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Filip Hronek shut down for the year

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Yzerman was looking at the prospect of having to pay both Hronek and Seider next year (as well as Raymond and Bergren). Perhaps he saw Hronek not as redundant but as someone who was somewhat dispensable (given Seider) and decided to make a move ahead of time.

Edited by BlastPast
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So More damaged goods for the cost of a first round pick. 

hope he’s not just another often injured brittle Dman. 

wasn't stoked on the trade and  stuff like this doesn’t make it seem any better.

So he joins the other Dman we gave up a first round pick in the press box. 


Edited by combover
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31 minutes ago, combover said:

So More damaged goods for the cost of a first round pick. 

hope he’s not just another often injured brittle Dman. 

wasn't stoked on the trade and  stuff like this doesn’t make it seem any better.

So he joins the other Dman we gave up a first round pick in the press box. 


alright, listen up class. eyes to the front. this is an example of what we call a "knee jerk reaction". it's best to keep them to yourself whenever possible, because 99 times out of 100 they age really poorly.

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Just now, tas said:

alright, listen up class. eyes to the front. this is an example of what we call a "knee jerk reaction". it's best to keep them to yourself whenever possible, because 99 times out of 100 they age really poorly.

Is OEL on ltir and done for the season and cost us a first. (Check)

is hronek now done for the season cost us a first (check)

and to make it better next year is last one of his contract.


 As for aging poorly —— pretty hard to take lessons from folks that defended Benning for 8 years. How’d that age lol
should we see who was happy with the oel trade. 


Good class. 



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7 minutes ago, combover said:

Is OEL on ltir and done for the season and cost us a first. (Check)

is hronek now done for the season cost us a first (check)

and to make it better next year is last one of his contract.


 As for aging poorly —— pretty hard to take lessons from folks that defended Benning for 8 years. How’d that age lol
should we see who was happy with the oel trade. 


Good class. 



I respected the dice that benning rolled (to a point) and saw where he was coming from, at least, even when I disagreed with him. he lost me the summer after the bubble, however. that was when I could no longer logically justify his rationale. the oel trade was a hail mary, but I always appreciate a move where the goal is winning. I don't appreciate planned losing. 


as far as this topic goes, writing off hronek because the team thinks it's smarter to let him fully heal than to persevere in a season that isn't going anywhere anyway is just a little bit silly. 


edit: furthermore, i support my team. including management. I support anyone doing their damnedest to succeed for my benefit, even when they fail. especially when they fail.


the fact he got 8 years in the chair should tell ya.something. 

Edited by tas
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There's 8 games left who cares.


In fact this is good, start sitting guys and letting them get fully healthy for next season. Keep at least some low % chance of moving into 1st pick. A high pick accelerates the retool. 


The timing of this deal will never make sense to me, but I am excited to see a full season of Hronek next year. Hopefully they can clear some cap and continue to build the blueline. 


Let's gooooo NYI win a few rounds !

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1 hour ago, tas said:

I respected the dice that benning rolled (to a point) and saw where he was coming from, at least, even when I disagreed with him. he lost me the summer after the bubble, however. that was when I could no longer logically justify his rationale. the oel trade was a hail mary, but I always appreciate a move where the goal is winning. I don't appreciate planned losing. 


as far as this topic goes, writing off hronek because the team thinks it's smarter to let him fully heal than to persevere in a season that isn't going anywhere anyway is just a little bit silly. 


edit: furthermore, i support my team. including management. I support anyone doing their damnedest to succeed for my benefit, even when they fail. especially when they fail.


the fact he got 8 years in the chair should tell ya.something. 

I supported Benning for as long as I did because I was emotionally invested in seeing this organization succeed. I think a lot of us share that sentiment. Where I disagree with you is when you state that you will "respect" a move as long as "the goal is winning". Imho the only moves that fans should respect are ones that bring success to an organization. There is nothing to respect about the OEL or Eriksson moves. There is nothing to respect about whiffing on a 5th and 6th overall pick in consecutive drafts. Just like there is nothing to respect about trading quality assets to make immediate gains in the short term. Benning was notorious for this, I will support this management until they begin to go the same way as Benning. I will admit that I wasn't a fan of the Hronek trade, it seems from my vantage point that we were desperate to improve the RHD position and we made a move from a position of weakness. I will still wish for the best and hope that he proves me dead wrong, I think that is my responsibility as a fan. But if this turns out wrong and this management consistently makes moves that end up poorly like Benning's did then I will cheer for them to get the boot. Losing moves don't deserve our support and the fact that we tolerated and supported them is the only reason why that management group stuck around to do as much damage as they did. 

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2 minutes ago, Toews said:

I supported Benning for as long as I did because I was emotionally invested in seeing this organization succeed. I think a lot of us share that sentiment. Where I disagree with you is when you state that you will "respect" a move as long as "the goal is winning". Imho the only moves that fans should respect are ones that bring success to an organization. There is nothing to respect about the OEL or Eriksson moves. There is nothing to respect about whiffing on a 5th and 6th overall pick in consecutive drafts. Just like there is nothing to respect about trading quality assets to make immediate gains in the short term. Benning was notorious for this, I will support this management until they begin to go the same way as Benning. I will admit that I wasn't a fan of the Hronek trade, it seems from my vantage point that we were desperate to improve the RHD position and we made a move from a position of weakness. I will still wish for the best and hope that he proves me dead wrong, I think that is my responsibility as a fan. But if this turns out wrong and this management consistently makes moves that end up poorly like Benning's did then I will cheer for them to get the boot. Losing moves don't deserve our support and the fact that we tolerated and supported them is the only reason why that management group stuck around to do as much damage as they did. 

you shouldn't attribute quotes to, and then form an entire rambling diatribe around, things I didn't actually say. 


but our positions are diametrically opposed so it's irrelevant. 

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6 minutes ago, tas said:

you shouldn't attribute quotes to, and then form an entire rambling diatribe around, things I didn't actually say. 


but our positions are diametrically opposed so it's irrelevant. 

The only thing I attributed to you is what I put in quotes. The rest are my thoughts on Benning's tenure. 


You are indeed correct in that assessment. It seems like your "respect" is quite easily earned. Enjoy the game. 

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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

He hurt his shoulder in the last game before he was traded.  Not sure why you are referring to a brain injury...

So much negativity and sarcasm about Hronek.. Hronek played 4 games and played over 20 mins in the games..  

Hronek looked good and why play him if shoulder is a little sore... Not making playoffs, great move not playing him any longer..

Hronek will be great for Vancouver...

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47 minutes ago, Toews said:

The only thing I attributed to you is what I put in quotes. The rest are my thoughts on Benning's tenure. 


You are indeed correct in that assessment. It seems like your "respect" is quite easily earned. Enjoy the game. 

you keep quoting "respect" when what I said was "appreciate".



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This is literally what I said they should do when we traded for him. OEL and Hronek shouldn't play another game this season. Played him 4 games, averaged 24 minutes over those 4. Not smart work by the team. But at least they shut him down now. Let these guys heal up. The rest of these games don't mean nothing. Other than the boys feeling a little better I guess.


Honestly. Wouldn't mind resting Demko up for the rest of the season too. Not saying don't play him. But give most of the starts to Delia. This isn't a team tank thing. We crapped on that train when we won 11 games in March. It's just a health thing for the main guys that are dealing with injuries. Demko doesn't need more than a two starts, Hronek and OEL should just shut it down.

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