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Rumor: Rutherford Believed To Want Out Of Vancouver

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He screws the team and now wants out :picard:



According to Steve Simmons of the Toronto Sun, the 73-year-old Rutherford might already be in the one-foot-out-the-door camp.


“More than one hockey person I’ve run into this weekend believes Jim Rutherford wants out as president of the Vancouver Canucks. That’s the kind of mess this situation is in,” Simmons wrote in an article on Sunday.


Simmons did not clarify what exactly “wanting out” means. Is Rutherford expected to quit on his own terms in the next few weeks, with Vancouver still having 33 regular season games left? Or is he going to step down at the end of the season? Or, even if Rutherford’s having a bit of an existential crisis, will he swallow his pride and continue in the role past this season?


“There was a lot of sympathy for Bruce Boudreau when he was unceremoniously dumped as coach. But a prominent league scout told me this: ‘The Canucks have some players. What they don’t have is a team.’ That was on the coach,” Simmons added.




More than one hockey person I’ve run into this weekend believes Jim Rutherford wants out as president of the Vancouver Canucks. That’s the kind of mess this situation is in. There was a lot of sympathy for Bruce Boudreau when he was unceremoniously dumped as coach. But a prominent league scout told me this: “The Canucks have some players. What they don’t have is a team.”


Edited by fivethej
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  • fivethej changed the title to Rumor: Rutherford Believed To Want Out Of Vancouver

Considering JR has been the only President this owner has had that could make him listen to reason, it would be a big loss if he steps away.  But Allvin has been winning his deals (especially the Bo one! Got great return and dodged a contract demand from a selfish player) so I’m sure he will continue to do great for us and build us another great team, like Gillis did. 

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Well.. The Horvat trade was decently ok. Got us a young top 9 forward, 1 of Islander's best prospects, and the highest 2023 pick we can possibly get(Emphasize on 2023, because every team out there is trying to hold onto their 1st rounder this year). 


So I really don't get why fans or the media criticize so much. It's not perfect, and won't please everyone, but it's not a bad trade. The timing was also great. Every year, the trades with the biggest hauls were always the 1st few trades. Especially with this year like 80% of the league is at cap limit, pulling the trade early is just damn smart. (Probably learned the lesson from last year's Miller failure though). 



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