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[Signing] Canucks sign Micheal Ferland

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1 hour ago, The Lock said:

With all this Sutter talk, here's the way I see it between our bigger contracts that could be out the door:


- Eriksson has to go one way or another. However, burying him in the minors still means we have 5mil against the cap as opposed to 6mil (thus, only a 1million in cap savings) but it's what might have to happen if a trade doesn't get done.

- Sutter is expensive, but he has a niche on the team and is of more value to us than Eriksson. He's going to be hard to move, but he at least provides our team with a solid defensive game and a guy who really does help on the penalty kill.

- Tanev is probably worth the most value of the 3 and probably our best bet at actually getting some cap space. On top of that, he only has 1 year left so he could be a good rental for a team looking to get into the playoffs or even just looking for a more stable defense.


I think, with the 3, Eriksson needs to get out of town, but I don't think anyone would disagree in thinking it will be difficult to do. Tanev has the contract that's easiest to trade while Sutter's somewhere in the middle of all of this,

I agree with all of this.


However, right now we need Tanev to play with Hughes to cover for him defensively while he learns the game unless we get a replacement. I think TG will deploy the D as follows:


Edler  Myers

Hughes  Tanev

Benn  Stecher


Don't really have anyone to sub in for Tanev unless we get a D back in any trade for him and I doubt anyone is going to trade a younger bigger better version of Tanev for Tanev.


I still have some hope that JB could pry a guy like Risto out of Buffalo at which point Tanev can go.  Just my opinion.



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4 hours ago, Kanukfanatic said:

as for fighting don’t even go there little man behind his keyboard. - Your response makes you come across as ignorant.


lost count of my fights... - Why? Because you were always lying on the ice at the end?  :picard:


Internet tough guys like your response is making you look just isn't impressive.


Guddy is an actual tough guy who took on the toughest fighters in the NHL....not some beer league. You saying otherwise doesn't even matter.


Edit: I do agree that he was a pylon though.

Oh well we agree on something but I also agree he is tough guy just not consistently tough on nights we needed him to be 



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1 hour ago, Bubble Man said:

Dude, if His name was Kieth Berzinski instead of Gretzky he wouldn’t be an executive for an NHL team. He’d probably be on CDC throwing one liners to Benning trolls for reps. 

cool, you got my point, I think.

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3 minutes ago, canuck2288 said:

Oh well we agree on something but I also agree he is tough guy just not consistently tough on nights we needed him to be 



Guddy is a super tough guy. He has the real deal KO power.


He just lost the heart to fight.... happens to pretty much everyone as we all age...


Hoping Ferland can keep dropping the gloves occassionally when needed....

TBH - i would like a younger guy on the club that was more willing.....to defend his teamates when needed. 

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On 7/10/2019 at 9:25 PM, oldnews said:

For me, Ferland is a different kind of player, but still kinda joins a group of Canucks - guys like Hansen, Dorsettt, Burrows - that people loved - because they were heart on the sleeve type players - that worked so hard.


Except this time, that guy is 217 lbs.

Bertuzzi 2.0     recently saw a clip of him responding to Erik Johnson’s request to go..  Ferland had Just cleanly demolished an Av player..  with 14 mins left in the game, it was actually a good move to get Ferland off the ice for a 5 min major..  maybe that’s something for MF not to buy into,. Sometimes the “in the moment” response can wait..  but then, sometimes it changes the game.



Edited by SilentSam
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17 hours ago, Silky mitts said:

That title belongs to the 2011 Canucks still.

I agree that from a skill perspective, that lineup was better than our lineup as it sits. 


But lets not forget two things. First, we didn't lose that series just because of the officiating. We were also manhandled by a far bigger Boston team.  That won't happen anymore, and if anything it is more likely to be US doing the manhandling.


Second, the 2011 lineup was largely guys who had nowhere to go but down.  We also had few (no?) good prospects. Our team now is young, with many players likely to inprove rather than decline, and a very solid prospect pool.


My point is that while I agree that out current skill level may not compare, that doesn't mean I feel it never will.  Give our team a couplr years under their belt and I believe it has a good chance of being the best team we have ever had. Factor in our much bigger size and it becomes even more likely.


Good times.  Good times.



Edited by kloubek
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9 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

Bertuzzi 2.0     recently saw a clip of him responding to Erik Johnson’s request to go..  Ferland had Just cleanly demolished an Av player..  with 14 mins left in the game, it was actually a good move to get Ferland off the ice for a 5 min major..  maybe that’s something for MF not to buy into,. Sometimes the “in the moment” response can wait..  but then, sometimes it changes the game.



Good for EJ to take a beating standing up for his teammate.  Ferland is a beauty.  

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6 hours ago, SilentSam said:

I get the idea of trying to show some value in Sutter,. But even his play before his injuries was getting perimeter-like.

yes.. good on the dot.. but others are getting better.

He is tall , not that heavy or strong..  hopefully being off an entire year he is stronger than ever. 

I wonder sometimes if you were to replace that nameplate on his shirt with something other than Sutter.. does he stand out at all?



I think you severely underestimate Sutter's ability to play against other team's top lines.  A defensive 1-2 punch of a Sutter line and a Beagle line to play against the top 6 of opponents is, to me, just as integral (or more) to getting to the playoffs (and being successful when you get there) as Petey and Bo's lines.


My thought was if you could somehow dump LE or they move Tanev, they keep Baer and put him with Sutter and Jake.  Baer takes a little (but not much) of the defense, but he adds some offense to that line.......it would be like a versatile 60/40 (def/off) hybrid line.

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32 minutes ago, stawns said:

I think you severely underestimate Sutter's ability to play against other team's top lines.  A defensive 1-2 punch of a Sutter line and a Beagle line to play against the top 6 of opponents is, to me, just as integral (or more) to getting to the playoffs (and being successful when you get there) as Petey and Bo's lines.


My thought was if you could somehow dump LE or they move Tanev, they keep Baer and put him with Sutter and Jake.  Baer takes a little (but not much) of the defense, but he adds some offense to that line.......it would be like a versatile 60/40 (def/off) hybrid line.

I won’t overestimate a player that has been basically injured since the last quarter of the 2017-18 season, came back last season, by all estimates too early, for 26 games, and was a -12 “defensively”.

obviously there is no value in this player to prove he can be traded right now because he has to prove he can be the player he was.

We can hope that Sutter becomes something of value to us, or some body else.. but of course has to play.

I hope he can return to a form worthy of the contract he signed, for the very least ,his own career. 

I think we can both agree that where we as fans think players can fit at times, isn’t likely going to happen because of the buissiness side of the sport, and the true level of health and fitness of the athlete.

There are players that can adequately take the position of Center without a ripple of discontented change, because Sutter has been absent.  Horvat C.  Pettersen C. Beagle C.  Guadette C. Motte C.   .. and more prospects will show well in Camp.

Sutter will have to prove he is an asset here first, and I think the pressure on him as a Vet is a good thing.. but I’m far from penciling him, and even leaning to move him if he shows well to the trade deadline.



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42 minutes ago, Chickenspear said:


That's the thing I noticed with Gaudette last year. Every time he got sent down with instruction from TG to work on a particular part of his game, he did, and he was just that much better when he got called back up. With 1 year left on his waiver exempt ELC, why not do that again? He's getting rewarded for his hard work, the way it should be. Another year of a split season between Vancouver and Utica, he'll be that solid 3C we need to replace Sutter. Definitely needs more time in Utica as far as minutes and roles go, but needs to be up with the big club every so often for stretches for TG to evaluate and keep giving him feedback.

3/4 Thru last year they made the point Gaudette was now part of our best roster.  So he stayed up.


We have more depth now?  So it may no longer be the case. But I will be surprised if he is not on our opening roster.

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34 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:

3/4 Thru last year they made the point Gaudette was now part of our best roster.  So he stayed up.


We have more depth now?  So it may no longer be the case. But I will be surprised if he is not on our opening roster.

I'm not arguing that he's not going to be on opening night roster. NHL experience is invaluable. What I'm saying is that what they did with him last year did wonders to his development. They could start him in Vancouver, evaluate his game, and give him some aspects to work on in Utica where he'll be playing 17-18 mins a game (rather than 11 mins in Vancouver) with regular call ups. Sutter will probably get hurt at some point this season (again). He'll get his time.


This is assuming Sutter is still a Canuck on opening night. If he isn't, I wouldn't be surprised if Gaudette is a full time NHLer. Not too many other center options.

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8 hours ago, aGENT said:

To play where? Why? To the detriment of a PR nightmare and massive distraction around the team all year? 


No thanks.


We have ZERO need to have Loui on this roster. He's done here.


If we can engineer a minimal cost (retained salary/taking a contract back/minor asset sweetener) trade...by all means. Otherwise he's welcome to ride buses in Utica, mutually terminate or retire.




Not sure that's entirely accurate anymore. By all means, I tend to agree Sutter will be a valuable player and be on the roster in October. If nothing else to get some healthy games under his belt and up his trade value at minimum. And more likely as a solid, contributing player in exactly the role you mention.


However, if we're going to entertain this thought experiment... Sutter's main reason for being here is to play (along with some other solid defensive players) the defensive/match up/PK minutes to furnish the offensive players with more offensive opportunity and shelter them from those more difficult tasks. And he's damn good at it.


I'd argue however, that with the additions we've made this summer, those players will need far less sheltering (we added solid 2 way, physical players who can also win draws etc to our top 6) and we'll also be spending far less time as a team in those defensive situations (far more puck possession, far better transition game from the D). That all potentially lessens (not necessarily eliminates) the need for both Sutter AND Beagle in that role.


In that situation, it's not impossible to see us moving on from him at some point in the not distant future and transitioning to a 3rd line that's more focused on secondary offensive/2 way play that becomes an opposition match up problem vs an outright match up/sheltering/furnishing ozone line.


-Pettersson's line with his natural progression/experience/added strength and the addition of Miller/Ferland will require less sheltering than the 70% ozone starts they saw last year.


-Horvat's line simply doesn't require sheltering. They can play against opposing top lines or their match up/defensive lines without worry.


-Beagle's line is our match up line.


-Gaudette's line (theoretically) becomes a match up problem for the other team.


Again, just a thought experiment, but I believe that's the intended/eventual destination whether it's this October, later this season, next season etc. A lot will depend on Gaudette's readiness.



I concure, absolutely.  I believe they will move to a more offensive minded third line, who can hold up defensively against opponent's top 6 lines.  I think that will be AG's role in a cpl years, if they hold on to him that long.........he's a pretty good chip to have.

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