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Did you have Fun this year?

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Team fun to watch?  

82 members have voted

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Absolutely, their play after BB arrived was exceptional given the roster, and with the exception of a few stinkers, they were entertaining almost every single game. Some breakout performances, incredible seasons by Demko, Hughes, and Miller, Petey's return to form, Horvat continuing to improve, Podkolzin growing in to a solid NHLer before our eyes... lots to like about this year, and I'm definitely looking forward to an even better season next year.

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I had a lot of fun! It was like playoff hockey the last 20 games too.

I said right from the start this was a good team and even though I was confused at the start why it wasn’t working I got to see it come alive with Bruce. 

Is it a Great team? No, not yet but it’s a good team. A playoff team under the right direction. That said a couple moves, some more experience and I think we’ll have Great team! I think it’s important to keep most of the core together and keep building that chemistry 

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Most certainly did!


But was suuure frustrated back in the Fall. TG was grindin my gears, all the way back to the Vegas series. Pretty p*ssed that JB gave him ANOTHER deal, back last summer. Flushing hard currency down the loo.


Well we gotta clean slate now, going into 2022-23..may's well see the positives.

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as others have said yes absolutely, especially since that game against the blue jackets this team never felt like the game was over and always felt that they could get a quick few ones and tie a losing game up. this system that Boudreau has implemented makes me very excited to see how the team does next year 

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Not sure you could call yourself a fan if you didn't enjoy it. I never thought we had a strong chance given how poorly we started, but I was genuinely impressed with how close we got. The big question now is if we can actually do that over a full year. Our record with Boudreau would have us at 2nd in the Pacific (points percentage-wise). That said, there will probably be a few at least somewhat significant roster changes, so it won't quite be apples to apples to compare it to this year anyway.

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Yes i had fun.   Very proud of these guys too.   This is a team i get good vibes from...next season i think they decent to good odds at getting better - and great odds of staying about the same since Bruce came in.   League has been given notice the Canucks have turned the corner.    It's ok if Allvin decides to make some changes too.   I think one major move max.   And it's probably Brock. 

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Yes very much.  Complete 180 from what was happening for the first 22 games.  First time in my 30+ years of fandom I was thinking of turning in my fan card I was so depressed.  


Sidebar, they need to back to those skate jerseys full time.  

Edited by psharpe07
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The end result of the year is exactly what I said it would be but the way we got there was exactly the opposite. 
 I thought we would just miss and kind of just hover around the 500 mark all year.  I believe I said smth like “Demko was too good for us to go on long losing streaks and the team wasn’t good enough for long winning streaks”. Season ended up being streak after streak good and bad. 
I found the season more frustrating than anything. We kept getting to the threshold and falling on our faces. 
I am encouraged, excited, thrilled…about the front office changes. Benning was a boat anchor that will way us down for years. The team he built gave us some good moments but is horribly flawed and capped out with some terrible contracts. I think they really played at their peak in the last half of the year but still since Bruce took over we were only 12-13th in the league in win percentage. Solid but not championship level short of a remarkable run by Demko.

Can’t wait to see what the new management group does. They have some great pieces to build off of in Pettey, Quinn and Thatcher. I am one that thinks they need to step back and make some fairly big changes around that core but not sure they will get the chance from ownership. 
Should be an entertaining off-season.

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8 hours ago, *Buzzsaw* said:

As the title says.


Although those first 20 odd games were the closest thing to torture I have experienced in quite a while, the rest of the season after BB took over definitely was FUN for me to watch.


I am looking forward to next year.


What do you think?  Worth our support?


7 hours ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:



I would imagine there won't be many people that would say no. I'm just glad we had meaningful Canucks hockey to watch right until the last week of the regular season considering it was a big hill to climb after Green and Benning's departure.


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8 hours ago, *Buzzsaw* said:

As the title says.


Although those first 20 odd games were the closest thing to torture I have experienced in quite a while, the rest of the season after BB took over definitely was FUN for me to watch.


I am looking forward to next year.


What do you think?  Worth our support?


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I love watching hockey, so yes I had fun. I did the Sportsnet package with over 1000+ games so it was great watching other teams a lot more than I am used to

A little disappointed in CDC this season, so I don't post as often and often leave part way through the game if the GDT atmosphere is unpleasant. It sometimes is what we used to criticize some other sites as being....

Hopefully management can start improving the team - it will take a couple of moves to have a good chance at the playoffs next year. 

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I wrote this season off just before Green was fired. 
When we hired Bruce, I had zero expectations for the team and was just down for the ride. 
While I would rather pick top 5 if we are going to miss the playoffs, it’s still a yes for me. 

This season , other than the end of the Green era, was a lot of fun to watch.  

I ate a whole lot of crow because of Hughes and I’m so happy about it. 
The kid proved everyone wrong. 
He CAN play defence and is actually pretty damn good at it when he tries. 
Record breaking year. 

Super happy to see Pettersson pull out of that black hole he was in and remind us all what he can really do. 
Damn what a heater he finished the year on. 

Demko is everything. 
This team sucks without him.  
Nothing more needs to be said. 

Podz is oozing with power forward potential. 
Can’t wait to see him next year.  

Damn what a year. Damn what a guy.  
He was our heart and soul this year.  
Time to trade him. Hahahha

No matter what, that contract is going to be a disaster in 3-4 years.  
We aren’t winning next year. Time to get some great pieces for the future. 

Fun year overall!


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