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[discussion] forum closure

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4 hours ago, -DLC- said:

Yo, Canucks brass...I'm really happy for you.


I'mma let y'all finish but CDC had one of the best forums of all time. OF ALL TIME.

You got it! Let's see what happens on Monday!


My first call is with their Chief Revenue Officer. Should be interesting...

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1 hour ago, Canadian said:

You would think they would have done their due diligence on this.


#1 - If it's a money thing - ridiculous

#2 - If it's a team engagement or "media control" thing - ridiculous

#3 - If it's a league-issued mandate  - then there is no way they would be able to navigate it anyways.


The fact they're agreeing to discuss with potential stakeholders suggests it's #1 or #2. And based on the price point the new site is set up under (150 CAD annually), it really does lead me to consider this is all part of #2 with their new social marketing branding this summer. I'm glad they're giving us more videos and more insight. But to throw out something that's been built up over 20 years. Sad.

I thought it's monthly?, which doesn't really change #1 considering the amount of traffic this site gets.

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20 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:

I thought it's monthly?, which doesn't really change #1 considering the amount of traffic this site gets.

Yeah you’re right. Mixed up the post. Either way 150 CAD monthly is still not a significant cost for a multi-billionaire dollar empire.


Unless mods are on payroll, then it’s maybe a different thing. With VC and SN and other mods suggesting stepping back in the future from the new site, there’s definitely some pieces we don’t know. Maybe it’s just a reflection time for some.


Whatever the cause, this was sprung on us without any rationale. And that parts not cool.

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3 hours ago, Canadian said:

You would think they would have done their due diligence on this.


#1 - If it's a money thing - ridiculous

#2 - If it's a team engagement or "media control" thing - ridiculous

#3 - If it's a league-issued mandate  - then there is no way they would be able to navigate it anyways.


The fact they're agreeing to discuss with potential stakeholders suggests it's #1 or #2. And based on the price point the new site is set up under (150 CAD annually), it really does lead me to consider this is all part of #2 with their new social marketing branding this summer. I'm glad they're giving us more videos and more insight. But to throw out something that's been built up over 20 years. Sad.

Yeah it's way easier to block users on twitter that continue to criticize the front office and the owner. Wonderful world in Canada. Freedom of speech is going to get fully extinguished and someday you wake up as a Canadian feeling you live in a communist country like russia. Great. Just keep going. There are lots of videos on youtube from people that lived in Canada many years and decided to leave the country.

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3 hours ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

Don't wanna go deep on the analysis-bent..this crap's all emotional for us now. But it seems today integrity is out the window, & systems/narratives are more important to control. Individuals are usually pretty decent & honest. Organizations? Seems the larger they are, more likely they're compromised. From Hollyweird to a zombified, hollowed-out music industry, to over-F***ing-paid pro athletes..what is there of notable quality that you can enjoy MORE than generations past?


So the middle-aged blokes like you & I eventually tire of the watered-down song & dance. We spend more times with loved ones, personal hobbies & organizing sock drawers. By this time, another gullible generation jumps into the fray, with new cars, sweet dates, big aspirations & all that usual nonsense. TPTB target that group(THEY $pend more), & shuffle the older fans to the F***ing periphery.

You've got a sock draw !

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43 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

I wouldn't be too certain about the bolded bit.  Based on how things are unfolding with trying to get @-Vintage Canuck- to join us over at the new forum, it would seem that at least one might be on the payroll (even if their job duties that they're being paid for did not involve engagement in the forum).  And if in fact @-Vintage Canuck- is a Canucks staffer, then I take back my desire to know their identity, and would instead go with @Warhippy's suggestion of at best letting us know what role they play in the org instead of self-identifying - because if they expose their full identity, then it may result in them losing their job, which I would never wish upon someone who does it with such precision and determination, since it's clear they love their job.

Oh geez 6. 

I don’t know what to tell ya then.


They’re all volunteers bud. Doing it on their own time. 

That’s the most amazing and commendable part of it all. 

That’s it, that’s all. 

VC clearly said that he’s taking a break and will eventually make his way over, sooner or later, to the new site. 

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8 hours ago, CanuckRookieFan said:

With all due respect you aren't a marketing specialist or high end strategist so as an outside opinion you may have a valid one but it's based on your own limited understanding of the true metrics behind the stats/numbers etc.


Canucks and the NHL spend a lot of money (150k) easily on top trier marketing execs and social media analysts who know a lot more about this than you me or any fan on here so if a decision came down to close the forum it was not an easy one and had countless people analyze it, study the numbers had to go through many approvals etc. Its silly to say this wasn't a smart or strategic move. If they made it clearly it was for them these moves are made by smart people highly paid people lets respect that too.

There are alot of us who dont voice opinions on twitter, tic-tok, facebook for many reasons but we do voice our opinion here. All these media specialists are only looking at memes all day or bots. Also, in current media platforms, the 10 percent of the population are the loudest and keep likiing themselves with mulltiple accounts, or pay a sum to get some attention. Is it real? Like IRL? no. Its not. At least here, although we are anonymous, we are generally real. Sometimes wrong, often right, but real.


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Whoever thought this was a good PR move is about as talented at media relations as Jim Benning was at everything else. . Bad press is better than no press media idiots! I guess alienating fans doesnt just stop with the on ice product .


This organization is astonishing  

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4 hours ago, EastCoastNucks said:

There are alot of us who dont voice opinions on twitter, tic-tok, facebook for many reasons but we do voice our opinion here. All these media specialists are only looking at memes all day or bots. Also, in current media platforms, the 10 percent of the population are the loudest and keep likiing themselves with mulltiple accounts, or pay a sum to get some attention. Is it real? Like IRL? no. Its not. At least here, although we are anonymous, we are generally real. Sometimes wrong, often right, but real.


This is the only place I talk Canucks 

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