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5 hours ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

New Years is ruined. But my family has been 'distancing' this whole time and working from home, barely going anywhere. The risk was extremely low and because of that a handful of us got together for Christmas. #Perspective. It was great and it was everything I thought it could have been and should have been. The authoritarians around here won't appreciate that but I don't really care.

So I'm an authoritarian because I obey the laws?  So when I obey the speed limit in a school zone or wear my seatbelt in a car, that makes me one too?  Or does the law apply to only some of the people some of the time?  Hey, I didn't see any kids crossing the crosswalk at the time I was blowing through at 60 kms so its ok right?



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3 minutes ago, ImConfused said:

Good to know that you think you're more important than the rest of us, and that allows you to do whatever the hell you want. #Perspective


New Years is ruined, woe is me, there will never be another New Years! I am shedding a single tear for you.


You're such a big rebel! LOL


Confusing how people still have this type of attitude these days.. you think eventually they'd educate themselves..

I look at it the other way. New Years is saved!


I can stay home and get hammered.


Don't have to worry about driving, don't have to pay 3 x the amount to go to some lame club, and most of all, don't have to go to a house party and fake talk to people that pretent everything is awesome when they can't even afford the craft beer in their hand.



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New numbers:

485 new cases

211 Fraser Health

57 Interior

16 Island

84 Northern

117 VCH


379 in hospital / 77 in ICU


11 new deaths! / 893 total now


14,027 vaccinated to date

Moderna vax has arrived and been distributed to isolated communities...will start vaccinating people today/tomorrow.


Limited testing being done over holidays so that's obviously a consideration



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18 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

New order just issued for one day:


As of tomorrow (Dec. 31) all liquor sales must cease between 8 PM tomorrow until 9 AM Jan. 1/21.  Off sales included.



I think a curfew is necessary for tomorrow and January 1,  and I am disappointed that it has not been ordered. It will be like Halloween, but worse. Big mistake from Dr.BH.

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2 minutes ago, Silent Man said:

I think a curfew is necessary for tomorrow and January 1,  and I am disappointed that it has not been ordered. It will be like Halloween, but worse. Big mistake from Dr.BH.

Not sure a curfew could be enforced for that short a time frame, nor what it would  accomplish.  People are going to people.  At least by closing off alcohol sales perhaps grouping together will be limited somewhat.  We don't have police resources to be fining/arresting anyone that might break a curfew.  

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2 hours ago, skategal said:

This seems to be similar to the rationale that everyone uses who bypassed the regulations and thinks their particular situation is safe and won't lead to infections. There isn't any changing of minds in a situation like this.  Either the participants are lucky and no one gets infected or someone/many people do get infected which then adds to the burden on the health care system - purely resulting from incredibly selfish behaviour.  Perhaps you could take the time to enlighten us on how your family group is so much more special that you have to put others at risk (no, don't defend your actions by saying there was no risk, or you aren't putting anyone outside your family at risk because we all know that's BS).   



This is common. Calling people idiots or selfish won't change their mind, but rather make them resist even more. 


My parents in their 70s think like him too. They don't think the risk is high, and it won't happen to them. They had friends over for a card game weeks ago even after new restrictions. My sister was furious and yelled at them.


They have not known anyone who had the virus and so they are not as concerned. I'm the only physician in the family and they do listen to me. But I had to explain it to them why it is important to obey the restriction at this time due to the current prevalence and climate, compared to the summer. I also explained to them the more recent data on asymptomatic and presymptomatic spread. 

Edited by Jaimito
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1 minute ago, Jaimito said:

This is common. Calling people idiots or selfish won't change their mind, but rather make them resist even more. 


My parents in their 70s think like him too. They don't think the risk is high, and it won't happen to them. The had friends over for a card game weeks ago even after new restrictions. My sister was furious and yelled at them.


They have not known anyone who had the virus and so they are not as concerned. I'm the only physician in the family and they do listen to me. But I had to explain it to them why it is important to obey the restriction at this time due to the current prevalence and climate, compared to the summer. I also explained to them the more recent data on asymptomatic and presymptomatic spread. 

Well, using reason, logic and empathy ain't working worth a sh!t

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29 minutes ago, Jaimito said:

This is common. Calling people idiots or selfish won't change their mind, but rather make them resist even more. 


My parents in their 70s think like him too. They don't think the risk is high, and it won't happen to them. The had friends over for a card game weeks ago even after new restrictions. My sister was furious and yelled at them.


They have not known anyone who had the virus and so they are not as concerned. I'm the only physician in the family and they do listen to me. But I had to explain it to them why it is important to obey the restriction at this time due to the current prevalence and climate, compared to the summer. I also explained to them the more recent data on asymptomatic and presymptomatic spread. 

I appreciate your perspective and admire your patience given you are much closer to the outcomes of peoples decisions than I am as you work in the medical field.  Sadly, my level of empathy for people's decisions is at an all time low.  We seem to have divided our society into people who care about others beyond their immediate circle of influence, and people who only care about their immediate family members if they even care that far.  


Sadly I don't believe there is any level of explaining and education that will make people care about others or acknowledge that there is in fact risk in the decisions they make that goes beyond individual impact.  


 I think at this point you're a much better person than I am.   

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19 hours ago, UnkNuk said:

From the article:


According to Radio-Canada, which first reported the news, Arcand was spotted by a witness in the Glitter Bay district of the country.


Arcand says in his statement he “regrets this decision given the current situation in Quebec and the respect we owe to health-care workers.”




Translation:  he regrets being spotted.


Just once I'd like one of these people to say they screwed up BEFORE being outed by the press.


Feds should change the law where they get fired and lose their pension too. Might make them smarten up.

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1 hour ago, debluvscanucks said:

New order just issued for one day:


As of tomorrow (Dec. 31) all liquor sales must cease between 8 PM tomorrow until 9 AM Jan. 1/21.  Off sales included.



I don’t see how this will actually do much to curb gathering. People will still get their liquor, they’ll just do it in more concentrated hours. They’ll stock booze beforehand so they can leave the bar/restaurant before 8 to go home and continue their mingling. This will have more impact on the establishment owners and their staff than on public health IMO. 

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1 hour ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:



Big surprise.  Course, we all know they'll get the best treatment available while the people they infect....poor slobs will be **** out of luck.

I wonder if they're even aware of the fact that they look like absolute knobs...old enough to know better, the lamest of the lame convention is in town.

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6 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

The operative statement in this post.....

Yep! Sad, isn't it! What a way to live your life..."I don't care"!! No wonder this pandemic has been an issue (some peoples attitude / behavior) and no wonder there's so many other issues in this world that never change. A bunch of mf's that don't care...except for themselves...

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