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With all due respect, I think the consensus on this board that Miller is getting traded before the TDL and the Canucks aren't making the playoffs is highly premature

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8 minutes ago, kilgore said:

Its all about if its a re-tool, or a re-build.   

We've got a young core to build around (Demko, Pettersson and Hughes, in its most distilled form). We aren't doing a rebuild (replacing a core) by moving those guys out and replacing them.

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21 minutes ago, kilgore said:

I don't think you mean "properly compete" this season right?  Because even if we get serviceable player (s) back, it won't be a superstar, and it won't be someone who plays like Miller at the same or a lesser contract.


So you mean next season. 

I contend that next season we have more of a good shot at improving our chances WITH Miller in the lineup to make the playoffs and compete, than with what we'd get with younger pieces, and draft picks.  Its all about if its a re-tool, or a re-build.  And I don't think this management wants to signal again to this current young core that they will be starting a rebuild now.  If that's the course, that's a different argument.


On paper, yes, a bigger return because he's got two potential playoff runs under his cheap contract.  But in reality, we may not get quite the same haul, but chances are there will still be a few desperate teams next season, who will pay through the nose for Miller regardless of his contract running out.  Because any team that takes him then will most likely only sign him if they have reassurances that he wants to sign long term. And they'll already have a number in mind. And if its on a contending team, that's what he'd probably want too, if he's decided on leaving Vancouver, or if we really can't afford him.


Of course not only does it depend on if he actually wants to stay here, and if we can even afford what he will ask, but also that it depends on who is coming back the other way.  And in all fairness, JR may be still deciding on a re-tool or re-build depending on if a deal presented to him is so undeniably lucrative, if that's the right word, that he can't say no regardless.  Younger haul.....rebuild.  Star veteran D and a youngish center who can step in immediately?....retool.


I just think also we have to heed Bieksa's warning about ripping the heart and soul from the team. The engine of the team.  You have to ask, and JR does too, if who they will replace him with, will we be better off next season or not.  And if not, why do it, if its supposed to be a retool?  In that case its dumb to trade him now IMO.  He may even want to re-sign here next season if we do improve a lot. Who knows?


Unless the return is like two #1 picks and a top prospect, and JR has to take the deal, and so it turns into a full on rebuild, and we all must steel ourselves for another 4 or 5 years.  But I don't think JR wants to wait that long ideally. And if that's the case, if its just a retool, we need Miller next season more than players who will maybe, maybe, help us in 3 or 4 years.  And/or new acquisitions forced onto the roster that, once again, players will have to adjust and get comfortable with each other and the systems etc.. Like seemingly every new season under Benning.  Even if its a top pairing D.  Look at Schmidt, and Gudbranson.  Just because we trade Miller for a good ready-to-play defenseman + picks, or a prospect, doesn't guarantee they will perform or be happy here.  Be careful what you wish for.....or assume.  There's another train of thought that when you have a player like Miller, you do everything you can to hang onto him. Kopitar is 34, and is still producing for LA. More than that, he's a leader and huge part of their team presence and culture.


I'm hoping JR surprises everyone, including sports media who have all but traded him already, and he performs some magic and is able to get us more help on the blue line, or center, by using the other pieces he has here.  And at the very least punt the trade decision until next season. I gave Benning the benefit of the doubt for about 5 seasons or so before my posts in here started turning south on him.  I'll hang my hopes on JR for now to get us out of this.  Talk to me in 4 years. And I may be organizing a new banner for the new Jim.....or Allvin .





Yes correct, I don't mean this season, and my personal feeling is not even next year neither. 

If we trade Miller, we accept a step back, and the players we get in return will need time to mature, so I personally think 2+ years before we can compete. 

This was my main problem with it all, and why I was so torn on the idea of trading Miller at all. I agree 100% with Bieksa that trading Miller will be like tearing the heart of the team out, as I don't know, who else can lead like him. 
I love Bo, but he is a different type of player to Miller. Had Motte been more of a goal threat and maybe a bit bigger, he could maybe do the same (the spirit, tenacity and agression is there). 

Thus I believe EP, Brock, Podz etc needs a few years more before they can lead the team, and that would also give any newly aquired young roster players time to develop and the draft picks a chance to be ready to enter on ELC's (maybe). 
Now the issue with this, as I see it, is will Petey and Bo want to hang around for this?


My original point though was, if they decide new players are needed, and we need to get stronger, bigger and faster, as JR said, I think trading Miller now would likely bring back more value, as he won't just be a rental like next year. Especially if we are in Cap problems. 
And the added bonus would be the players we traded for would have another year to develop before we really need to start push, if we want to make use of EP, contract before it takes off...


At least there is a lot of interest, and that, together with the fact we have the ability to retain on Millers contract, should mean, we could get a really good haul for the future. 


If he can get something like Laf and a top RHD prospect, question is if this would be better for our team? 

But yes if JR can somehow, get a good rhd in by using our spares and keep Miller I would not be opposed to it. 

I will be interesting to see how it unfolds. 

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Sell high and get a Huge return.


For instance if NJ wants Miller the cost is both Hughes brothers. If NY wants him the cost is Alexis Lafreniére, Kakko and a 1st.


this isn’t Jimbo bandaid trade era anymore. Jimbo would be trading picks away for 7th Dmen. Then people would wonder why they have no draft picks and prospects.

Build Canucks Build

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I think it's definitely premature to think we can't make the playoffs. We're a resilient bunch. There are a bunch of teams we can leapfrog. Although I understand that people are down after that embarrassing loss to the Flames. 
Trading Miller is idiotic in my opinion. He's our best forward this season. The trade to get him was a steal. Trading him would just be going backwards. 

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On a side note, I think it is very apparent during the past 3 years that what went wrong with J.B. and the ownership is that they were surprised by the sudden promise of Pettersson and Hughes and therefore they got their hope too high. If you look at J.B. during the Pettersson draft, he was happy but not ecstatic. He would have told the ownership at that time that the rebuild/retool needs several more years because prospects like Pettersson were not ready and need time to develop overseas and eventually in the NHL. The dominance of Pettersson and Hughes during their rookie seasons as well as the playoffs torpedoed the patient approach. Both J.B. and the ownership believed that the young core players as well as guys like Virtanen and Gaudette are entering the steep part of their developmental curve meaning that several of the young prospects were expected to have career years. This was clearly incorrect. 


Had J.B. drafted the slow burn Sedins the patient approach would have endured. The Sedins took several years to become decent and no one expected them to become hall of famers. 


I think this is the perspective that J.B. would convey if he participates in future G.M. interviews. 

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4 hours ago, Maddogy said:

On a side note, I think it is very apparent during the past 3 years that what went wrong with J.B. and the ownership is that they were surprised by the sudden promise of Pettersson and Hughes and therefore they got their hope too high. If you look at J.B. during the Pettersson draft, he was happy but not ecstatic. He would have told the ownership at that time that the rebuild/retool needs several more years because prospects like Pettersson were not ready and need time to develop overseas and eventually in the NHL. The dominance of Pettersson and Hughes during their rookie seasons as well as the playoffs torpedoed the patient approach. Both J.B. and the ownership believed that the young core players as well as guys like Virtanen and Gaudette are entering the steep part of their developmental curve meaning that several of the young prospects were expected to have career years. This was clearly incorrect. 


Had J.B. drafted the slow burn Sedins the patient approach would have endured. The Sedins took several years to become decent and no one expected them to become hall of famers. 


I think this is the perspective that J.B. would convey if he participates in future G.M. interviews. 

This could have some relevance if you consider that, if we are to base things on what we've been told by various sources, the Acquilinis wanted a retool and not a rebuild from the beginning. I could see them wanting to jump the gun and "make money now" rather than staying the course of things. Given the lack of 1st round picks we've had in the past couple of years, that would seem to support this as well.


It's easy to overthink and be somewhere in your mind before it even happens. However, the league tends to be results driven first and foremost.

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5 hours ago, Maddogy said:

On a side note, I think it is very apparent during the past 3 years that what went wrong with J.B. and the ownership is that they were surprised by the sudden promise of Pettersson and Hughes and therefore they got their hope too high. If you look at J.B. during the Pettersson draft, he was happy but not ecstatic. He would have told the ownership at that time that the rebuild/retool needs several more years because prospects like Pettersson were not ready and need time to develop overseas and eventually in the NHL. The dominance of Pettersson and Hughes during their rookie seasons as well as the playoffs torpedoed the patient approach. Both J.B. and the ownership believed that the young core players as well as guys like Virtanen and Gaudette are entering the steep part of their developmental curve meaning that several of the young prospects were expected to have career years. This was clearly incorrect. 


Had J.B. drafted the slow burn Sedins the patient approach would have endured. The Sedins took several years to become decent and no one expected them to become hall of famers. 


I think this is the perspective that J.B. would convey if he participates in future G.M. interviews. 

Personally, I think we had a little mini-window, not as a contender but as a playoff team, with the kids on ELC/bridge deals and some good vets around them. 


You can see some evidence of that with the team under Bruce and the bubble playoff performance. 


That said, the hole they dug early this season is just too deep and now it's time to set this team up for that young core's window and sell high on some of those vets. Build around the core for their contention window 2-7 years from now.

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23 hours ago, spook007 said:

Yes correct, I don't mean this season, and my personal feeling is not even next year neither. 

If we trade Miller, we accept a step back, and the players we get in return will need time to mature, so I personally think 2+ years before we can compete. 

This was my main problem with it all, and why I was so torn on the idea of trading Miller at all. I agree 100% with Bieksa that trading Miller will be like tearing the heart of the team out, as I don't know, who else can lead like him. 
I love Bo, but he is a different type of player to Miller. Had Motte been more of a goal threat and maybe a bit bigger, he could maybe do the same (the spirit, tenacity and agression is there). 

Thus I believe EP, Brock, Podz etc needs a few years more before they can lead the team, and that would also give any newly aquired young roster players time to develop and the draft picks a chance to be ready to enter on ELC's (maybe). 
Now the issue with this, as I see it, is will Petey and Bo want to hang around for this?


My original point though was, if they decide new players are needed, and we need to get stronger, bigger and faster, as JR said, I think trading Miller now would likely bring back more value, as he won't just be a rental like next year. Especially if we are in Cap problems. 
And the added bonus would be the players we traded for would have another year to develop before we really need to start push, if we want to make use of EP, contract before it takes off...


At least there is a lot of interest, and that, together with the fact we have the ability to retain on Millers contract, should mean, we could get a really good haul for the future. 


If he can get something like Laf and a top RHD prospect, question is if this would be better for our team? 

But yes if JR can somehow, get a good rhd in by using our spares and keep Miller I would not be opposed to it. 

I will be interesting to see how it unfolds. 


I admit I contradict myself when it comes to this team somewhat.  Such is the life of a long time Canuck fan.

In hindsight, I would have liked for JB to be more hardazz on the twins, and Edler, and other core players with NTC, more pressure to wave so he could trade and stock up.  I would not have been happy especially if they picked on Burrows then too. Burrows was kind of like the same role as engine of the team as Miller is now. (In spirit, not necessarily in the goal scoring department).  But on the other hand, I admired a manager like Wally Buono of the Lions, who made unpopular decisions to trade away players just before their play deteriorated, despite the fan adoration.


So I'm saying I'd get over it. A trade of Miller. It would depend of course if we got back great future pieces.


I guess I just feel like this team is somewhat fragile at the moment, mostly because of situations and roster decisions by past management in the last few years. And that the timing couldn't be worse to rip out the heart of the team. To have yet another re-start, re-tool, re-vamp. whatever. After years of management living in some dream world of delusion about how good we are. And you are right, or was it Maddogy, who said Pettersson and Hughes gave that management and ownership a great excuse to keep hoeing that row. But I just wonder if the medicine might be worse than a perceived solution by subtraction of a player like Miller.  A type of player that the Canucks have not even seen much of during their whole time in the league.  One that other teams would never let go of unless they were starting a true bare bones rebuild.




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On 1/30/2022 at 10:26 AM, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

An extra first would be nice.

I’m sort of leaning toward trying to snag an unprotected 2023 first, however. Teams tend to be a lot less attached to their picks the further out they are into the future. And 2023 looks like a very strong year.


Given that we’re almost certainly trading with a contender if we move Miller, it might make sense to look at teams that could be near the end of their window, or facing salary issues, who might end up dropping significantly in the standings next season.

Also would be fun to have an unprotected 2023 first in the bank, and watch the team we trade with struggle all season on their way to handing us a top-10 pick in 2023’s class. 


Hopefully as part of a package that also includes a couple day two picks in the 2022 draft, a young roster player, and a prospect.


Of course, a 2022 first would be a year ahead in development and maybe gets into our roster faster, but I suspect the 2023 pick would be the better player long-term, and if it ends up top-10, might still be the quicker roster addition, despite being a year younger.

So your hopes are pinned to Miller going to a team that gets decimated with long term injuries next year? That's about the only way that 1st rounder is in the top ten. It's unlikely to be a top 20 pick with Miller improving the team he goes to. 

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On 1/28/2022 at 3:31 PM, CanucksFan8353 said:

From scrolling through the threads over the last period of time, there seem to be 2 points of agreement on CDC:


1.  The Canucks aren't making the playoffs this year.

2. JT Miller is as good as gone and probably even before the TDL.


These two opinions, in my very humble opinion, are highly premature.  First, the team has run at a .650 winning percentage since Bruce "there it is" Boudreau" took over, which is stunning.  A .640 or less winning percentage henceforth gets us in.  Second, we just survived a COVID wave that nearly decimated the team with 4 points out 10 where we very possibly could have received zero.  We have a player who everyone in the league is drooling over who just did something last night that hasn't happened since Pavel Bure did it in 1994 before the Canucks made their magical run that year.  Fourthly, have you forgotten the 7 wins in 8 game streak, the winning 4/5 games before that, the easy schedule we have coming up in February.  Lastly, for you to believe the Canucks will miss the playoffs this year, you have to look at the standings and tell me that Dallas, Calgary, Edmonton and San Jose are such colossuses that there is no way we can catch them by the end of the regular season, as they are just so darn good while we are not.  Do you truly believe that?  Saying "too many teams" to jump over is intellectually lazy in my opinion.


As far as JT Miller goes, has AF from NY shown you ANYTHING to make you think that he will be as good as JT Miller?


Anyway, the consensus may be right and I may be wrong.  My only point here is that to have a consensus that the Canucks are out of the playoff race and JT Miller is basically 1 foot out the door already is highly premature.  For those of us still hoping for success, can you at least hold off on the Canucks obituaries until we see how February and the early half of March play out? Until we have Demko, Pearson, Horvat and Hamonic all back and healthy, etc.  Until we see if Sutter makes a return somehow?  Is there a need for the obits prematurely?


EDIT:  The Oilers fans were all on in the tanks and picks for years, and all it got them was a bubble playoff team and 1 round 2 game 7.  That strategy of tanking and trading hasn't worked out terribly well for them has it?

I don’t think it is premature. Canucks need salary cap room and trading him for a few seems possible. If you trade someone like Garland you are just trading for a similar player. I think it is either Miller, brockstar, or Horvat or even two of the three.

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On 1/28/2022 at 4:41 PM, NUCKER67 said:

The timing of it all is near perfect.


Miller has another year left on a very good contract.

He's in his prime


He's a playoff type of performer: aggressive, physical, desire to win

He can play C or the wing, good on faceoffs

He's good on the PK and PP

Team leader in goals and points


What if they decide to hold off and wait until next year's TDL, and then Miller suffers an injury, or slows down, or loses his scoring touch, etc. A lot of "what ifs", but if this happens, his value drops and they might not get near as much next year. It's a gamble. 


Does Miller even want to play in VAN long term?  Previous management may have left a bad taste in his mouth and he might want to play elsewhere. From what I've heard, he never bought a home here, so does he really plan to stay?


I don't know if JR has the patience to wait and see with Miller. He knows there is a lot of work to be done, to rebuild the prospect pool, the bottom 6 and the D. Trading Miller gives them a kick start into that. They could end up with another 1st (making two 1st round picks in a strong Draft). He could also pick up a good prospect, and a player to help the team now. With Boudreau, I think the Canucks can win, even without one or two of their better players in the lineup.  

You sir don't belong here. This is too well thought out and logical. Only pure emotions and irrational hope here. 

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3 hours ago, Westcoasting said:

I don’t think it is premature. Canucks need salary cap room and trading him for a few seems possible. If you trade someone like Garland you are just trading for a similar player. I think it is either Miller, brockstar, or Horvat or even two of the three.

Hearing some messaging from Rutherford and Smyl about dealing with the cap situation first is making my spider senses tingle about maybe Boeser actually being the first on the block and for mostly futures.


A Miller trade is bigger and probably isn’t making much cap space as you will be taking players and money back.  Horvat is much less likely to move at this deadline, and not until we figure out if we can extend him in the summer.


That leaves Boeser as one of the moves you can make to create cap space, assuming they can’t find takers for Hamonic, Poolman, Dickenson, Chiasson, etc

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On 1/30/2022 at 8:18 AM, Provost said:

Well with all due respect…

It is highly unlikely that we are making the playoffs.  We are on track for about 82 points by the end of the season.  We need to go about 26-12 for the rest of the year to hit the historic playoff bar.  We are under .500 in our last ten games so are actually losing ground and not making it up.
We are also 7th in our division so have to leapfrog everybody.  That’ll math on that is harder than you think because all the teams ahead of us play each other a bunch so it is hard for ALL of them to fall apart when there  are so many guaranteed points between them.


People are jumping to the conclusion that Miller is going to get traded because the team President keeps saying things like “I want to get younger to match with our core” and “I want to clear cap space” and “I am going to make some decisions before the deadline” and other comments like that.


It is possible that he doesn’t trade Miller this deadline… but that certainly represents the biggest chip he has in doing the things he said.  It isn’t impossible that he decides that he was wrong and wants to re-sign a 30 year old Miller to a massive $8.5-9 million dollar extension and decides to trade away a bunch of young players instead… it just seems WAY less likely.

2 points out of a playoff spot and you say it's all over with 3 months left in the season.....Whatever...


In addition, the winning percentage that we are at since Bruce took over gets us into the playoffs and if you get the calculator out and project Calgary and San Jose out, puts us ahead of them at the end of the season. Being conservative in these calculations leads to us being .3 points ahead of Calgary by the end of the year.  That's without factoring in overtime games, which is impossible.


I would also caution you not fall into the trap of assuming that the prospects and picks we get back by blowing up the team, as you seem to want, would create a Cup-winning team.


I'll concede to you that all is lost if we lose the season series to the Flames but if we win the season series to the Flames and win our last game year of the year against Edmonton, I can almost guarantee you we are in!:canucks:


On 1/30/2022 at 8:18 AM, Provost said:




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17 hours ago, aGENT said:

Personally, I think we had a little mini-window, not as a contender but as a playoff team, with the kids on ELC/bridge deals and some good vets around them. 


You can see some evidence of that with the team under Bruce and the bubble playoff performance. 


That said, the hole they dug early this season is just too deep and now it's time to set this team up for that young core's window and sell high on some of those vets. Build around the core for their contention window 2-7 years from now.

Yes this is how i see it too.   The trick in this would to make some lopsided trade for a player nobody has really considered (Podz?  Hogs?) that comes back with a player that we need on the RHD and somehow jamming what we have in the cap.    It's possible to re-sign the same guys we now have that are considered core - Miller, Horvat and Brock Boeser in particular ... it just doesn't seem at all realistic though.  And even that smart.   Sure we could accept Brock on a one year deal at 7.5 - and then offer him an 8 year deal ... that is where he should be (5.5-6.5 depending on how things go with him is my best guess)...he could be our Sharp (CHI)... and personally feel he's got a PGP big year or two in him don't agree that he's one dimensional either ... EP is more one dimensional really - he's like zero contact level right now which isn't great. Speaking of EP maybe he's the guy to trade ... but that's been discussed as well. 


The way i see it, Allvin would have to pull some seriously lopsided trades to make the window open now and next season for us.    That would be amazing and who knows maybe he does just that.   Reality is the team needs to score more. The rest is sorting itself out.   And our D needs Woo or someone else to come out of the woodwork.   Schenn is like found money right now ... earning a nice deal to stay in the league which is great to see too.   Myers i'd like to keep too.   At a more reasonable cap hit - but still there is one spot on the right side that needs to be a young, impact player.   Either that or we need a Bryam...and go with a left side that's loaded up.  

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7 hours ago, CanucksFan8353 said:

2 points out of a playoff spot and you say it's all over with 3 months left in the season.....Whatever...


In addition, the winning percentage that we are at since Bruce took over gets us into the playoffs and if you get the calculator out and project Calgary and San Jose out, puts us ahead of them at the end of the season. Being conservative in these calculations leads to us being .3 points ahead of Calgary by the end of the year.  That's without factoring in overtime games, which is impossible.


I would also caution you not fall into the trap of assuming that the prospects and picks we get back by blowing up the team, as you seem to want, would create a Cup-winning team.


I'll concede to you that all is lost if we lose the season series to the Flames but if we win the season series to the Flames and win our last game year of the year against Edmonton, I can almost guarantee you we are in!:canucks:



I will concede that if they let us play 5 more games than the teams we are chasing, we have a not impossible shot at making the playoffs.


We aren’t 2 points out of a playoff spot, that is ridiculous.  Games played and winning percentage actually matter out here in objective reality.


We have 5 teams between us and the last wildcard spot.  It is almost mathematically impossible for ALL of them to fall off a cliff since they play most of their games against each other.  We aren’t just chasing Calgary…


Making plans around a futile playoff chase would spell doom for our team’s future for years as we would squander a prime opportunity to improve it.


Even if all your ramblings did actually make sense… I am not sure you realize the goal is actually winning a Stanley Cup, not squeaking into the playoffs and getting punter in the first round.  We have seen even under Boudreau how we don’t stack up against the better teams in the league.


Making trades won’t guarantee us a Cup, but not making any guarantees we won’t get one.  What a foolish metric to decide whether to make moves…


That is Benning and Weisbrod level incompetence right there…

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8 hours ago, CanucksFan8353 said:

2 points out of a playoff spot

Calgary has 5 games in hand

Dallas has 3 games in hand- both are 2 points up already, so Canucks need 3 points to edge them out


Edmonton has 4 games in hand, and is a point up, so Canucks need two to edge them out

San Jose  has played the same amount of games, and have a 1 point lead, so two points needed to edge them out.


Winnipeg has 4 games in hand, while being 3 points behind.


These teams have a few games against each other, so one team is guaranteed to get points.


Tldr- play offs are possible but unlikely.

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On 1/30/2022 at 3:00 PM, HockeyHarry said:

Sell high and get a Huge return.


For instance if NJ wants Miller the cost is both Hughes brothers. If NY wants him the cost is Alexis Lafreniére, Kakko and a 1st.


this isn’t Jimbo bandaid trade era anymore. Jimbo would be trading picks away for 7th Dmen. Then people would wonder why they have no draft picks and prospects.

Build Canucks Build

Dude NJ wont trade both Hughes for Miller:lol:


If they did, I would personally drive Miller to YVR and wait for the Hughes brothers.

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4 hours ago, IBatch said:

Yes this is how i see it too.   The trick in this would to make some lopsided trade for a player nobody has really considered (Podz?  Hogs?) that comes back with a player that we need on the RHD and somehow jamming what we have in the cap.    It's possible to re-sign the same guys we now have that are considered core - Miller, Horvat and Brock Boeser in particular ... it just doesn't seem at all realistic though.  And even that smart.   

Also pretty much the opposite of what management is telling us.


4 hours ago, IBatch said:

Sure we could accept Brock on a one year deal at 7.5 - and then offer him an 8 year deal ... that is where he should be (5.5-6.5 depending on how things go with him is my best guess)...he could be our Sharp (CHI)... and personally feel he's got a PGP big year or two in him don't agree that he's one dimensional either

Or we could just sign him for something like $6.5 +/- x 6 years right now.


4 hours ago, IBatch said:

The way i see it, Allvin would have to pull some seriously lopsided trades to make the window open now and next season for us.    That would be amazing and who knows maybe he does just that.   Reality is the team needs to score more. The rest is sorting itself out.

Depending on returns/subsequent moves, it's not impossible we're as good or even a better overall team, as soon as next year. And with a better long term outlook as well. We probably take a small step back but I don't think it's as big as many are assuming.


4 hours ago, IBatch said:

And our D needs Woo or someone else to come out of the woodwork.   Schenn is like found money right now ... earning a nice deal to stay in the league which is great to see too.   Myers i'd like to keep too.   At a more reasonable cap hit - but still there is one spot on the right side that needs to be a young, impact player.   Either that or we need a Bryam...and go with a left side that's loaded up.  

I think between Woo, Juulsen etc we've got the bottom of our future RD largely taken care of. And we've got a couple lotto tickets that may or may not work out there, but yes, we BADLY need a succession plan for Myers who's likely gone in two more seasons. And we could arguably use another top 4 RHD even with Myers on the roster.


As for re-signing Myers, assuming we add a 'Schneider' via Miller (and hopefully some additional moves for RHD), I'd hope we 'Miller' him as well either next TDL or the one following, depending on when we're ready for it. Need to keep loading/building for the window.

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On 1/28/2022 at 3:31 PM, CanucksFan8353 said:

From scrolling through the threads over the last period of time, there seem to be 2 points of agreement on CDC:


1.  The Canucks aren't making the playoffs this year.

2. JT Miller is as good as gone and probably even before the TDL.


These two opinions, in my very humble opinion, are highly premature.  First, the team has run at a .650 winning percentage since Bruce "there it is" Boudreau" took over, which is stunning.  A .640 or less winning percentage henceforth gets us in.  Second, we just survived a COVID wave that nearly decimated the team with 4 points out 10 where we very possibly could have received zero.  We have a player who everyone in the league is drooling over who just did something last night that hasn't happened since Pavel Bure did it in 1994 before the Canucks made their magical run that year.  Fourthly, have you forgotten the 7 wins in 8 game streak, the winning 4/5 games before that, the easy schedule we have coming up in February.  Lastly, for you to believe the Canucks will miss the playoffs this year, you have to look at the standings and tell me that Dallas, Calgary, Edmonton and San Jose are such colossuses that there is no way we can catch them by the end of the regular season, as they are just so darn good while we are not.  Do you truly believe that?  Saying "too many teams" to jump over is intellectually lazy in my opinion.


As far as JT Miller goes, has AF from NY shown you ANYTHING to make you think that he will be as good as JT Miller?


Anyway, the consensus may be right and I may be wrong.  My only point here is that to have a consensus that the Canucks are out of the playoff race and JT Miller is basically 1 foot out the door already is highly premature.  For those of us still hoping for success, can you at least hold off on the Canucks obituaries until we see how February and the early half of March play out? Until we have Demko, Pearson, Horvat and Hamonic all back and healthy, etc.  Until we see if Sutter makes a return somehow?  Is there a need for the obits prematurely?


EDIT:  The Oilers fans were all on in the tanks and picks for years, and all it got them was a bubble playoff team and 1 round 2 game 7.  That strategy of tanking and trading hasn't worked out terribly well for them has it?

I agree with most of what you said - good post!    However, Sutter is as good as done like ferland.   We'll never see him again.

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