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How Would You Feel if the Canucks decide to completely bottom out?

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Fire everyone not named Sedin and Clarke first. Hire an experienced PoHO and GM. Bring in an experienced coaching staff. Then see how the team performs under a new coach. If it's the same old $&!#e we've been subjected to for the past 5 years, THEN start the rebuild. But imo that wouldn't be necessary. I think an NHL calibre coach can get this team to play like an actual team. 

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I mean, we already look like $&!# with a roster that was pumped up to compete for a playoff spot. It'd be interesting at the very least. 


People like to fuss about how the organization needs a culture change, this would certainly be one way to go about it. 

  • Vintage 1
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Is bottoming out a decision at this point :bigblush:


Ideally I want to retain this core, but there's also the human element to it. If the locker room is broken to the point our core players like Petey, Hughes, Bo, Boeser, Miller want to go. We have no choice but to tear down.


I prefer a retool if enough of them agree to stay and be patient. 

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44 minutes ago, whcanuck said:

If tomorrow Aqua said “you know what, to heck with this, Green & JB are fired, we’re going to blow up the entire roster, sell off assets, and completely rebuild this thing from the ground up,” what would you guys think?

I would be estatic provided that 


1) We trade Horvat and he lands us an elite prospect (Braden Schneider?)

2) We trade Miller and he lands us an elite prospect (?)

3) We tank this year and land someone like Shane Wright or Conor Geekie

4) Benning and Green are both long gone before the draft and before July 1st.


A UFA, on July 1st 2022, looks at our team and sees the following potential line-up in 2023-2024














New coach (Julien/Budreau)

New GM (Maybe Mike Gillis again?)

New President:  Hank and Dan?


And all of a sudden, UFA's, as early as July 1st 2022, start looking at Vancouver as a breath of fresh air and a potentially solid long term opportunity.


Edited by Patel Bure
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58 minutes ago, whcanuck said:

If tomorrow Aqua said “you know what, to heck with this, Green & JB are fired, we’re going to blow up the entire roster, sell off assets, and completely rebuild this thing from the ground up,” what would you guys think?

No doubt that Green and most of the Asst coaches must be immediately terminated with Jim B.   As for the players, there are a few pieces worth hanging onto for sure, but generally speaking the team needs to be disected and rebuilt as it's fairly obvious after 8'1/2 years that this team is a mish-mash of incompatible players, who individullay can play their instruments but together as an orchestra sound like my old 1980's Lada on cold winters day.

Life and times of a Lada owner : r/ANormalDayInRussia

Edited by RU SERIOUS
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Part of me want's to point out that we don't need to do anything to 'bottom out' - we're already pretty much there. 


The other part of me realizes that (full scorched-earth rebuild) would never happen as it's clear that ownership has never liked that idea. 

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I don't care. Fire the Sedins for all it counts for. 

Get me a Kawhi, someone who can get this city a cup but has no ties to this city, but want's to win, and ends up winning. 


I like good hockey, there's plenty of good hockey on TV I can watch, even though I have no emotional interest in any other team. April is the best time of the year for the NHL with or without the Vancouver Canucks. 

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1 hour ago, whcanuck said:

If tomorrow Aqua said “you know what, to heck with this, Green & JB are fired, we’re going to blow up the entire roster, sell off assets, and completely rebuild this thing from the ground up,” what would you guys think?

I would be good with the first part, but then I rather that he hires a proper President, who hires a new GM, who hires the next coach (and assistants) and then retools the roster.

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