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6 hours ago, Fan since 82 said:

Not a chance. There's a very rigorous and long process to get drugs/vaccines approved for humans and it won't be done by September. They can't and won't compromise this process. They might be saying September, but there's zero chance of it happening.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I can see governments, cdc, who, etc ramming this through as quickly as possible.

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13 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

they are opening some golf courses here on the Island.


Love golf but I don't know what to think about that.


Not sure if it's not a bit too soon. 

I've been golfing here in the LML for the past few weeks.  Courses are doing a good job of providing for social distancing.  No congregating before/after the game, one person at a time in the proshop, restaurant facilities are closed, constant reminders on the loudspeakers, course marshalls driving around and reinforcing on the course.  After that like everywhere else its up to the individual.  Have to say for me it's been a boon for my mental health as it's the only opportunity I have to have actual face to face conversations with people.  I live alone and the social isolation can wear thin.  The additional opportunity for exercise is good as well.  Courses have removed any touchpoints like rakes, no touching the flag.  In terms of risk I'd say it's pretty low, but can see where the optics may be problematic.  

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7 hours ago, Fan since 82 said:

Not a chance. There's a very rigorous and long process to get drugs/vaccines approved for humans and it won't be done by September. They can't and won't compromise this process. They might be saying September, but there's zero chance of it happening.

On average 10-15 years of careful lab and clinical studies before widely available.  Rushing things can definitely affect the efficacy of these vaccines.  Antibody Dependant Enhancement vaccine is a big concern.  There are lots of articles on this, with one example being a vaccine developed for Dengue fever.  

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7 hours ago, Ray_Cathode said:

Stop with the CCP propaganda already. The most affected states with the worst Wuhan virus problem have no incentive to minimize numbers, most of which are Democrat and have three huge reasons to maximize numbers - more money from the federal government, more resources from the federal government, and it would embarrass a Trump, the primary wet dream of all Democrats.

lol nothing to do with CCP propaganda, not that the Americian propaganda machine is that far off. All I am saying is that that graph has a sudden halt to the trend at around 30K, which is caused by something. Like I said, it could be availability of number of tests each day. However, I also think it is feasible that the american administration would do everything they could to keep numbers lower to help the maintain public confidence in the economy (Trump's golden ticket). Not saying that it is happening, but I wouldn't put it past him.

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2 hours ago, Jester13 said:

We're on the same page that people shouldn't break recommendations for no good reason. 


The reason why I'm more on the "give people the benefit of the doubt" side of things is because I don't feel we should just be going around and assuming what everyone's situations are, that they're merely being inconsiderate bullies towards their fellow community members. You seem to want to call them out without knowing their situations, but hopefully you can see now that you can easily assume the wrong thing when your assumptions are based deeply in your emotional triggers towards those you think are against you, as you did towards me. I prefer the seek to understand approach. 


FTR, I was bullied my whole younger years as well, but being bullied doesn't give us the right to then become the bully enforcers at a time like this. If anything it should give us the ability to be more considerate, even towards those we presumptively assume are flaunting the rules. If you haven't ever heard the commencement speech by the late author David Foster Wallace This Is Water, give it a listen on Youtube. I think it's applicable in many ways here, and it's a very good speech. It's about being aware and considerate to those around us, which you and me and others are doing, but that we're not perfect all the time, as you know, and we constantly have to remind ourselves that the world is not actually out to get us personally, even when it can feel that way at times. Every one of us could use the reminder from time to time. We all have our own things going on and reasons for our actions, so taking the benefit of the doubt side of things can help bring us together. 


Lastly, and I don't want to continue this conversation after this either, but please do think twice about what it would be like if we all were just going to call an ace an ace. If we all were going to, well, then expect others to do the same to you, such as you shouldn't go golfing and break that recommendation not to, or you shouldn't go to buy shoes and only shoes at one time because you're breaking the recommendation to not go out more than you have to (remember, you could've killed two birds with one stone and got groceries at the same time). Imagine if someone came up to you and called you out when you were going from store to store looking for shoes what that situation would look like. I'm guessing there could've been yelling and swearing, etc. Is that what we want or need during this? I personally don't think so. Situations are never simply black and white, as we have both described with our "breaking of the rules", so maybe giving people the benefit of the doubt is the way to go. 



If someone is simply being a selfish POS and actually not giving two craps about the recommendations, well, screw them and their republican ways. Make some complaints, call a bylaw officer, write to a newspaper, etc. Anyways, this is water, this is water. Cheers.


Thing is though, there's no questionnaire that determines this and we ALL have to follow the same rules in order to be effective.


We all have our stories and that's the open door that will allow this to spread unchecked.


I do think there are things to focus on....two people together in a store isn't one of them.  But a family of 5 with two adults all laughing and enjoying the outing is an issue.  One adult stays home with the kids, the other shops.


People like my neighbours who are flitting around the parking lot with friend/visitors like it's the new social club.  I see why they closed parking lots...it's an issue.


The personal space/social distancing too...no excuse for some idiot to come charging through that space.  I veer, weave, zig and zag to stay clear.  Others will occupy the space that I've just moved over into like their schedule is more important than our safety.


There are definitely reasons for some people to do things ... but there are none to avoid the guidelines in place to protect all of us.    


We have to err on the side of caution and be rigid versus lax.  For awhile anyhow.  Not forever.  We've been gifted the opportunity to do it on the honour system...yet some ruin that for the rest of us.


Look, I have a father who's managing on his own despite being nearly bed ridden.  It's horrible...I can't help him as I usually do but we're managing/struggling until it's deemed safe to do things differently.  Where there's a will there's a way.

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2 hours ago, John.Tallhouse said:


Not for a full on "GO" deal.   To ease back in with social distancing and hand washing in place.  And if you dare sneeze/cough without covering your mouth we get to punch you in it.


This will be a different world for awhile...it has to be.  But that's ok because people are worth it.

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20 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

Not for a full on "GO" deal.   To ease back in with social distancing and hand washing in place.  And if you dare sneeze/cough without covering your mouth we get to punch you in it.


This will be a different world for awhile...it has to be.  But that's ok because people are worth it.

Not much will change in BC, as most things have adapted and are still open, in some way 


I don't see them opening up anything that will encourage people congregating and certainly not for anything that encourages people outside the communities to come in for a visit.


It'll be surgeries to start, then who knows

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5 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

What still blows my mind is this situation is like you are on the Titanic. Once the ship has hit the iceberg. The lifeboats are the only real chance. But economists go on about getting back to business and work. There is an element of survival yes. We all want to survive. But you can throw all the money you want at the crewmen putting people in the lifeboats. Unless that's helping thier families, offering money is useless. 

What's all your money going to do when you are in the Atlantic in near freezing water?


Maybe this is a warning to the world. We've seen how fast once pollution stops how nature repairs itself. Maybe Mother Nature is giving us a last warning. To get our crap together and try making the world a better place for all. Not just the pursuit of wealth and power. 

That's a great analogy

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6 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

What still blows my mind is this situation is like you are on the Titanic. Once the ship has hit the iceberg. The lifeboats are the only real chance. But economists go on about getting back to business and work. There is an element of survival yes. We all want to survive. But you can throw all the money you want at the crewmen putting people in the lifeboats. Unless that's helping thier families, offering money is useless. 

What's all your money going to do when you are in the Atlantic in near freezing water?


Maybe this is a warning to the world. We've seen how fast once pollution stops how nature repairs itself. Maybe Mother Nature is giving us a last warning. To get our crap together and try making the world a better place for all. Not just the pursuit of wealth and power. 

I'm hoping that we all realize that economies, nations etc don't "need" to keep growing.  I'll never understand the concept of perpetual growth and expansion

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11 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm hoping that we all realize that economies, nations etc don't "need" to keep growing.  I'll never understand the concept of perpetual growth and expansion

if we're going to be OK with flat or even occasional economic decline, then we're going to have to stop bailing out companies in the name of saving jobs, and figure out how to not need large amounts of immigration to keep our standard of living going.  If you can be OK with that then we might not need as much growth. 

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12 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm hoping that we all realize that economies, nations etc don't "need" to keep growing.  I'll never understand the concept of perpetual growth and expansion

I totally understand and agree that life is more important than the economy ( and not talking about 'growing' economies but them crashing).


Here's the 'but'..


But, I have a concern regarding collapsing economies. 

Currently there are Locust swarms taking out crops...the worst in a generation spreading across Africa.

The Covid crisis has affected the resources that usually go toward fighting these swarms so much that it is putting the food security of millions at risk. 

How many will die from hunger? whats the trade off vs covid?


I don't have the answers and as I stated, I agree with the global approach so far. I just don't know if I'm correct....


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10 hours ago, Ray_Cathode said:

They just increased the death toll by 50% in a single day, but my guess is that that is not even remotely close. I think that it is important to specify that this is not ‘Chinese’, this is on the head of the CCP and its leaders. The greatest fear of that party is that its own people find out the communist party’s culpability. It reminds of Chernobyl, does it not. Viewing that series is most revealing of the psychology is the disease that is communism - the society that cannot allow freedom of speech, nor even of thought.

When I said Chinese it was meant as numbers coming out of China.

China has lied when this thing started as well, no way it started when they say it did.

Also their numbers are underreported by a lot.


Speaking of Chernobyl, I lived in Europe when it blew up,

Soviets only admitting when radiation was picked up by other countries.

Lying to people is not only the communist thing, lot of governments lie and cover the facts imo.

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15 hours ago, Me_ said:

Golf; the sport of Social Isolation

Golf is not a sport, it's a recreational activity.  God dam argument Donny had against poker not being a sport could be applied to golf.  You stand, you walk and you swing a club no less than 10lbs. - none of which are remotely strenuous.  Esports, poker, dog shows....  this is the stuff we allow on sports stations now because of golf.  


The hate and vitriol any sensible person has towards Trump on his handling of the Coronavirus pales to my disdain of this pathetic excuse of a athletic competition.  I will not derail this thread any further as I am 100% right and my argument is rock effin solid.


Tre Mac out.

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10 minutes ago, Tre Mac said:

Golf is not a sport, it's a recreational activity.  God dam argument Donny had against poker not being a sport could be applied to golf.  You stand, you walk and you swing a club no less than 10lbs. - none of which are remotely strenuous.  Esports, poker, dog shows....  this is the stuff we allow on sports stations now because of golf.  


The hate and vitriol any sensible person has towards Trump on his handling of the Coronavirus pales to my disdain of this pathetic excuse of a athletic competition.  I will not derail this thread any further as I am 100% right and my argument is rock effin solid.


Tre Mac out.

Robin Williams endorses this post.....(warning for NSFW language)



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17 hours ago, stawns said:

We packed up everything last week and left out on the curb for parents to pick up.  Our admin said she doesn't think there's anyway we go back.

Just curious, do the the school teachers still get full pay? 

Please, don't tell me the once a week email my child receives from the teacher for assignments deserves full pay.

Better guidelines need to drawn up quickly on what teachers need to be doing because I believe some of the teachers(not all) are using this situation as an excuse to not do their Job. Good on the teachers that are trying their best to educate our kids but there should be minimum standards that include classroom instruction via zoom or skype. Our Kids and the tax payer deserve better.

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17 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

When I said Chinese it was meant as numbers coming out of China.

China has lied when this thing started as well, no way it started when they say it did.

Also their numbers are underreported by a lot.


Speaking of Chernobyl, I lived in Europe when it blew up,

Soviets only admitting when radiation was picked up by other countries.

Lying to people is not only the communist thing, lot of governments lie and cover the facts imo.

Lots of media using CCP moniker now instead of pointing fingers at the Chinese people who are mostly blameless.  China Communist Party. 

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22 minutes ago, Tre Mac said:

Golf is not a sport, it's a recreational activity.  God dam argument Donny had against poker not being a sport could be applied to golf.  You stand, you walk and you swing a club no less than 10lbs. - none of which are remotely strenuous.  Esports, poker, dog shows....  this is the stuff we allow on sports stations now because of golf.  


The hate and vitriol any sensible person has towards Trump on his handling of the Coronavirus pales to my disdain of this pathetic excuse of a athletic competition.  I will not derail this thread any further as I am 100% right and my argument is rock effin solid.


Tre Mac out.


11 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Robin Williams endorses this post.....(warning for NSFW language)



George Carlin on golf " If you sold half the golf courses in America and built housing on the other half, you wouldn't have homeless people."

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