging up all the hospitals and ICU beds, there are also fully vaccinated people taking up space in our hospitals right now.  It's at least a 50/50 split at this point according to the latest numbers.  I understand the math that most people are fully vaxxed so of course the % is much higher for the anti-vaxxers being in the hospital, but at the end of the day the fully vaxxed are still occupying those beds and the government will use those % numbers to simply spin things to further their mandate agenda.


Also, for those that feel the anti-vaxxers should simply be denied medical care and stay at home to die, I can name you lots of people that I know of that are obese, are smokers, drive recklessly and get into major car accidents and so on who are never denied medical care for their stupid and reckless choices, so the anti-vaxxers fall in the same category.  NO human being should ever be denied medical care in a democratic country.  We don't live in the old Soviet Union or in Communist China.


I agree with Alfie, if somebody doesn't want to take the vaccine and they end up with COVID then they should just stay home and take the Joe Rogan treatment, I am sure they will be fine and will free up the beds for everyone else.


In regards to N95 masks, they are not full proof.  And we all know that cloth masks are useless.  COVID is airborne, a cloth mask will not protect you from COVID.  It is actually worse to wear a cloth mask then nothing at all because it gives people a false sense of security so they will be more reckless with their behaviour thinking they have this false protection from a cloth mask.  We should have all been given N95 masks at the beginning.  The money could have come from the $600 million Trudeau spent on the farce of an election.  If Trudeau had done that at the very beginning then we probably would have saved thousands of lives.


As for Omicron, I agree with Bonnie, at some point everyone will get it.  Unless you never leave your house you will get Omicron.  It will be mild for most and it will eventually end this pandemic.  I'm hoping that happens sooner rather than later.  I think most of us have had enough of all of this and it needs to come to its conclusion.

No one is saying there's going to be a federal vaccination mandate. A federal minister said he see the provinces enacting a provincial mandatory vaccine policy, but it would be up to each province





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