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1 hour ago, smokes said:

These kind of articles really worry me because while it's one thing to report a story, it is a completely other when innocent Chinese decent people are taking the brunt of the anger. Sure there are bad people who take advantage of situations but that is in the case of any race. Think of the story where a man in NY bought up all the hand sanitizers so he could sell it at a premium. Does that make all people of his race as bad as he is? There are Chinese Americans who are being attacked on the streets and sprayed with Febreeze on the subway. I talk to my family regularly and there has been a lot of anger directed to the Chinese Canadian community and they don't have anything to do with it. They are as scared and angry as anyone else. I sincerely hope that when people read these stories, they can direct thier anger to the people who did these bad things and not towards the race of people this person happens to belong to.

The article is reporting facts.  It is important to do so.   By not doing so is extremely dangerous and putting people's health at risk .   See also 2008 Chinese baby milk scandal - remember that?  You can bet that these providers have some kind of government connection. 


I get what you are saying, but censoring or not reporting these facts is not an option.   Mainland China (communist China) is a massively corrupt country that bends the truth in ways closer to North Korea than Trump.   This culture that has existed for decades has become systemic throughout all aspects of life.   If you think the North Korea comparison is extreme well remember close to a million Uighur have been sent  to 're-education' camps.    According to the Chinese government though it is 'voluntary'.   


My wife was heckled in Austria last month and it is unfortunate that for years to come average Chinese people will have to deal with it.  Can you imagine how safe Milan will be for Asians once things settle down.   




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2 hours ago, Heretic said:

I guess Trudeau listened to the "experts" for this as well?


LILLEY: MPs take a pay raise while raising your taxes during a crisis


Talk about being tone deaf.

MPs, who fled Ottawa over concerns about COVID-19 on March 13, will pocket a pay raise on April 1, the same day many Canadians will be wondering how to make rent or mortgage payments. It’s also the same day the carbon tax goes up.

How’s that for a double whammy?

MPs currently have a base salary of $178,900. That doesn’t include their housing allowance for their time in Ottawa or the per diems that they get to cover meals while on government business.


It doesn’t cover extra pay for sitting on a committee, chairing a committee or being a cabinet minister — that will net you an extra $85,500 yearly.

Well, add another roughly $2,800 to their annual salaries.

For the Prime Minister, who earns double what an MP makes, his annual salary of $357,800 is about to go up by almost $5,700.

Now in the grand scheme of things where the government was sending money out the door faster than they could print it even beyond the COVID-19 crisis, this raise doesn’t add up to much.

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, it makes no sense and has them all looking a little out of touch.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seemed surprised that the annual raise would be an issue when I asked him about it on Monday.

“I haven’t heard the Parliament of Canada having those discussions, but I’m sure they will reflect on it. Now that you’ve asked the question,” Trudeau said.








But carry on thinking that Trudeau is a great Prime Minister.





Steve Bannon? Is that you?


You seem legitimately hellbent on smearing Trudeau whenever you can. 

Edited by PhillipBlunt
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18 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

What elections...Trump is just laughing knowing he could call off the elections due to this pandemic.

Doesn't the USA have this law, that in war time,there's no elections?


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21 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Here's the big question.


Do they actually do these measures before, during or after the next election?

FDR won his 4th consecutive Prez election during WWII.  Course, the GOP then just changed the rules so that you can't win more than twice.  I wonder if they'll just "change the rules again"?

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3 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Heh, sounds like I'm Doug Ford's #1 fan but still, I have to give credit when it's due:




Ford has the right idea.  Now isn't the time.  Later.

I am not a fan at all of the Ford family. However, this man is showing up to the plate. When a question is posed and he cannot answer it, he gives the floor to a professional and we get a straight answer.


He has definitely tuned in to this crisis the right way.


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2 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Carry on pretending that anyone has said that. :rolleyes:


People have been saying that his response to the Coronavirus has been better than Trumps...and it has.... but it's pretty hard to set the bar any lower than that.

Hey comeon a bar is a bar.  Doesn't matter how low it starts!

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10 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

FDR won his 4th consecutive Prez election during WWII.  Course, the GOP then just changed the rules so that you can't win more than twice.  I wonder if they'll just "change the rules again"?

I think Trump takes this opportunity to cancel the elections. By November 3, 2020, the American population will have suffered enough that they will agree almost unanimously.


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1 hour ago, Qwags said:

How many deaths before the US government realizes this ain't just gonna go away?

Well they said less than 200,000 deaths and the government will be considering it a win so......

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remember there are other ways to die


Frightening Car Deaths Per Year Statistics for 2020

  • 1.35 million people die in road accidents worldwide every year — 3,700 deaths a day.
  • Car crashes have risen to the 8th leading cause of death for people globally.
  • Saturday is estimated to be the deadliest day of the week for car crashes in the US.
  • In 2017, there were a total of 34,247 car crashes involving fatalities on US roads.
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10 minutes ago, samurai said:

remember there are other ways to die


Frightening Car Deaths Per Year Statistics for 2020

  • 1.35 million people die in road accidents worldwide every year — 3,700 deaths a day.
  • Car crashes have risen to the 8th leading cause of death for people globally.
  • Saturday is estimated to be the deadliest day of the week for car crashes in the US.
  • In 2017, there were a total of 34,247 car crashes involving fatalities on US roads.

Bet those stats go down this year...

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17 minutes ago, samurai said:

remember there are other ways to die


Frightening Car Deaths Per Year Statistics for 2020

  • 1.35 million people die in road accidents worldwide every year — 3,700 deaths a day.
  • Car crashes have risen to the 8th leading cause of death for people globally.
  • Saturday is estimated to be the deadliest day of the week for car crashes in the US.
  • In 2017, there were a total of 34,247 car crashes involving fatalities on US roads.

No worries. Automation is the future.

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41 minutes ago, Me_ said:

This turd doesn’t have a clue of what the hell is going on and how to lead the United-States through this crisis.





That’s what all the Drumpf nut huggers just don’t get. He’s a fraud. 

He’s in a position of immense power and he acts like a child. Never taking responsibility for what he’s said. He’s a proven liar and conman. He has no humanity, humility or compassion. A self-centred narcissistic dog’s waste. 

Is Trudeau perfect? Not at all. He’s made some questionable decisions as prime minister that are worthy of criticism. However, when he speaks daily to our country, he does so in a mature, thoughtful, and compassionate tone. You can tell that he’s an adult who takes his job seriously. He doesn’t insult Scheer or any reporter who asks him a question. He answers them, again like an adult. 

Drumpf is not a leader. If things got really bad, he’d be waddling his fat ass to the nearest bunker pushing everyone he could out of the way.

Edited by PhillipBlunt
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