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[Rumour] J.T. Miller Trade/Contract Talks


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2 minutes ago, Provost said:

We might not be in the clear on the tampering side of things... Lazar in an interview said that part of why he chose Vancouver was their level of interest through "this whole process".  We had signed him 15 minutes into free agency, not sure how much of a process that could have been.

It is small potatoes though, all these big contracts being signed within an hour of free agency opening is just nonsense.  I have no idea why they got rid of that courting week.  I understand the Covid year when there just wasn't enough time in the calendar... but it made things more on the up and up.

It was a joint decision by the NHL and NHLPA to eliminate the courting period back when they updated the 2020 CBA.  


It was only supposed to be to measure interest - not formally talk contract let alone agree on all the details.  There were several memos sent out reminding the framework and some teams just continued to ignore it while others played by the book.  Agents also wanted it eliminated because they felt it played against their clients and was giving too much leverage to teams. 



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34 minutes ago, mll said:

Friedman on his 32 Thoughts said that Nashville asked about Miller but he doesn't think they have the assets to do it.  


Nashville's competitive rebuild is not exactly going as planned with some of their younger players not seizing the opportunity.   With Duchene/Johansen re-bounding (after poor seasons where Poile tried to trade both and left them exposed to Seattle), got to wonder if they won't change strategy.  Forsberg just re-signed, they just added McDonagh, they hope for Johansen/Duchene to continue to perform.  There's also new ownership with deeper pockets and Poile might not have the same standing as before. They also have not been able to add a top-6 F in free agency so might be forced to go the trade route.  Can't see them going into the season without a 2nd line.  


He also thinks there are going to be some tampering accusations.  He's not sure if there will be formal complaints and wonders if they will become actionable.  Apparently lots of screams about tampering on Wednesday night. 


They'll likely be moving Prokop since their new owner is known for his homophobia.  We could definitely use a guy like him in our group going forward.

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27 minutes ago, Fanuck said:

That's going to happen when guys like Weeks are leaking things before the deadline even passes.

Teams aren't allowed to talk to players on other teams before free agency opens up on 13 July.  There is no more courting period.  Teams who played by the book might be upset that they missed out, because other teams didn't follow the rules and started talking to players before they were allowed to.


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The Nashville thing is reassuring in the sense that there’s interest - if the Canucks were worried about getting nothing that’s not an issue.

We’re talking about a 29 year old 99 point Centre who plays a heavy game and is signed to a bargain for next season.  I understand teams waiting on UFA and the fact he only has 1 year left as to why we haven’t gotten the grand slam asking price… but even as a pure rental we’re going to get *something* good. 

Allvin drops the price to a “roster player, a pick and a prospect” and he’s sold.  What we’re hanging on for is a young top 4 RHD and that’s the only thing more valuable than a PPG physical C.

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7 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

There are lot's of ways to skin this cat.


I agree on not losing him for nothing, I dont think anyone wants that. So brass have to gauge if JT will negotiate in good faith going forward or if going home to Pitts is his overall plan.

He is so very good for our team. Besides his point production, all the other of his attributes suit us very well. 

We can't break the bank but we should be ready to work something out. I've said it many times, he is a rare breed, a type of player that doesn't come around too often. 

Why would you ever want to skin a cat

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1 hour ago, KoreanHockeyFan said:

Anyone else been tuning out Drance whenever he has a radio hit on local shows? His presumptive takes on the Miller situation and the team overall have been incredibly annoying this past week.


Getting up to Sekeres/Price and J-Pat level of annoying.

He’s frackin awful. 650 is going down the toilet and now Halford and Brough are simalcasting to Toronto market.


RIP SN650.

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6 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

JR even said the reason Miller wasn’t traded was because we were trying to make the playoffs. How would that be any different in 2023? 

100%! This is the time to trade, right now this off season. If we risk going into the season unsigned:


1.Miller’s party might say, sorry we are focused on finishing the season with the team and come back to contract talks after the season is done. No more negotiation power. 

2. We are around 6-10 in the conference in February and a JT trade would 100% be vetoed by FA. Like you said about last season why would this be any different. We make the playoffs and maybe get through a round and have him walk like JG13 just did with Calgary.


3. Miller gets injured before the TDL and we can’t trade him and we lose him for nothing. 

Reason why Canucks fans are a little nervous (depending on who you are as I can’t speak for everyone) is we have seen this song and dance before. Yes he’s our best player and while we would hate to lose him, we just aren’t a contender/good enough to go all in like our owner wants us to. It’s very short sighted. We all want this team to win the cup but we need to admit we are still a few core defensemen to make that a

reality. Anyone who thinks we are a contender is delusional. 

Still have a few months before training camp so let’s see what happens. 



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2 hours ago, Jester13 said:

If teams aren't currently willing to part with a young RHDman as a main piece, I'm not so optimistic that they'll be willing when they're in the hunt at the TDL. Add this to what you also mentioned, and these are all valid reasons for the current impatience around Miller. 

Oh I get the reasons. Like I said, it's far less risk moving him now/this summer. That said, the value does need to be there to make that happen. 


That may yet still occur once Kadri signs etc. Teams may very well just be waiting for that domino. Or maybe a contending team has a key injury 2 weeks in to the season or ...

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23 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

Why would you ever want to skin a cat

$&!#, I thought this was the board for dead horse beatings!


Did I wander into the wrong discussion board again???????????????????????


I hate it when that happens...

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3 hours ago, JM_ said:

But why would it be less at the next TDL? if anything it could be more, particularly if we retain 1/2 on Miller he can literally go to any contender. He'll likely be the top trade piece too. 

at the tdl we would have paid most of miller's cap hit.

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24 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

This is an @Alf question but I’m sure it’s got something to do with coughing up furballs.

Alf is too drunk for questions


4 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

$&!#, I thought this was the board for dead horse beatings!


Did I wander into the wrong discussion board again???????????????????????


I hate it when that happens...

This thread in particular is for alive but very beaten horses, yes


3 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

Ohhhhh, never thought that @Alflivesmight be hungry, hates getting hairballs maybe??????

Liquid diet nowadays, cats are too chewy 

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4 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Oh I get the reasons. Like I said, it's far less risk moving him now/this summer. That said, the value does need to be there to make that happen. 


That may yet still occur once Kadri signs etc. Teams may very well just be waiting for that domino. Or maybe a contending team has a key injury 2 weeks in to the season or ...

I just don't see his value going up once the season starts. Sure, a team will be told they have to pay up, but if the value isn't there now then what makes it there during the season? Especially when we'll still be asking a premium to let go of him when we're in the hunt, and will we really let go of him when we're in the hunt? 


My prediction is we end up trading Garland and signing Miller to an expensive deal. 

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So, if Miller gets traded below what this board perceives as market value, or signs for 9 million + for 8 years, are there assigned buildings that CDC members are going to throw themselves off of, or its it first come, first jump still?




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2 minutes ago, Jester13 said:

I just don't see his value going up once the season starts. Sure, a team will be told they have to pay up, but if the value isn't there now then what makes it there during the season? Especially when we'll still be asking a premium to let go of him when we're in the hunt, and will we really let go of him when we're in the hunt? 


My prediction is we end up trading Garland and signing Miller to an expensive deal. 

We either trade him now or re-sign him now, nothing else makes sense.

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