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Elias Pettersson | Quinn Hughes - Contract Discussion Thread

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If Petey isn't in the last 3 preseason games, I'm done with him (not that it means anything haha). He hasn't played a game in 7+ months and if he thinks he can walk into the regular season without any conditioning or learning any of our new systems (if we have any), then he is in for a rude awakening and is risking an injury early on. QH I feel you have to give a bit of slack too. I think the only reason his contract isn't done is because of the risk of an offersheet to EP. Kinda feel for QH a bit and that one is on the Canucks management. 

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12 minutes ago, stawns said:

Pretty much whichever fwd gets back first plays the cman role in the defensive zone.  Because he's so fast, Jake often ended up down low in tye dzone

Every forward would take people down low off the rush, if that's what happens.  But in normal defensive situations, Pettersson is the centreman with those responsibilites.  

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7 minutes ago, ForzaTikare said:

Just watched a YT clip of teams that should Offer Sheet EP and this made me think..


Exactly how much would this forum be on fire if this happened? 
(The other teams were Rangers, VGK, Lames and Wild)

Lol. with what cap space exactly? The only one remotely possible is Rangers, but they only have about 9 mil in cap space, which will be matched by Benning.

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22 hours ago, Heretic said:

Well, for starters, it would be asinine for the Canucks to max their cap - leaves no room for improvement during the season then.  It would be great to have a couple of million or so in the bank.

I asked how we know they are holding the team hostage and this is your response?  It is asinine to max the cap?  We have been a cap team every year and you expect this to be different now? What is your big plan to improve more during the year than adding Pettersen and Hughes?  If you are going to quote me please at least answer the question I posed, back up your comments or have a point. My original comment was a reply surrounding the assumption that two players are holding the team hostage and you reply with this nonsense. It’s no wonder players don’t want to rake a discount and play here. These are human beings with lives not just objects for your entertainment. Good luck “improving” without getting Petey and Quinn back first. 

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48 minutes ago, Me_ said:

You don’t trade one of the best rookies in the history of the game.


You sit him until he signs and continue to negotiate.


I'm not convinced he will ever be able to execute the defensive side of the game to become that player he (and many fans) seem to think he is.  

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Just now, Devron44 said:

Wait and see the final results before we jump to conclusions 

End result is if we keep Hughes, we'll have to deal with his subhuman agent again, which I'm not in favor of.  Petey could easily switch back to someone willing to act like a professional if Hughes gets moved.

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18 minutes ago, -Moose said:

If Petey isn't in the last 3 preseason games, I'm done with him (not that it means anything haha). He hasn't played a game in 7+ months and if he thinks he can walk into the regular season without any conditioning or learning any of our new systems (if we have any), then he is in for a rude awakening and is risking an injury early on. QH I feel you have to give a bit of slack too. I think the only reason his contract isn't done is because of the risk of an offersheet to EP. Kinda feel for QH a bit and that one is on the Canucks management. 

Petey really needs the practice time, coming in cold not having practiced the new systems hurts the team. Time to knock off the BS and sign a fair deal. 

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This was planned. Definite high leverage situation for (was it quinn or petey during the summer that switched to barry) the players to both be managed under 1 agent especially for their first contract negotiations. Barry has Benning by the cojones. Both Ellias and Quinn know this. Playing each contract off each other to gain the most available even at the cost of the team as a whole in the future. There will be no team friendly contracts signed. Barry also has stakes in how much they sign for  gaining percentages of each contract. I agree that this is the new hockey world we live in ( thanks Dubis ) but i guess its  get  what ya can when ya can. 



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24 minutes ago, -Moose said:

If Petey isn't in the last 3 preseason games, I'm done with him (not that it means anything haha). He hasn't played a game in 7+ months and if he thinks he can walk into the regular season without any conditioning or learning any of our new systems (if we have any), then he is in for a rude awakening and is risking an injury early on. QH I feel you have to give a bit of slack too. I think the only reason his contract isn't done is because of the risk of an offersheet to EP. Kinda feel for QH a bit and that one is on the Canucks management. 

If he was under contract and missed training camp due to injury, no one would have an issue with him jumping straight into the regular season. These guys are professionals so missing a few warm up games won't do too much.

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13 minutes ago, DIBdaQUIB said:

I'm not convinced he will ever be able to execute the defensive side of the game to become that player he (and many fans) seem to think he is.  

He is a bit small isn't he… 

5’10” - 180lbs…

Put up 10 more pounds and he gains an immovable center of gravity. 

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17 minutes ago, Amebushi said:

I asked how we know they are holding the team hostage and this is your response?  It is asinine to max the cap?  We have been a cap team every year and you expect this to be different now? What is your big plan to improve more during the year than adding Pettersen and Hughes?  If you are going to quote me please at least answer the question I posed, back up your comments or have a point. My original comment was a reply surrounding the assumption that two players are holding the team hostage and you reply with this nonsense. It’s no wonder players don’t want to rake a discount and play here. These are human beings with lives not just objects for your entertainment. Good luck “improving” without getting Petey and Quinn back first. 

SMH - have they signed yet?  No? Then they are holding us hostage - doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.


Yes, every year we are cap maxed and every year this forum is pissed off come trading deadline - ever hear the expression "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?"   

If you're going to quote me - be civil.  


Point is simple - they haven't signed yet.


Yes, they are human beings - but they are in the entertainment industry.


We would have them back if they weren't holding the team hostage.


Edit: BTW - if you don't like the fan base - go cheer for the Flamez.

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Well with all the free time hopefully Elias, Quinn, and Brady are taking some nice bong rips in the Hughes family basement out there in Michigan and having some thought provoking conversations about life and what it will take to raise the cup once they finally sign.

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28 minutes ago, -Moose said:

If Petey isn't in the last 3 preseason games, I'm done with him (not that it means anything haha). He hasn't played a game in 7+ months and if he thinks he can walk into the regular season without any conditioning or learning any of our new systems (if we have any), then he is in for a rude awakening and is risking an injury early on. QH I feel you have to give a bit of slack too. I think the only reason his contract isn't done is because of the risk of an offersheet to EP. Kinda feel for QH a bit and that one is on the Canucks management. 

Same agent.

They’re getting done at the same time. 

Or maybe Pettersson wants to see if the team is winning before he signs…


Please Pete. Don’t rub this fan base the wrong way. 

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13 minutes ago, DIBdaQUIB said:

I'm not convinced he will ever be able to execute the defensive side of the game to become that player he (and many fans) seem to think he is.  

When you look at Hughes think of Phil Housely. American. 21 year playing career,  1232 points in 1495 games. 7 seasons with -10 or worse plus/minus. Overall was a -53. 5'10 and played at 180 to 185. Hall of famer.


I think fans who like Hughes see this as his possible future potential. 



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1 minute ago, 250Integra said:

If he was under contract and missed training camp due to injury, no one would have an issue with him jumping straight into the regular season. These guys are professionals so missing a few warm up games won't do too much.

You think missing training camp + a potential 7 warmup games won't mean much for a player that hasn't played 7+ months? Yes they are professionals and yes I believe they are in shape, but I doubt they are game ready and I would bet money they have a slow start. I would bet it takes EP 2-3 weeks to get caught up if he misses all of the preseason games. QH I'm not too worried about 

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2 minutes ago, -Moose said:

You think missing training camp + a potential 7 warmup games won't mean much for a player that hasn't played 7+ months? Yes they are professionals and yes I believe they are in shape, but I doubt they are game ready and I would bet money they have a slow start. I would bet it takes EP 2-3 weeks to get caught up if he misses all of the preseason games. QH I'm not too worried about 

EP HAS. to be at camp. 

His and Hughes’ stance is ridiculous.

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2 minutes ago, Me_ said:

Same agent.

They’re getting done at the same time. 

Or maybe Pettersson wants to see if the team is winning before he signs…


Please Pete. Don’t rub this fan base the wrong way. 

Legit, that is a big concern. The way this fanbase can turn on you in an instant is worrying. If Petey holds out and then gets injured, or doesn't perform; you can almost guarantee fans/media will be tearing him apart and probably drive him out of town. Vancouver can definitely be toxic sometimes 

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