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[PGT] Tampa Bay Lightning at Vancouver Canucks | Mar. 13, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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I love the teams push back and resilience. At the start of the season we would have just let them stomp us. I am loving the response when they get down a goal or two, you can see they finally believe they can win every game if they put their best effort forward. They gotta fix these slow starts but there is a lot to like about their game right now. 

That being said, this game should have been 2-2…I’m so tired of garbage reffing. I don’t find myself always agreeing with Drance but he is absolutely correct…if the refs can review a Penalty and take it away, how the heck can they not do that for an obvious goal? I’m guessing it’s because it’s what the rule book states…frustrating. On to the next game…


As a fan, this is the first time in years since the Sedins really where I actually believe this team can win any game they play on any given night and that is so refreshing for me…all these years of losing I’ve been staying away from CDC more and more because I really don’t like how negative it gets on here…I don’t like to watch loss after loss then come on here and see all the bitching and complaining…I get why, we all want to see this team win, but it just makes me “log out” when the wah wah birds come out.


Lets smash the &^@# out of Jersey now! GCG!

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30 minutes ago, Teemu Selänne said:

Yea - definitely overlooked point. Vasy came to play and made a number of game saving saves for them, many goalies would've let in a hat trick from Miller alone last night


Definitely a couple frustrating calls as well, I don't complain about reffing too much but the Garland ghost call to give off-setting minors instead of giving McDonagh a holding call, and the whistle on a live puck that led to a goal were both frustrating.


Overall, the team needs better starts. But their resiliency in games has been great to watch; that didn't really exist under Green (or Desjardins or Torts) except for the one bubble run.

The quick whistle was frustrating, but I can see why he blew it down and the Canucks didn't put up much argument about it.  I think Garland was the only person in the building who saw that it was loose

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After watching that 1st period, it was obvious the Canucks were outplayed and lucky it was only 2-0. They played better the rest of the way, but they lost. Would've been a good night to make up points with Vegas and Anaheim losing. 


Still a lot of issues with Benning's team, but they believe in that D I guess.


Devils next? The team VAN can't beat?  Good times.

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Bo and Boeser needed to step up with Petey out but the drivers were Miller and Garland. 


I like all the guys on the team but if I Boeser doesn't sign for 6m, I would trade him unless he's been nursing an injury we don't know about. 

Passengers / complimentary players should not be in the 7ms..


I think by the end of this homestand, management should know exactly which guys they should be moving. 

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I get the feeling that if the Canucks EVER get the positive side of the calls and SOME puck luck that they might win it all...and I'll probably have a heart attack. 

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Yes, Tampa won the first 10 minutes, but our boys woke up and took over the rest of the game. Only excellent goaltending prevented a complete comeback. The effort for the last 50 minutes was good.

The last 2 games have been against superior, Cup champion teams, and our boys held their own. It took incredible puck luck and incredible goaltending to beat the Canucks! 

Im not pissed at the penalty reversal. I’m upset the penalty should never had been called in the first place. An intelligent, experienced ref would have known it was a follow through, and not called anything, and with highlites the intelligent fan would have agreed it was the correct non call. By making a bad call, then reversal, it opens up all sorts of frustration and anger. 

Not sure why Hughes and Schenn were separated, put them back together. And while Hamonic has been getting bashed around here abit, I’m impressed at his recent ability to get point shots through to the net. 

unpopular opinion: I think Demko needs a break. He’s not as sharp as before. We need to plug our nose and put Halak in for a game or two…(just after the Devils…)


Day of rest boys, then crush the Devils!!


Go Canucks Go!!!!!

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42 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

After watching that 1st period, it was obvious the Canucks were outplayed and lucky it was only 2-0. They played better the rest of the way, but they lost. Would've been a good night to make up points with Vegas and Anaheim losing. 


Still a lot of issues with Benning's team, but they believe in that D I guess.


Devils next? The team VAN can't beat?  Good times.

At least we have a few games left before the TDL.   If you believe Allvin it's been dead quiet so far.    Suspect things will amp up but i really don't remember a time that things have ever been this tight in the West.   Every single team from 12-20 is from the West right now - from LA-ANA/WNP...crazy ... and from 8-20 only the Bruins and WSH show up.    Makes it awfully hard on to see who's a buyer - stand pat - or a seller doesn't it?

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Some observations after having the night to compose my thoughts:


- Tampa came out guns blazing to start the game. It was really the only way they could've came out with a win as they were feeling the exhaustion by the midway point of the 2nd. I'm not suggesting that the Canucks needed to get the first goal in every game, but allowing 11 shots in the first 5 minutes is unacceptable. Boys need to be ready to play before puck drop.

- I can't blame the refs entirely for the end result of this game. The JT Miller goal could've easily been an icing call. The Garland non-goal could've easily been a good goal. I can even accept the overturned Motte highstick because we've been on the benefiting end of follow through shots. The question I ask myself is whether I'd rather have a fast paced game, or a game played right (reviewing all penalty calls like the Schenn phantom crosscheck). If that were the case, I doubt Miller's goal against the Habs would've counted as that could've easily been a missed slashing call. Regardless, the Canucks couldn't capitalize on their chances, and couldn't solve Vasi more than once.

- At the end of the day, I'd like some accountability from the refs: perhaps a post-game presser where the refs or even league officials can report on penalties called and missed, elaborate on why certain plays were called down or left going... Love him or hate him, it would be cool seeing Drance drone stats and bias to an unexpecting league official. It won't change the outcome of the game, but it would put accountability on the league and eliminate a bit of league bias. I'm done with players/coaches being fined or peanlized for speaking out against ref incompetence and inconsistency. It would be nice to not see teams silently bending the knee and accepting results out of fear of consequence.


On to the players: 


- Congrats to JT on keeping the streak alive. If I'm not mistaken, he's tied with Henrik for the franchise high point streak. Don't think he's getting traded anytime soon...

- We missed Petey's creativity tonight, but I didn't mind Rempal's game. Could be a nice fill-in for Motte should he be moved by the TDL.

- I'm really routing for Horvat, but I'm frustrated with his streaky play. 2 goals one game, no presence on the next... I really want bubble Horvat.

- I like Pearson with Miller but I'm wondering if Bo would benefit from reuniting with him. Switch him with Podz and see what you get?

- Motto line is great. Once they were reunited in the 3rd, I got excited. 

- I'm convinced that Chiasson's stick is where pucks go to die. Other than the couple of fancy snaps against Toronto, his play has been very poor.

- I don't mind Hamonic with Hughes, but he got out skated too many times in this game. I don't think Schenn would've fared any better next to Hughes. It further solidifies the fact that Hughes needs a defense first partner who can skate in order for that pair to be optimal. Someone like Cernak (who surprised me with his foot speed on the offside goal). Is Braden Schneider the answer? Is Cal Foote? Adam Larsson? Ty Smith? John Marino? This will make for an interesting off-season.

- Boudreau seems to really trust Hunt. I, however, would like to see an improvement on the left side. I think it's time to see Rathbone get a look under Boudreau's system. Unfortunate that he's really the only left side option at this time (one could argue Sautner, but aside from a few games three years ago, hasn't really played NHL games). 

- Demko is a demigod. Some of his saves were accomplished by sheer will. He's looking tired though, and it's really a shame that Halak's play of late does not garner enough trust to provide any reliable relief. Hoping the Goalie situation is sorted by the TDL, whether that's Halak getting traded or the team slotting 3 goaltenders on their 23 man roster. 


This upcoming week is going to determine the team's season. I'm hoping for some wins and a chance to compete in the post-season, especially since Vegas is dropping in the standings. In any event, I continue to enjoy the journey as it's refreshing to see the team on the cusp of the playoffs for a change. Let's break the curse against NJ! Go Canucks Go!

Edited by therodigy
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6 minutes ago, grandmaster said:

Folks being too critical of this team. Other than a slow start, they played their hearts out and it should have been a tied game if it wasn’t for the ref on that second goal.


We went up against the Stanley cup champs and the best goalie in the league. They had previously lost 2 games in a row and were here to play. We lost by a one goal margin.

Our guys really tried….you give them some slack for this one. 

No slack at all given by me.

They came out flat     AGAIN         and lost that game in the first 8 minutes, all else is not really relevant.

All those screaming about how terrible a coach T Green was because of his supposed inability to get the team ready to start games ; should at least walk back that part of their Green bashing.

How stupid or screwed up does a team have to be, to not be ready to start the game against any team; let alone the 2 time defending Stanley Cup Champs?,


So f'n tired of all the lip service by the team about "We have to be ready"

All they do is talk- they don't do the walk.

If they can't play a full game in the regular season, these guys will get slaughtered in the play offs- which they likely won't make- because they often don't play a whole freaking game.

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4 hours ago, hammertime said:

For some maybe. I always thought it was super interesting the best years they had respectively where the years when one of them was Injured.  


Which thankfully didnt happen often with the amount of punishment they took along the boards they must have had adamantium skeletons. 

Right? Makes you wonder what could have been, their Sedinery was something else but could he have done it again? What about Daniel? We'll never know.


And for sure, they were two extremly tough and durable players.


8 hours ago, Pears said:

Whenever one player busts out of their slump it’s onto the next player with these people. Same thing with the trade rumours. 

And round and round we go, usually. 

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A glaring concern from last night, yet another mediocre performance. 


I think he's become overrated and ready to be shipped out. He can score all right but what else has he been involved in. 


No where near tough enough and his defense has been below expectation. 

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12 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

Good to hear Pettersson and Sutter will be skating.



Wow what a boost Sutter would be if he could rejoin the team for the final month or so!


Even if it’s just as an extra eight now, his leadership would be a welcome addition.

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19 minutes ago, aqua59 said:

A glaring concern from last night, yet another mediocre performance. 


I think he's become overrated and ready to be shipped out. He can score all right but what else has he been involved in. 


No where near tough enough and his defense has been below expectation. 

LOL who are you talking about?

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16 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Wow what a boost Sutter would be if he could rejoin the team for the final month or so!


Even if it’s just as an extra eight now, his leadership would be a welcome addition.

tbh I'm just happy that he's healthy enough to be out there. Anything else would be awesome. 

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