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Status Updates posted by Darkstar

  1. End of an era. Later haters.

  2. Really happy for Alex Burrows. Even though he couldn't get the cup as a player, I really hope he gets it as a coach.

    1. #Canucks


      This. This would be so sweet!

    2. -DLC-


      It would be so awesome...I'd love him to hoist a cup.

    3. Elias Pettersson
  3. Jordie Benn playing over Juolevi is a war crime.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trebreh


      Juolevi and MacEwen not being regular players on our team is a crime against humanity. 

    3. Patel Bure

      Patel Bure

      Completely agree.   

      I really don’t understand why Juolevi and MacEwen aren’t being dressed.

    4. TNucks1


      maybe didnt wanna mess up the hughes and benn pairing, i though that hamonic actually had a decent game coming back, but OJs been great also so kinda confusing.

  4. "I wish we had Vasilia Potslovin in the lineup"- (Stan Smyl)

  5. The Vancouver Canucks are very proud to select from the Nottingham Panthers, Peter Chiarelli.

  6. Hughes, Pettersson and Boeser on that first powerplay unit. My god...

    1. Quantum


      Canucks are going to start becoming dangerous in 2020.

    2. Hugor Hill

      Hugor Hill

      Add Horvat for face-offs. And Jake for net presence.

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Gives the team the flexibility to have Hughes and Juolevi anchor two separate powerplay units.

  7. For all the people who were upset when we gave up Sbisa, this is why he was dropped. Just cost Vegas the game, and the cup.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vinny in Vancouver

      Vinny in Vancouver

      Were there people who were upset that we exposed Sbisa?

    3. HerrDrFunk
    4. JM_


      I wouldn't say 'upset' but some would have preferred it be a F. 

  8. Jim Benning must have been a great partner to have in school. Considering how much he loves his projects.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JM_


      @Coconuts exactly. Sure Vey was a dud, but Pouliot could end up being a solid player. He's only got 130 NHL games so far, if he had a few less giveaways this season it would be nice but he seems to be developing a lot more confidence and I think we'll see a lot of improvement from him next season. 

    3. 48MPHSlapShot


      A project is still a free asset when it's attained via a trade for someone we signed as a free agent.

    4. CanuckinEdm


      When your bad and don't have ready prospects to fill the roles you need to get creative.

  9. Canucks fans are so obsessed with the size of hockey players these days. It's like that kid who becomes obsessed over the gym just because he got bullied once in elementary school.

    1. Darkstar


      Skill and mental toughness wins championships, not size!

  10. If the Canucks keep picking up Benning and Weisbrod's boys, the next Canucks will be Khokhlachev.

  11. You often don't get second chances. The Canucks didn't get William, but they can draft Alexander Nylander in 2016. Get er done Benning.

  12. Eichel is love. Eichel is life.

    1. Horvat


      no only deb <3

  13. Learned how to play Wonderwall on my guitar. I can woo all the ladies now.

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      practically as good as gin i found >)

    2. Tom Sestito

      Tom Sestito

      I hear Dangles #1 turn on is men who can play wonderwall

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles
  14. Benning unanimously voted worst GM in the league on HF. Lmao.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Green Building

      Green Building

      Jealousy is a bitch.

    3. vancan3322


      He'll be voted as the best GM unanimously in the coming years you just watch. Haha

    4. -Stammer-


      they're just angry they lost their precious Bieksa and Lack

  15. So now the question that's on nobodies minds. Who the hell won the Kassian/Hodgson trade?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Intoewsables


      Hodgson. The guy's getting buyout money on top of his current contract.

    3. Heretic


      Habs & Preds

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Both teams shafted each other.

  16. So I guess Personality= Stanley Cup these days...

  17. Really wish we'd drafted Luca Sbisa.

    1. Phil_314


      Really wish we'd drafted Tom Sestito 1st overall!!!

    2. Tom Sestito
  18. Do you smell what McMillan is cooking?

    1. Horvat


      a mcchickan burger

  19. Bo Nye the Science Guy.

  20. Hodgson complains about ice time and he's a daddy's boy. Kassian complains about ice-time and he's a martyr. This is why I love CDC.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      People are missing the point. He has skill. He's lazy. And then he gripes when his ice time is cut.

    3. nuck nit

      nuck nit

      Hodgson never aired any of his alleged issues in the media before ,during or after his tenure as a Canuck.

      Sadly,Zach has become a media distraction because he has no idea what is required of him as a professional.

    4. Mike Vanderhoek

      Mike Vanderhoek

      this is my point, Vancouver is fighting for a Playoff spot, yes Kassian has skill, yes he can be lazy and not play with enough emotion/edge. But he is far more skilled than other options out there bringing just as much to the table. It's not the time for the coach to be making this point, he DOES know what he has to this point and needs to use it, not sit it.

  21. That Bure/Naslund hybrid is the perfect comparison for Ehlers.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. EmployeeoftheMonth
    3. Darkstar


      Extra realsies

    4. c00kies


      No prospects even come close to Bure. He was explosive and had a unique strut that was only matched by Orr (could be why they had knee problems though).

  22. Random Hypothetical- Would you shell out $12 million+ a year for Toews and/or Kane if they hit free agency in 2015?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pears


      In a heartbeat if we have the cap space

    3. TheRussianRocket.


      Easily. Sedins make $7 mill each to compare.

    4. Xbox


      Not to Kane, but I'd give Toews that. Ton of cash.

  23. Canucks are 0-4 since the Dale Weise trade. Coincidence, I think not.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamu101


      I miss Weise now I just want Alberts in the lineup soon



      i wonder if Weise will get the Torres treatment in 3 years, when half of CDC thinks the GM should make a push to get him back.

    4. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      ^ Maybe if he could actually hit.

  24. First All-Nighter of the Semester. Fun.

  25. Life Spoiler Alert: Everyone dies

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