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Brad Marchand

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Status Updates posted by Brad Marchand

  1. "We did an exercise before the draft and found Milan, Reilly, Dougie scored 41 G. Beleskey and Hayes scored 41 G. Goals out, Goal in." - Don Sweeney

    1. TheRussianRocket.
    2. Phil_314


      The more important numbers:

      Good young players lost: 3. Good young players gained: 2.

    3. TheRussianRocket.



      quality > quantity

  2. RIP Junko. Gone from our titles but forever in our hearts.

    1. Go Faulk Yourself

      Go Faulk Yourself

      How can I remove myself from your hearts too?

    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Painful surgery.

    3. Dazzle


      What happened to Junko?

  3. "I've had enough of this ???? team" - continues posting on CDC about it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baer.


      I like Prust. People don't understand the role he played for not only Montreal, but he was a key role player for the NYR with his tenure there. He does more than fight.

    3. Darkstar
    4. Time Lord

      Time Lord

      PhilipBlunt is stupid. Don't take him seriously.

  4. Lil B From The Pack and Dazzle need to give a lecture on how locking your own status makes you a coward..

    1. ks2013


      So they can spam my status and act childish

    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      If you can't take the heat, don't make the status.

  5. The NHL All Star team votes were a frickin' joke. Since when does Daniel Sedin play right wing?

    1. Baer.


      Two Ovechkins that one time. lol

  6. Shots fired at Mike Reilly: @RyanJohansen19 7h We didn't want him anyway

    1. Keslerific


      Could have meant Nude Gretzky.

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Ryan Johansen Rules.

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Nobody wants nude Gretzky. At least Wayne.

  7. Is there any consensus on how to pronounce "Jakob" as in Jakob Silfverberg?

  8. Lund6vist?

    1. BanTSN


      Oh no you didn't!

    2. Kaner
    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Yeah he went there lmao :D

  9. Mackenze Stewart is going to get us all banned.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. JohnLocke


      I find that HFVan is a lot less wrist cutting emo canuck fans. And generally the average maturity level on there is a bit higher than here.

    3. JE14


      Pettit went from 10 points to 27 points in his draft +1 year. On the other hand, you have Stewart who went from an 11 point pace to 11 points in his draft +2 year.

    4. Time Lord

      Time Lord

      The point is that Stewart is completely irrelevant either way and he'll never impact Vancouver's chances of winning a cup. I can totally understand someone criticizing the signing but you guys are acting like the future has been sacrificed or something

  10. Bumping desiboy's status off the main page.

    1. PhillipBlunt


      Bless your heart Bradley

    2. The Magician

      The Magician

      Someone get this man a Nobel Peace prize

  11. Benning is the worst GM in the league and should be fired immediately, or so I've heard.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. people please

      people please

      And the Miller contract was horrible to

    3. Qwags


      "Nobody on CDC has a credible opinion,according to them." Based on what I've seen, they're not entirely wrong.

    4. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      ^Not going to disagree with that.

  12. Expected the forum to be in post-apocalypse mode when I visited again, but to my surprise, the world hasn't ended. I'm proud of you, CDC.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      You missed it yesterday.

    3. Brad Marchand
    4. Baer.


      you obviously weren't on around midnight HAHA

  13. Thank you Canucks for keeping your season alive and keeping the stupid threads at bay for at least 2 more days.

    1. goalie13


      Give CDC some credit. There will be plenty of stupid threads.

  14. For the love of God, Canucks, win tomorrow so people will stop making so many ridiculous threads.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hunter_74


      The only two ways it can go.

    3. 87Crosby


      ^^and trade for Dale Weise and hire John Torterella and Nonis

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      keenan is looking for work...he and torterella could go after hartley together.

  15. Canucks scored 8 goals against Boston in 2011, 8 against LA in 2012, 8 against San Jose in 2013. They have 8 so far in this series. Can they get to 9?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Orka
    3. Go Faulk Yourself

      Go Faulk Yourself

      Looking forward to the 8 goals and one win next playoffs too.

    4. LuonGO Canucks Go

      LuonGO Canucks Go

      It is all luongo 's fault

  16. How much Sam would a Sam Bennett Bennett if a Sam Bennett could Bennett Sam?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gstank29


      Sam Bennett would 18 if Sam Bennett could Sam Bennett

    3. AppleJack


      This status needs more bennett!

    4. nux4lyfe


      You don't have the answers!

  17. 5 teams including the Canucks have lost home-ice advantage already, if it makes any of you feel better.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Magician
    3. Green Building

      Green Building

      ^^ He's right though, Flames in 4 a SURPRISE ass whooping

    4. kj29
  18. TSN 1290 ran a "Sedin sisters" promo ad. Someone's feeling insecure in Calgary.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles
    3. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      They're gonna be even more embarrassed when the twins light them up.

    4. thejazz97


      You feeling lucky, punks?

  19. Chris Tanev's brother scored the winning goal in the NCAA Championship today.

  20. Only need the Sens to win on Saturday and the Kings and Bruins can golf together.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Canucks1219


      They need just a point.

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      ^Right, forgot their margin is 2 pts.

    4. brilac


      They'd make a great golf team, both of them actually.

  21. Kesler's still got it:

    1. TheRussianRocket.


      LOL. Kes is a boss!

  22. I lose IQ points every time I go into the off-topic forum.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      More like -273

    3. Gross-Misconduct


      white noise has been proven to raise IQ points

    4. The Magician

      The Magician

      He started off at -270

  23. Tanner Glass apparently butt-ended Adam McQuaid in the face. Rather than suspending him, the league should force Glass to play every second of the Rangers' next 3 games.

    1. Phil_314


      Well if McQuaid cross-checks Beleskey in the throat and spears him, what should that get Adam? Have to think these things through, or you'd just risk having your team in another Poke the Bear video.

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