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[GDT/PGT] Vancouver Canucks @ Toronto Maple Laffs | February 6, 2021 | 4 p.m. PT | NHLN, CBC, TVAS, SN, CITY

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8 minutes ago, Provost said:

This may be the most depressing thing I have experienced since Messier...


The idea that Loui is going to be slotted into the lineup to help us.


... and that I can sit there and think “yep, that sounds reasonable”.


Good God, that is horrifying....

Whoa wait, c'mon. The years of Tortorella and Desjardins were way more depressing than this, give me a break. 


We have 3 Calder finalists on the team, 1 of which won the damn thing. Hoglander looks like he'll at least be top 5 in Calder voting by the end of this year. 


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Yeah, it's a team sport.

Good players were coming this season, but the ones that are gone had been not only good players but also real teamfirst players, Marky, Tanev and yes, Stecher.


I haven`t seen the team from last year until today, good individuals but not a good team.

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30 minutes ago, SILLY GOOSE said:

If this is what you think then fine, but I strongly disagree.  Not everybody is as self centered as you think.

Listen Einstein... 


You're the one who was knocking two guys in one thread, especially regarding Green knowing who to put in and who to take out. Yeah, you're on a roll. The reality is... these guys do have an ego, and if you think "it's not the way it is", good luck with that. Stop being a brown noser and pay attention to the reality that's happening, especially the subtext that's happening behind the scenes.

Edited by BarnBurner
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18 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Man some posters  just want people on hear to pretend like everything is fine. Posters are allowed to point out the things wrong with this team. It doesn’t mean they are giving up or should or they are not a true fan. People don’t want to read negative comments, well then don’t. The way this team has been built in 7 years is not good enough to contend and it should be. Posters are pointing that out. It’s obvious how bad we are right now because of the goals against and Benning saying comments such as I ran out of time. It just makes the organization look incompetent. Fans have a right to feel embarassed and voice their displeasure. It says Canucks talk, it doesn’t say Canucks talk only if you are positive and want to paint everything with rose coloured glasses on.



There's SO much wrong with this.


First point:  "Posters are allowed to point out the things wrong with this team".   Not sure what qualifies them to, but it is a discussion board so "opinions" are fine.  When presented like facts, some people do have an issue with that.  If you have all the answers...why has no one hired you yet?


No one predicted a pandemic.  No revenue.  Caps flattened (when they were projecting an increase of $3-7M - a big one and threw a wrench into some plans).  A schedule that's really unheard of.


Not incompetent....this deal's full of unknowns and uncertainties.  And some pretend that everything should have been known when some of it couldn't be.  This is not a year to judge based on....it's an anomaly.


It's far from perfect and yes, mistakes have been made along the way.  But I feel some just like to gripe whenever they can because they get heard that way.


I've been through some pretty grim years with the Canucks....hang in there, it's not nearly as bad as it could be.  At least we have a roster and young players who offer some glimmer of hope when they do get back on stride again.  Wasn't always so.    People SCREAMED to ditch the older players and go with young guns.  Now we are and it isn't happening fast enough.

The flip side to rose coloured glasses and positivity is a bleak, sour outlook and the first opportunity to pounce with that is premature at times.  The sky isn't falling yet...time will tell but right now it's impossible to judge based on the things listed.  As our schedule levels out a bit and we get a bit of a break, other teams may start breaking down.

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Just now, King Heffy said:

Green should be fired on the spot for even considering to allow that woirthless sack of **** to disgrace our jersey again.  There is no way any legitimate NHL coach considers LE's play remotely close to acceptable; it sickens me that we are rewarding this lazy floater with more unearned minutes.  We would be better off letting Fin play.

That's just so lame. Watch the games. Granted, LE has no offense anymore but he sure is a defensively responsible forward who has caused like zero turnovers per game in x number of seasons which is what we need right now. LE is not living up to his contract and he doesn't do anything physically- and yes, this is a problem no denying that - but to say he's a floater when he's always giving his everything when he's on the ice just shows you don't watch/understand the games. Compare him with Virtanen and at this stage of their careers you get Virts with higher offensive upside but LE with the consistent effort. And then consider what brings most upside to the roster over a full season. Again, not defending LE, it would be best for everyone if he just retired, but so say that no NHL coach should play LE is just so dumb.

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1 hour ago, DeNiro said:


Those guys may be small but they play big games.

Which doesn't provide much value when you run into teams who have big guys who play big games. Like the old saying goes, a good big man will beat a good small man every time.

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I'm eager to see what Bailey and Eriksson can do, who knows, maybe it's enough to shakeup the team mentality.


Still I think we're destined to fail as long as Benn and Hughes are paired together. We should load up, Edler-Myers or Edler-Schmidt and Hughes-Myers or Hughes-Schmidt. Let our 3rd pairing play as a 3rd pairing but we can't afford to have Hughes who's playing garbage defensively right now with a 6-7th defenceman on a 2nd pairing against top forwards because they're getting shredded.

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1 minute ago, J-P said:

That's just so lame. Watch the games. Granted, LE has no offense anymore but he sure is a defensively responsible forward who has caused like zero turnovers per game in x number of seasons which is what we need right now. LE is not living up to his contract and he doesn't do anything physically- and yes, this is a problem no denying that - but to say he's a floater when he's always giving his everything when he's on the ice just shows you don't watch/understand the games. Compare him with Virtanen and at this stage of their careers you get Virts with higher offensive upside but LE with the consistent effort. And then consider what brings most upside to the roster over a full season. Again, not defending LE, it would be best for everyone if he just retired, but so say that no NHL coach should play LE is just so dumb.



I guess McLennan doesn't understand the game. 

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2 minutes ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Loui in the top six. Oh dear Gord. 

Pearson-Horvat-Eriksson was very good for us last year.   They took on almost all of the toughest matchups.    Coaching and/or management should have never taken Eriksson out of the line up.  And yes - I realize that Eriksson is grossly overpaid and can’t produce offense anymore.







Hughes-Edler (Edler plays in Tanev’s old role)






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1 minute ago, DarkIndianRises said:

Pearson-Horvat-Eriksson was very good for us last year.   They took on almost all of the toughest matchups.    Coaching and/or management should have never taken Eriksson out of the line up.  And yes - I realize that Eriksson is grossly overpaid and can’t produce offense anymore.







Hughes-Edler (Edler plays in Tanev’s old role)






Why would you jettison beagle when he’s probably been one of our best players 

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1 hour ago, EdgarM said:

I am just getting tired of this team losing ,and now, we have a great group of players and they are playing like this? 

From what he has done to Jake's game, to playing LE, to sitting OJ, to demoting Hogs it is just going down hill fast. 

Hughes needs to be played less, and vets need to settle things down but thats not in Greens plans.

We will be the 1 dimensional team we have always been and its sad because we have the potential to be so much more.

I wasn't even a fan of OJ (didn't like the pick) but this year,  watching opposing players bounce off his girth, and his good passing and his quiet game, I saw the makings of something Tanev like. Not flashy but smart on the puck.

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10 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

There's SO much wrong with this.


First point:  "Posters are allowed to point out the things wrong with this team".   Not sure what qualifies them to, but it is a discussion board so "opinions" are fine.  When presented like facts, some people do have an issue with that.  If you have all the answers...why has no one hired you yet?


No one predicted a pandemic.  No revenue.  Caps flattened (when they were projecting an increase of $3-7M - a big one and threw a wrench into some plans).  A schedule that's really unheard of.


Not incompetent....this deal's full of unknowns and uncertainties.  And some pretend that everything should have been known when some of it couldn't be.  This is not a year to judge based on....it's an anomaly.


It's far from perfect and yes, mistakes have been made along the way.  But I feel some just like to gripe whenever they can because they get heard that way.


I've been through some pretty grim years with the Canucks....hang in there, it's not nearly as bad as it could be.  At least we have a roster and young players who offer some glimmer of hope when they do get back on stride again.  Wasn't always so.    People SCREAMED to ditch the older players and go with young guns.  Now we are and it isn't happening fast enough.

The flip side to rose coloured glasses and positivity is a bleak outlook and the first opportunity to pounce with that is premature at times.  The sky isn't falling yet...time will tell.  

When Benning comes out and says they ran out of time, it shows incompetence. He had plenty of time to get rid of money and couldn’t which also shows he doesn’t have the ability to shed money when they have to. He should have never handed out contracts to players like Baertchi, Sutter, roussel, Beagle, and he should have done more investigating into Ferland’s situation. Having 20 million spent on our bottom forwards is bad compared to the rest of the league. He gave contract extensions to Newell Brown and Baumgartner in the middle of the season last year when it wasn’t needed. I don’t get the Baumgartner extension as the team defence has been brutal. Markstrom was a big reason why our GAA was respectable. The shot totals were bad last year too. So yes I do think he has shown incompetence. He has wasted a lot of money.

Edited by Canuckfanforlife82
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Oh my gerd! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!:frantic:

Sell the team! Fire the front office and coaches and trade all the players for picks!


Is any journey in life a straight line? Any at all? Or is it progress at all costs? Regression is forbidden? Doesn't seem like a very realistic perspective to me.


This season has a pile of extenuating circumstances that make performance at a high level difficult. I would suspect that not getting off to a good start exacerbates it. They have by far the most games played in the league; very little time off to rest, review performances, practice.... Being in a funk and not being able to come together to be with each other outside the rink, as teammates, as people, to support each other to get through it has a major impact I’m sure. Lots of stuff going on that is probably contributing to the effort we’re seeing.


I think patience is a virtue this season. Give them some latitude. If they suck this season, it’s a good season to suck. They will learn and grow from it.


Go Canucks go! I have a feeling they’re going to play hard and disciplined and win tonight! :towel:

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