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8 minutes ago, The 5th Line said:

So either drink bleach or wait for a vaccine.


Still no nutritional advice or any real health information from the government on how to keep your body healthy  With people listening in closely everyday, you would think this would be a good time to give that advice and build your peoples immune systems for this current virus and any future viruses.


The WHO lied and has already been exposed.. More exposures will come in the following months




You go with option one. I’ll wait for option two. 

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20 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Quantity or quality.....I choose to eat at buffets.:P


(now excuse me as it's time for me to take my cholesterol pills......)

I just lose my appetite when my food has to come with a sneeze guard. 

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25 minutes ago, Violator said:

They gave us the option of keeping the same day but only able to have a ceremony now with 45 people no dancing food or pictures allowed anymore.We had around 14hrs of being able to use the venue for setup and other stuff now we only get 4hrs.They offered us dates for next year but march april and only friday instead of mid june on a saturday like we had originally planned.


Its disappointing the fiance is mad shes out $1000 but it is what it is i guess.

i'd threaten to take them to small claims court, I think you'd win. They can't reasonably tell you to change your wedding date by a year :huh:


btw, why not get married now, hold the party next year? 

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Just now, The 5th Line said:

I guess you missed my point in the first post.


People literally need to be told, NOT to drink bleach.  But yet everyone knows why and how to keep their immune systems healthy?  

Most people don’t have to be told to not drink bleach. There are literally warnings on bleach bottles. 

Any again, most people know that to keep their immune systems healthy they need to eat healthy and exercise. 

I’ll point you again to the Canada Food Guide. And simply walking at a fast pace is a good place to start an exercise routine. There, you’re now improving your immune system. 

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13 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

i'd threaten to take them to small claims court, I think you'd win. They can't reasonably tell you to change your wedding date by a year :huh:


btw, why not get married now, hold the party next year? 



Couple forced to cancel wedding celebration, denied refund by Vancouver Island venue


Posted Apr 17, 2020 3:01 pm PDT


Last Updated Apr 20, 2020 at 10:20 am PDT

The COVID-19 pandemic could cost a Vancouver Island couple $5,000 for a wedding reception they'll never have. (Courtesy Jes Hartt)

Two couples say they were told contracts can still be honoured when COVID-19 crisis is over


Couple advised by lawyer that pandemic qualifies as an Act of God


Venue general manager insisted the deposit is non-refundable


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — The COVID-19 pandemic could cost a Vancouver Island couple $5,000 for a wedding reception they’ll likely never have.

Elizabeth Brewin says the general manager of the Merridale Cidery in Cobble Hill is refusing to return her deposit after she explained the reception she planned is no longer possible.

“I don’t think now is the time to be taking thousands of dollars from people when a lot of people are out of work or suffering financially,” she adds. “What they’re doing is just not right. They’re taking our money for absolutely no reason.”

Brewin says she and her fiancé — who does not want his name shared — have repeatedly demanded the return of their deposit, but have been told that’s not possible and the contract can still be honoured when this crisis is over.


Couples denied refunds on deposits for wedding receptions that won't happen at a #VancouverIsland venue because of #COVID19 may sue. Elizabeth Brewin tells @NEWS1130 she may be out $5000, but the GM of #MerridaleCidery in #CowichanValley claims that money is "non-refundable."



“We just want our money back, and considering they haven’t provided us with any service and they will be unable to complete the service on the date we signed off on, which is June 14, we should be entitled to our money back,” Brewin says. “We’re all preparing to take it to the next level at this point, unfortunately.”

Jes Hartt, who lives in Kamloops, says she and her husband Mike have been married since February, so the reception they booked in June was for family and friends who couldn’t be there.

“Everything’s too up in the air… so I declined their offer to re-schedule.”

She tells NEWS 1130 she understands Merridale is losing money, and is fine with their non-refundable deposit policy. However, she says it’s the thousands of dollars she and her husband paid the company as a “second installment” that she would like back.

“At the end of the day, this is a service that I paid for that is not being rendered and they are either keeping my money or forcing me to postpone at a later date when even that date can not be fully determined. I’m really annoyed.”

Meanwhile, Brewin says a ceremony will still be held with the couple exchanging vows, as planned, but their reception will be much smaller and will likely be held in someone’s backyard.

“It’s very frustrating considering all the other wedding vendors that I’ve dealt with have been incredible. Each one of them has reached out to me to say, ‘What can we do for you. Here’s a refund. Everyone else has been so amazing, so I don’t know if that’s why this seems so much worse to me.”

She adds the contract has been reviewed by a lawyer who agrees they are all entitled to full refunds because the pandemic qualifies as an Act of God.

When reached by phone, the cidery’s general manager insists the deposits are non-refundable.

Jason Child initially declined our request for an interview, but later confirmed he’s consulted his lawyer and no deposits will be returned.

He says several other couples have agreed to postpone their receptions until 2021 and although he sympathizes with those demanding refunds, the contracts are binding.

“We are working very hard with each impacted couple to provide them the options that we do have, including rebooking for future dates, virtual weddings with cases of product being shipped to their guests remotely and credits to use at our farmhouse on products or other events,” reads a statement on Merridale’s website. “We do understand why a couple may prefer to cancel their wedding, instead of rebooking their date in an uncertain future. However, our deposits are not date holders, they are installments.”

It goes on to say the installment money is used to pay for staff and preparations for the venue site, like chairs, tents, and decorations.

“We wish we were in a position to pay out of pocket and give everyone back the money, despite the costs incurred, as we know the situation is devastating for many – both emotionally and financially.”

Editor’s note: this article has been updated to clarify Hartt was hoping to be refunded money paid as a “second installment,” and not the non-refundable deposit.

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3 minutes ago, Tre Mac said:



Couple forced to cancel wedding celebration, denied refund by Vancouver Island venue


Posted Apr 17, 2020 3:01 pm PDT


Last Updated Apr 20, 2020 at 10:20 am PDT

The COVID-19 pandemic could cost a Vancouver Island couple $5,000 for a wedding reception they'll never have. (Courtesy Jes Hartt)

Two couples say they were told contracts can still be honoured when COVID-19 crisis is over


Couple advised by lawyer that pandemic qualifies as an Act of God


Venue general manager insisted the deposit is non-refundable


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — The COVID-19 pandemic could cost a Vancouver Island couple $5,000 for a wedding reception they’ll likely never have.

Elizabeth Brewin says the general manager of the Merridale Cidery in Cobble Hill is refusing to return her deposit after she explained the reception she planned is no longer possible.

“I don’t think now is the time to be taking thousands of dollars from people when a lot of people are out of work or suffering financially,” she adds. “What they’re doing is just not right. They’re taking our money for absolutely no reason.”

Brewin says she and her fiancé — who does not want his name shared — have repeatedly demanded the return of their deposit, but have been told that’s not possible and the contract can still be honoured when this crisis is over.


Couples denied refunds on deposits for wedding receptions that won't happen at a #VancouverIsland venue because of #COVID19 may sue. Elizabeth Brewin tells @NEWS1130 she may be out $5000, but the GM of #MerridaleCidery in #CowichanValley claims that money is "non-refundable."



“We just want our money back, and considering they haven’t provided us with any service and they will be unable to complete the service on the date we signed off on, which is June 14, we should be entitled to our money back,” Brewin says. “We’re all preparing to take it to the next level at this point, unfortunately.”

Jes Hartt, who lives in Kamloops, says she and her husband Mike have been married since February, so the reception they booked in June was for family and friends who couldn’t be there.

“Everything’s too up in the air… so I declined their offer to re-schedule.”

She tells NEWS 1130 she understands Merridale is losing money, and is fine with their non-refundable deposit policy. However, she says it’s the thousands of dollars she and her husband paid the company as a “second installment” that she would like back.

“At the end of the day, this is a service that I paid for that is not being rendered and they are either keeping my money or forcing me to postpone at a later date when even that date can not be fully determined. I’m really annoyed.”

Meanwhile, Brewin says a ceremony will still be held with the couple exchanging vows, as planned, but their reception will be much smaller and will likely be held in someone’s backyard.

“It’s very frustrating considering all the other wedding vendors that I’ve dealt with have been incredible. Each one of them has reached out to me to say, ‘What can we do for you. Here’s a refund. Everyone else has been so amazing, so I don’t know if that’s why this seems so much worse to me.”

She adds the contract has been reviewed by a lawyer who agrees they are all entitled to full refunds because the pandemic qualifies as an Act of God.

When reached by phone, the cidery’s general manager insists the deposits are non-refundable.

Jason Child initially declined our request for an interview, but later confirmed he’s consulted his lawyer and no deposits will be returned.

He says several other couples have agreed to postpone their receptions until 2021 and although he sympathizes with those demanding refunds, the contracts are binding.

“We are working very hard with each impacted couple to provide them the options that we do have, including rebooking for future dates, virtual weddings with cases of product being shipped to their guests remotely and credits to use at our farmhouse on products or other events,” reads a statement on Merridale’s website. “We do understand why a couple may prefer to cancel their wedding, instead of rebooking their date in an uncertain future. However, our deposits are not date holders, they are installments.”

It goes on to say the installment money is used to pay for staff and preparations for the venue site, like chairs, tents, and decorations.

“We wish we were in a position to pay out of pocket and give everyone back the money, despite the costs incurred, as we know the situation is devastating for many – both emotionally and financially.”

Editor’s note: this article has been updated to clarify Hartt was hoping to be refunded money paid as a “second installment,” and not the non-refundable deposit.

yeah its crap, I'd be fighting it. Small claims isn't hard to file for. 

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37 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

McDonald’s Canada will start importing US beef due to Covid 19 meat plant shutdowns. 

Not that I eat that garbage in the first place, but I wonder the quality difference woulD be between the two meat sources. 

Also, with the amount of Covid cases in the US and the inane push to reopen their businesses sooner than later it wouldn’t surprise me if their meat plants eventually succumb to Covid cases at those various plants too. 

Well, Monsanto, now owned business Baylor, produces suicide seeds that contain glyphosate; a cancerous product. 

Feed populations eat it up, and then they’re butchered before any sign of cancer.


And they eat that meat like there’s no tomorrow.


Monsanto is illegal in Canada. So we will eat their cancerous meat that go with their cancerous milk and their cancerous beer; all derived from Monsanto seed.

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1 hour ago, debluvscanucks said:

Time to really rethink "food" and sources for it.  I mean, it likely isn't a coincidence that places that produce and process "meat" are being hit hard...yet we gobble (poor turkeys) it up.  Makes you wonder why there are Ag-gag measures in place?  Hmmm. secrets generally mean hiding something for me.  

Farming conjures an image of cows and chickens wandering green pastures on farms at sunset when, really, these mass producers cram them on top of each other in filthy conditions under stress, often doing terrible things during the process then pumping them full of antibiotics in order to package them nicely to sell to us for BBQ.  Gestation crates and baby cows produced "ONLY" for milk.


True "farmland" is being sold off to investors and developers who put mega mansions and other buildings on it. 


"Farming" is being replaced by "factory mass production".  It ain't pretty.  

I was a meat LOVER but the few times I do eat it now it tastes "off" and is not very good unless sauced or mixed in as an ingredient (mind you, I never bought from a butcher because I couldn't afford to.  Now I feel we cannot afford NOT to).  Mass produced meat has become, for me, like factor farmed fish.  Ew.  I don't buy meat anymore...I only eat it if my Dad prepares a meal and I don't want to hurt his feelings.  I'm trying to "educate" him by gently easing him into my thinking rather than pushing him into it.  Tends to have more impact that way....


But yeah...viruses and animals are connected.  And it's time to think of the root of these problems and eliminate them at the source.  A wet market started all this (reportedly) and meat producing plants are being hit hard.  Connecting dots at some point may be valuable to us as human beings.

I, for one, will NOT be shopping without thinking hard about what I'm buying, where it is from and how it was "produced".  It matters.  Local, small business will need our help and, in turn, will help us.

I'd like to know whether its related to it being an animal processing plant or if its because the employer did not put in proper social distancing measures.


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1 minute ago, The 5th Line said:

Sure most people know that...but if they get updates on it everyday, don't you think it would have a more positive impact...?  A lot of North Americans are incredibly dumb and incredibly out of shape, that's a fact.  And yeah, warning labels on bleach bottles but people still drank it.. or at least were thinking about it


Like what exactly are you arguing against?  Don't give real health updates and information because you think most people already know enough?  What's wrong with more?  


I feel like there is enough reinforcement of the importance of diet and exercise to long term health. The problem is getting people in North America to follow a plan, most people are (to be frank) weak on will power and have resistance to "being told what to do". The message you are promoting likely just falls on deaf ears. 

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51 minutes ago, Violator said:

We signed a contract and nowhere in the contract does it cover pandemics.


We will probably get married in surrey instead of aldergrove for alot less next year.Lots of money is gonna be lost for small local businesses because of this.



Yup. Pretty crappy of them.  Bad business practice as i am sure you will not be giving them referrals or positive reviews on social media.

Would make more financial sense to them to keep you a happy satisfied customer saying good things and referring your friends to their business.

Very short sighted business approach IMO.

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2 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

I'd like to know whether its related to it being an animal processing plant or if its because the employer did not put in proper social distancing measures.


I'd wager it's the latter, these places require workers to be side by side most of the time - basically impossible to practice social distancing.  Either way these owners have some 'xsplaning to do

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7 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

I'd like to know whether its related to it being an animal processing plant or if its because the employer did not put in proper social distancing measures.


I think anywhere you have people on low wages with no paid sick days...  people struggling to pay rent..  people with rudimentary  english skills.....   being asked to work in close proximity... insufficient PPE     We will see Covid transmission.     Sad that people when sick feel they need to go to work to pay their rent.....   dangerous for all of us. 

Edited by kingofsurrey
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1 hour ago, stawns said:

My brother in law was doing additions a factory farm that provides pork to Fletcher's.........he never ate corporate pork again.  He legitimately had ptsd over it

My grandpa was the same. Worked at a pig slaughter house in Ontario. Never ate pork the rest of his life. 

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23 minutes ago, Tre Mac said:



Couple forced to cancel wedding celebration, denied refund by Vancouver Island venue


Posted Apr 17, 2020 3:01 pm PDT


Last Updated Apr 20, 2020 at 10:20 am PDT

The COVID-19 pandemic could cost a Vancouver Island couple $5,000 for a wedding reception they'll never have. (Courtesy Jes Hartt)

Two couples say they were told contracts can still be honoured when COVID-19 crisis is over


Couple advised by lawyer that pandemic qualifies as an Act of God


Venue general manager insisted the deposit is non-refundable


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — The COVID-19 pandemic could cost a Vancouver Island couple $5,000 for a wedding reception they’ll likely never have.

Elizabeth Brewin says the general manager of the Merridale Cidery in Cobble Hill is refusing to return her deposit after she explained the reception she planned is no longer possible.

“I don’t think now is the time to be taking thousands of dollars from people when a lot of people are out of work or suffering financially,” she adds. “What they’re doing is just not right. They’re taking our money for absolutely no reason.”

Brewin says she and her fiancé — who does not want his name shared — have repeatedly demanded the return of their deposit, but have been told that’s not possible and the contract can still be honoured when this crisis is over.


For what it is worth, they did refund the money


UPDATE: iNFOnews.ca has learned since this article was originally published, the wedding venue has given money back to the couples who had secured their spot and Hartt confirms she has now received a refund.




Janet Docherty, co-owner of Merridale, says the company has tried to be flexible with clients. They're offered weddings at a later date for no additional fees, virtual weddings with supply drop-off and virtual weddings with later receptions. She says Hartt’s $4,000 has been spent already on preparing for the date and has covered expenses in paperwork, fees, contracts with suppliers and other expenses.

“This is devastating for a small seasonal business, we don't have a large amount of money in reserve. Our only hope to stay afloat is to recoup lost business in the fall,” Docherty says. “We recognize that this is tough for everybody. We’re not saying we’re not going to give any money back, we’re going to do our best to give money back but we don't know what we’re up against right now…. We have all of these responsibilities that we need to pay with a limited cash flow, and that isn’t there right now, it has evaporated.”


Docherty says most of her other clients have chosen to reschedule, and are understanding of the situation. She says because Hartt’s date was so close, the money is already spent.

Edited by Mackcanuck
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I had a friend who thought that we were given only so many heartbeats in our lifetime, different for every person. For that reason, he never jogged for he thought that he was using up his heartbeats quicker. Whereas sleeping used up fewest heartbeats. LOL.

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4 minutes ago, wloutet said:

I had a friend who thought that we were given only so many heartbeats in our lifetime, different for every person. For that reason, he never jogged for he thought that he was using up his heartbeats quicker. Whereas sleeping used up fewest heartbeats. LOL.

Don't laugh. The President of the U.S believes pretty much the same thing.

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54 minutes ago, Tre Mac said:

I'd wager it's the latter, these places require workers to be side by side most of the time - basically impossible to practice social distancing.  Either way these owners have some 'xsplaning to do

Me too, however...owners who may have ignored health and safety guidelines?  Do I want to eat their product?  No, I don't.


Not sure if that was the case but there are reports out there that workers were told to come to work despite being sick.  If that was the case, these owners should be shut down.

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27 minutes ago, wloutet said:

I had a friend who thought that we were given only so many heartbeats in our lifetime, different for every person. For that reason, he never jogged for he thought that he was using up his heartbeats quicker. Whereas sleeping used up fewest heartbeats. LOL.

Not sure they know/understand how the cardiovascular system works.  :lol:

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