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19 minutes ago, spur1 said:

Yes that is why I have always been torn...are they like strippers or beggars. 
Sorry but I just can’t get  comfortable with tipping.  It is not fair to the servers or the customers. 
Just be up front and charge the true price of doing business. 

I think you’ve just outed yourself Mr Pink.....




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7 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

I think the economy is going to be the thing.


If Trump can't turn it back into "the greatest economy in history" what will he have to brag about? Conservative judges? I guess that's something.:unsure:

He made an important point to say millions in the US would have been killed, but they did a "great job" with their measures so it will "only" be 100-240k killed according to models.


I guarantee he will try to spin it that he saved millions of lives. And his supporters will eat it up, not understanding that it could have been half that if he acted quicker.

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1 minute ago, kloubek said:

He made an important point to say millions in the US would have been killed, but they did a "great job" with their measures so it will "only" be 100-240k killed according to models.


I guarantee he will try to spin it that he saved millions of lives. And his supporters will eat it up, not understanding that it could have been half that if he acted quicker.

Or if there medical system wasn’t ranked 37th in the world. The only for profit medical system in the world among first world countries. 
Just a sheet hole. 

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7 hours ago, mayor MCcheese said:

Also the testing requirements are far too narrow. Only those with severe breathing problems are tested. Add the fact that several doctors have said they are sending many people home every day that they KNOW have it, but not severe enough for the testing requirements, and you've got massive underreporting here.

You got it. The numbers don't really mean much. There are just way too many variables to factor in to make it even remotely accurate. And I'm talking industrialized nations like Canada and USA.


It gets worse as you look at developing nations where information doesn't travel nearly as well, and testing is even more of a struggle.


Then there are the asymptomatic or those with mild symptoms who aren't getting tested almost anywhere.


What's the current world tally... 850,000 infected? Try 10-20 times that and maybe it's at least closer to the real number.

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5 minutes ago, spur1 said:

Or if there medical system wasn’t ranked 37th in the world. The only for profit medical system in the world among first world countries. 
Just a sheet hole. 

Well yeah... but having a questionable health care system has been America's problem forever. Though Trump could have made it better, and should have made improvements to pandemic readiness given the results the Obama administration found, the entire system was broken for decades before Trump took office. I do hate the guy, but the system he inherited had big issues which are hard to fix without devoting mega cash. One can imagine how impossible that would have been for him, and his perspective on the importance of cash.

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1 hour ago, Toews said:

Solvency is just as important as income. Those who didn't save up for a rainy day will suffer the most from this. This situation should make everyone rethink their spending habits. Can't take anything for granted, got to be a scrooge now lol no more free beers for anyone, better bring your own because mine have corona. ^_^

Not even a week into this and people were worried about paying their rent. :wacko:

Yes, it is an expensive city to live, but, like you said, people need to be having a look at their spending habits.   And I bet the same people also have lots of credit card debt.


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14 hours ago, Gäz said:

But they're not, they're offering $2, 000. Which, incidentally, is pretty close to what people making minimum wage (at least in BC) and normally working 37.5-40 hrs/week make.


What's the problem?

You can buy a tiger for 2000!!!

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4 hours ago, PistolPete13 said:

You just can’t make this stuff up. 
Only in Amurica

Eh I wouldn't say that. Guy at work spent a solid 4 hours trying to convince me there's no virus. this is all caused by radiation from 5G network.

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6 hours ago, redhdlois said:

Not even a week into this and people were worried about paying their rent. :wacko:

Yes, it is an expensive city to live, but, like you said, people need to be having a look at their spending habits.   And I bet the same people also have lots of credit card debt.


Basic finance 101


minimum 3 months emergency savings, ideally 6 six months.


Knock on wood....

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10 hours ago, DeNiro said:


I don’t mean a clinical psychopath but rather someone who already has several screws loose.

Normal people don’t just go out and murder because the president says some stuff on tv.

Agreed. Murder is an extreme example. That being said, "Very fine people" might just be emboldened enough by his words to direct racial slurs at visible minorities, or spray paint swastitkas on Synagogues....


....this is the main reason people shouldn't take to calling COVID 19 the "Chinese Flu", unless, of course, one happens to be someone who enjoys going for walks with a few dozen "brothers", carrying tiki torches and chanting catchy slogans like "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us!"......

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7 hours ago, kloubek said:

He made an important point to say millions in the US would have been killed, but they did a "great job" with their measures so it will "only" be 100-240k killed according to models.


I guarantee he will try to spin it that he saved millions of lives. And his supporters will eat it up, not understanding that it could have been half that if he acted quicker.

And that's if they do everything right from here on out........which they won't.  He's using that number like it's a sure thing.  I think there's a good chance it hits the half million mark.  


They're two weeks from the peak..........in the places it's hitting hard right now.  It's going to make its way all over the country over the next year and a half, until there's a vaccine.

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7 hours ago, kloubek said:

Well yeah... but having a questionable health care system has been America's problem forever. Though Trump could have made it better, and should have made improvements to pandemic readiness given the results the Obama administration found, the entire system was broken for decades before Trump took office. I do hate the guy, but the system he inherited had big issues which are hard to fix without devoting mega cash. One can imagine how impossible that would have been for him, and his perspective on the importance of cash.

Didn't Obama stop an ebola outbreak pretty effectively?

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