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Elias Pettersson | #40 | C

-Vintage Canuck-

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Saw Pettersson the other day; he looks pretty thick. He said he’s upto 185lb of pure lean muscle. He acknowledged that he’s gonna have to work to stay at that weight during the season but even if he doesn’t he feels he’s going to adapt to the NHL game in other ways. He’s the worried about points just wants to help the team win games. What a guy!:rolleyes:

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24 minutes ago, Setyoureyesontheprize said:

Saw Pettersson the other day; he looks pretty thick. He said he’s upto 185lb of pure lean muscle. He acknowledged that he’s gonna have to work to stay at that weight during the season but even if he doesn’t he feels he’s going to adapt to the NHL game in other ways. He’s the worried about points just wants to help the team win games. What a guy!:rolleyes:

Where did you see him?

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14 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Strangely I really like these bottom 6 lines.  So much either top 6 or bust talk with Leipsic? From many sources, not you. That 3rd line looks like a line Jake should be on! 


But Leipsic displayed has all the energy, maybe not the endurance to be a great traditional  energy line player. One who scores, gets under peoples skin, seeks out a hit or puck check and makes the bottom of our line up productive. Schaller should give him some confidence. Someone else with speed on the line. Gagner, a guy to throw the puck around with. It looks like a very good 4th line? 

Honestly I like all the components there.  I’m unfamiliar with schaller and Beagle for the most part having not seen them enough, but all the reports I see are of work horse mentality and tough to play against.  


I too think these types of players will greatly assist the likes of virtanen and leipsic with their physical/pesky games.  This team should have the ability to grind out some wins.


being that the idea seems to be to fill out the roster with veteran knowhow and work ethic, they’ll be able to absorb the greasy minutes and allow the youthful skill to focus on being creative with scoring.  I’m quite interested to see how green deploys them. 


And believe the PP will look something like


Boeser Horvat Pettersson 

Edler  (unknown forward) 


...which I honestly expect to do some damage. 

Edited by 70seven
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6 hours ago, Setyoureyesontheprize said:

Saw Pettersson the other day; he looks pretty thick. He said he’s upto 185lb of pure lean muscle. He acknowledged that he’s gonna have to work to stay at that weight during the season but even if he doesn’t he feels he’s going to adapt to the NHL game in other ways. He’s the worried about points just wants to help the team win games. What a guy!:rolleyes:

If ever a post needed context, this is it ! Posted around midnight doesn't help convince me ( the poster does not list any location ), neither does the smiley face at the end. So......if true, great, but my BS meter is in the Dave Pratt zone after reading this.

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37 minutes ago, SingleThorn said:

If ever a post needed context, this is it ! Posted around midnight doesn't help convince me ( the poster does not list any location ), neither does the smiley face at the end. So......if true, great, but my BS meter is in the Dave Pratt zone after reading this.

My BS meter started going crazy at "He said he’s up to185lb of pure lean muscle" - I can't imagine any human being ever talking like that about himself. 

Some more context please?

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8 hours ago, Setyoureyesontheprize said:

Saw Pettersson the other day; he looks pretty thick. He said he’s upto 185lb of pure lean muscle. He acknowledged that he’s gonna have to work to stay at that weight during the season but even if he doesn’t he feels he’s going to adapt to the NHL game in other ways. He’s the worried about points just wants to help the team win games. What a guy!:rolleyes:

All muscle? No bones? No blood/water? No skin? No organs? Just 185 pounds of muscle. Wow i didn't think that was possible? 

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12 hours ago, Ray_Cathode said:

Goldobin    Horvat     Boeser

Baertschi.   Pettersson    Virtanen

Ericksson    Sutter     Granlund

Roussel     Beagle    Schaller

Leipsic   Gaunce

Close to mine. The wingers IMO are likely to be VERY fluid this year up and down the lines. Also, depending on how quickly/well EP40 adapts, I could see him and Boeser getting put together at some point this season. Until then...


Goldobin/Leipsic/Eriksson, Horvat, Boeser

Baer, Pettersson, Eriksson/Virtanen/Gagner

Roussel, Sutter, Eriksson/Virtanen/Leipsic/Granlund

Schaller, Beagle, Granlund/Leipsic/Eriksson/Virtanen


Gagner/Goldobin/Leipsic rotating as spares.


(Bolded as pairs I'd like to see together...at least until Ep40/Boeser unite 5v5).


At some point though, you have to think at least one of Gagner/Granlund/Baer/Goldobin/Leipsic gets moved by some means.

Edited by aGENT
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8 minutes ago, wildcam said:

Just curious anybody know what jersey number Pettersson will wear??

I say #14 or 40 ??? They will have to start producing these jerseys very soon?

No doubt, get on this Canucks.  Hopefully he goes with #40.  EP40! Bringing the spice.

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14 hours ago, Ray_Cathode said:

Goldobin    Horvat     Boeser

Baertschi.   Pettersson    Virtanen

Ericksson    Sutter     Granlund

Roussel     Beagle    Schaller

Leipsic   Gaunce


Put Baertschi with Pettersson to give him a veteran scorer, and Virtanen to give other teams something else to think about other than just running Pettersson - with Virtanen out there they will have to have their own heads on a swivel.  Goldobin with Horvat because he looked good there at the end of last year.  Took Erickson away from any offensive player because he’s a guy where offence goes to die.  With the three new vets and Sutter we will have two lines we can give O zone starts to, and two lines we can give D zone starts to.  If any of the above struggle or are injured  - Leipsic/Gaunce.  Waive Gagme down to Utica - he has done nothing to deserve to play in Vancouver, and if Erickson struggles, he can go down too and bring up the best of Dahlen, Jasek, Gaudette, Lind, Gadjovich, Palma, or McEwan.  At this stage it is important to show that only performance keeps your job in Vancouver, not how much you are paid.  


On D:


Edler   Stetcher

Del Zotto   Tanev

Hutton   Gudbranson



When Tanev and Gudbranson inevitably get hurt and each miss half a season, it will create room for whoever is up to it - Juolevi, McEneny, or Sautner.



1st line with Goldobin makes sense. He played well near the end of the season. Over a full season without injuries, I expect 15-20 goals from Goldobin, 25-30 from Bo and 30-40 from Boeser. 


2nd line: Baer-Pettersson-Eriksson. I would give Eriksson another chance at 2nd line RW spot. Eriksson is (or was) a very good player around the net and I think he will benefit from playing with a player that can shoot as hard and accurate as EP. EP should be able to get the puck to the net in a way that is hard for the goaltender to stop it clean and Eriksson should be able to bang in the rebounds. Baer is a good playmaker but he is a bit of a perimeter player so we need a player like Eriksson to supplement this line. 


3rd line: Virtanen-Sutter-Granlund. I would like to see Virtanen on 3LW with Sutter. Over the next few seasons, I would like Virt to become a scoring line player but this season should be earning trust and establish himself as a core player on this team. This season will be about proving to the coaches and the management that he can play an important role on the team and I think he can do that best on this important line that will get lots of tough minutes. With all three guys knowing how to snipe, they should be able to burn the opposition off of the rush. I think JV's skating will really make this line hard to defend off the rush and would not be surprised if he gets around 15 goals or more. Heck, maybe all 3 players will get around 15 goals.


4th line (aka UFA line) seems good. We bought grit through the UFA and they will help the team become more competitive.


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15 hours ago, Kanukfanatic said:

Pettersson won't bump Horvat. Boeser is a RW. Baertschi is  LW. Goldobin is  LW.  Weird...

I see a lot of people with shaller in the lineup. I heard he is out till at least Nov. I think all the people who have EP penciled in as a winger are in for a surprise. In his draft year he dominated at C. and last year he was a 19-year-old on a stacked Vaxjo team full of veteran centers.   They put him at wing as he was the most versatile,  and he was a rook. Both his last two coaches have said he will have no issues playing center. He has extremely powerful wrists and arms in general. To be his size and be able to unleash the one-timers he does, plus the fact he tied for the hardest shot in the league. I don't see an issue with his ability to win draws. He has incredible Hockey Iq. I think by end of camp he is our #2. 

The lineups are going to be such a headache for JB. If the young guys outperform the vets he has always stayed true to his word and played them. Problem with that is it would make more sense to play guys like gags Louie Sutter in top 5 roles and hope they put up good numbers, making them more appealing to trade. Especially Louie and Sutter. If they are both having really good seasons Maybe if we retain on Louie we could possibly move him. Same with Sutter if someones willing to cough up a 1st then maybe JB considers moving them. Gags I  think is gone no matter what. Just thought if he is having a good season, we might be able to get more than a 4th or 5th. Sven two I dont see him here long-term. I think based on his last 2  seasons. He can be a 20- goal 20-40 assist guy Basically Nylander numbers.for half the price.


I think as we move out vets call up the young kids. At least that way maybe we can unload some contracts we don't need going forward.

Now like I said if Dahlin Gaudette, Lind ETC  are just phenomenal. I won't envy poor JB 

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Lots of hype with this kid, he did some amazing things in Sweden. My prediction is: he comes in, plays well enough to stick with the team in a 2nd/3rd line role as a winger. He eventually moves to C (after the injury bug hits). He puts up 22 goals and 40 assists on the season. He is a strong candidate to win the Calder, but the NHL gives it to Dahlin instead, because BUF shockingly makes the playoffs. lol

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9 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

Lots of hype with this kid, he did some amazing things in Sweden. My prediction is: he comes in, plays well enough to stick with the team in a 2nd/3rd line role as a winger. He eventually moves to C (after the injury bug hits). He puts up 22 goals and 40 assists on the season. He is a strong candidate to win the Calder, but the NHL gives it to Dahlin instead, because BUF shockingly makes the playoffs. lol

No Ben Simmons will win it again

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I can't see Pettersson starting on wing. Whos our 2nd line center? Gagner? Lol. Granlund? Doesn't have the offensive ability and has become a huge question mark. Sutter? Better suited on the 3rd line. Beagle and Schaller? 4th line centers. Gaudette? meh.


We have lots of centers but none of them are good enough to play 2C or just yet. They just dont have the offensive upside needed. That is why I believe Pettersson is going to start as our 2C unless we make a move to fill that void. 










 Such an awkward line-up. Lots of center/winger hybrids that aren't good enough for the top 6 and aren't exactly bottom 6 suited either.

Edited by Odd.
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1 hour ago, plantheparade7979 said:

I know I sound like Apollo or Alf. But the build is irrelevant. He has proven that if you watched any of the Lakers playoff games last year. 

Some players ya you temper things a bit. After what this kid did in a very very good league. I pretty much like most of the sports media. have him as the front-runner for the Calder.

Every time he bumped up a tier or last years playoffs. It would take him a few games to adjust then he would start to dominate.  Our fan base has been let down so many times were almost gunshy. Well, we got a guy that should have gone 1st overall. He has all the tools to compete with the upper-class players. I would not be surprised if he starts the season at center and puts up 80-90 points. I watched him live in 3 playoff games in the finals. We have a true superstar it's that simple. You think the Dahlen hype was crazy over here? EP40 is treated like a freaking God in Sweden. When you get crowned the next Froppa that is some serious $&!#e over there. He shut down Twitter once. and the net crashed once because of him.

I have never questioned his elite talent but I do have concerns about him being able to maintain body mass through a very demanding travel and playing schedule. The other concern is due to the smaller ice surface here and the added speed and size of the opponents. He had room to maneuver in Sweden that made him hard to contain but here in the smaller sized rinks, while still difficult, for the opposition to target him for hits along the boards he will be more vulnerable. I very much hope he has a stellar season, wins the Calder, and blows everyone away with his pure talent but that remains to be seen, until then, I have some concerns

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1 hour ago, plantheparade7979 said:

I know I sound like Apollo or Alf. But the build is irrelevant. He has proven that if you watched any of the Lakers playoff games last year. 

Some players ya you temper things a bit. After what this kid did in a very very good league. I pretty much like most of the sports media. have him as the front-runner for the Calder.

Every time he bumped up a tier or last years playoffs. It would take him a few games to adjust then he would start to dominate.  Our fan base has been let down so many times were almost gunshy. Well, we got a guy that should have gone 1st overall. He has all the tools to compete with the upper-class players. I would not be surprised if he starts the season at center and puts up 80-90 points. I watched him live in 3 playoff games in the finals. We have a true superstar it's that simple. You think the Dahlen hype was crazy over here? EP40 is treated like a freaking God in Sweden. When you get crowned the next Froppa that is some serious $&!#e over there. He shut down Twitter once. and the net crashed once because of him.

This is exactly the kind of talk that seems to irritate some people around here...


I love it though...and i share your optimism for EP...I just expect to see him start out slow...maybe he gets it going by the end of camp or maybe he takes 8-10 games into the regular season before he takes flight.


i think 2 points his first 10 games might make some around here queasy ...but that might end up being it...and then 70 points his next 70 games.

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2 minutes ago, Rollieo Del Fuego said:

This is exactly the kind of talk that seems to irritate some people around here...


I love it though...and i share your optimism for EP...I just expect to see him start out slow...maybe he gets it going by the end of camp or maybe he takes 8-10 games into the regular season before he takes flight.


i think 2 points his first 10 games might make some around here queasy ...but that might end up being it...and then 70 points his next 70 games.

Totally agree.  I see EP getting a lot of his points on PP opportunities.  5 on 5 will be difficult, which is to be expected.

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2 hours ago, plantheparade7979 said:

I know I sound like Apollo or Alf. But the build is irrelevant. He has proven that if you watched any of the Lakers playoff games last year. 

Some players ya you temper things a bit. After what this kid did in a very very good league. I pretty much like most of the sports media. have him as the front-runner for the Calder.

Every time he bumped up a tier or last years playoffs. It would take him a few games to adjust then he would start to dominate.  Our fan base has been let down so many times were almost gunshy. Well, we got a guy that should have gone 1st overall. He has all the tools to compete with the upper-class players. I would not be surprised if he starts the season at center and puts up 80-90 points. I watched him live in 3 playoff games in the finals. We have a true superstar it's that simple. You think the Dahlen hype was crazy over here? EP40 is treated like a freaking God in Sweden. When you get crowned the next Froppa that is some serious $&!#e over there. He shut down Twitter once. and the net crashed once because of him.

I mean, I am stoked for EP also.


But NO, EP did not crash the internet lmao. Come on.  Maybe you meant to say some single website or something.

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