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[Report] Lucic plans to "remain a King" for rest of career

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Good. He is not a difference maker type player anyways and as many people have stated, his antics will not go unpunished if he does them as a Canuck.

Knowing JB, he would have thrown 7 years x 7-8 million dollars at this guy had he hit the UFA market. I'm glad that he is committed to staying LA Kings for the rest of his life. I hope he doesn't pull off some bs later on when things don't go well and say that it has been his dream to play for his hometown team and tries to come here when he is like 34 years. 


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Lots of money to spend and the free agent class keeps getting thinner and thinner.  I am not sure this will work out for Lucic as LA has the big contract for Kopitar coming up.  They are masterful at manipulating the cap well beyond the rules.

Not sure I really wanted him either.  Byfuglien would have been better but not at 7.6M/year.

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If the Kings can afford him long term he definitely helps the Kings and his size and skill are nothing to laugh at so not sure where all the " sign him LA haha use up your remaining cap " or " Bah never wanted the scum bag in Vancouver couldn't sign fast enough " comments are coming from.

The player is intimidating to play against, absolutely destroys players with his hits and can take the puck to the net. He would be a nice fit in Vancouver but likely not on a winner where as in LA he could be on a championship team in any of the next five seasons.


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La needs to somehow find a taker for Brown or buy him out. What a waste of almost 6m against the cap good god that was a bad signing.

Lucic maybe goes the gaborik route, long term lower cap hit. Gaborik was older when he signed and his cap hit is under 5m. Lucic 8yrs 44m NMC?

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15 minutes ago, hammertime said:

They can have him.

Its funny to me how ypu people think he is the second coming of Christ. When he has less goals then vrbara who me included all rip. has 6 more points the vrbata playing on a top line that is one of the best in the  league  and show me one clip except the one he missed and punched out a rerf. The guy is washed up and will be one of those signings we look back and say wtf were the kings or any team thinking. he also has 3 more goals then mcann who plays on the 4th line and shows just as much grit

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1 hour ago, Maniwaki Canuck said:

Let it be so!  LA can bury themselves under some ridiculous contract and we won't have to hear about how much better this cave man would make us.

Someone will start selling coke and have their contract terminated with no penalties to the Kings. Must be nice to be a fan of Bettmans. Imagine if it was the Canucks player lol.. Oh my

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what else is he going to say. He's not going to say i am signing with the Canucks in the off season when he is a king.

Same thing happened with kesler when the new came out he demanded a trade he denied it from all of his interviews. I think he even said i want to be canucks for the rest of my life.

No player will say that they want to sign with a certain team when they are under contract by another team. They might say they want to test free agency to put pressor on the team

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Like a few others have said, good news, I originally liked the idea of him here, he is a tough as hell and probably one of the toughest and best fighters, not to mention, he's pure vancouverrite but really, dude is a punk as a player as it gets the stuff he does is quite disgusting. He will be an embarrassment for our team, not to mention with the league going so hard on us, last thing we want is another bait player the league can be used as an excuse for the Vancouver Canucks.


i wish his dreams come true and he remains a king until his career ends.

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37 minutes ago, bp79 said:

Its funny to me how ypu people think he is the second coming of Christ. When he has less goals then vrbara who me included all rip. has 6 more points the vrbata playing on a top line that is one of the best in the  league  and show me one clip except the one he missed and punched out a rerf. The guy is washed up and will be one of those signings we look back and say wtf were the kings or any team thinking. he also has 3 more goals then mcann who plays on the 4th line and shows just as much grit

Except that unlike Vrbata when Lucic isn't scoring he isn't utterly useless so there's that.

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Weeks let it slip during the Torts Flames fiasco 

"He's not in new York anymore"

Lucic would not get away with the crap he pulls on a non darling. He would finally find the suspensions he deserved playing for us or a team like ours unless he miraculously started to play clean upon signing here and if he did play clean would he still be useful? 



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