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Is it now Time to Admit that HaLack's sub-par performance will be what killed our playoff chances?

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After playing in 12 games and only having 2 wins, is it now time to admit that our B/U goaltending (Ha-Lack) will be the primary reason that we will likely miss the playoffs.   If he had even been playing at a modest .500  we'd have another 6-8 points we'd be 2-3 points behind first place Calgary in our division.   I realize that there are other factors and players who will have to bare responsibility for this seasons failures - but Ha-Lack has single handedly allowed the nails to be put into this seasons coffin by not even being able to play like an average AHL calibre Goalie.  Too bad Martin wasn't called up earlier - at least we would have had a chance in a few of those games and it might have made all the difference! 


(Another, in the long list of bad JB decisions!  )


Edited by RU SERIOUS
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There's a huge recency bias here.  His sv% statline in his last four starts is .971, .952, .583, and .571.  He has gone from being a really solid backup who put up really good numbers (despite unluckily losing most games).... to this hot mess.  I think with the playoff momentum and overall pressure the team is going through, our backup goalie situation is becoming a real problem.


But I still think it's unfair to suggest that Halak has been terrible all season long.  He was doing good.  And then he was doing REALLY good before dropping off the face of the earth.

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That was frustrating to watch. On one hand the guy hasn't played much on the other hand he's a professional that should be ready. There were many fundamental mistakes that normally would be practiced to avoid game time collapse.


Some very bad give always by the usual suspects, mainly the inconsistent Tyler Myers, yet this still falls on Halak. He wasn't ready, Demko manages to save some or all of the gaffes by the flimsy defense put together by Jim Benning.. 


Halak was the $hits no question but i think the bigger issue is  Demko covers for a shallow defense. 


This also once again exposes the desperate attempt by Jim Benning to convince fans at the beginning of the season that Vancouver is a playoff team.

In my mind a team isn't really a playoff team just because they made the plays offs. A playoff team has success in the playoffs not just hopes of being a Cinderella team.

There's a difference and Jim Bennings off season was once again desperate with yet another round of overpaid signings. 


This isn't all on Halak. This only solidifies the changes in management. 


This team simply isn't ready for a true playoff run and fans need to understand this. Rutherford and crew already know this. 


Halak was really bad last night!

Edited by aqua59
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Halak is total dog$hit but the team played like dog$hit in  front of him.  Waive him and bring Martin in as a backup


You gotta have faith and vancouver has none of that when Halak is between the pipes

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Or maybe this team really just ain't good enough to be in the playoff? How many games this team came out flat and had to rely on demko being insanely good before the team starts to show up in the 2nd period or later? It wasn't just when travis green was coaching its the same with Boudreau the team comes out flat more often than not and had to rely on demko to stand on his head until the team decides to show up... but you know it's all his fault he only have 1 win in 5 starts when holding opponents to under 2 goals in regulation.

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55 games played.  Only 3 or 4 games have been started or played/won by someone NOT named Demko.


It is absolutely NOT just Halak that is the cause of this.  He is part of a larger picture in which we get jogged by faster teams that cut our defense apart like a hot knife.  In which we have one or two forwards that give up on a play at times.


Halak collected his fancy bonus and now doesn't have to try anymore, he got his 10 wins and his $ and that's that.  There's far larger issues than just him and the start we had to the season under Green

Edited by Warhippy
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Halak makes lil Mikey DiPietro look like Ken Dryden


Halak is no longer an NHL goalie and I hope he never sees ice time again. Well, okay, they can let him take the pregame skate with the team before he plants his butt on the pine.


Forget about trading this guy. Who's going to want him? lol He's terrible. They should do a drug test, maybe he smokes a lot of cannabis. His puck tracking and reaction time are way off. 

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52 minutes ago, Bell said:

Halak is total dog$hit but the team played like dog$hit in  front of him.  Waive him and bring Martin in as a backup


You gotta have faith and vancouver has none of that when Halak is between the pipes

Guessing you have no clue how a no move clause works.  Unfortunate for the Canucks.

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8 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

After playing in 12 games and only having 2 wins, is it now time to admit that our B/U goaltending (Ha-Lack) will be the primary reason that we will likely miss the playoffs.   If he had even been playing at a modest .500  we'd have another 6-8 points we'd be 2-3 points behind first place Calgary in our division.   I realize that there are other factors and players who will have to bare responsibility for this seasons failures - but Ha-Lack has single handedly allowed the nails to be put into this seasons coffin by not even being able to play like an average AHL calibre Goalie.  Too bad Martin wasn't called up earlier - at least we would have had a chance in a few of those games and it might have made all the difference! 


(Another, in the long list of bad JB decisions!  )


Halak is a goalie I wanted about 2014


how is Montreal making out without Price?

Edited by lmm
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Halak was pretty decent in first few games.... then just really struggled in front of our not-so-AllStar defensive corps.... 


Since we just can't build on a hot streak... time to make changes for future... trade Halak for a 3rd pick.... trade Boeser and Miller for high picks and younger guys that can help NOW!! We desperately need bigger tougher guys.... kinda like the young version of Tanner Pearson! Then by end of the season, give games to Linus Karlsson, a RHD C that can slot in for 3rd line... Dickinson turns out he's just a luxury 4C!!!

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