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47 minutes ago, stawns said:

The juice would be worth the squeeze on that one, imo.  My daughter would never look at me the same if I stood by and watch it happen


8 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:


Maybe just one little Superman punch?

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3 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

Hey, Walmart anti masker:


Thats still one of my fave Bieksa moments. 

I miss the Bieksa Thread. Those were good times. I never faltered in my man-crush then and never will. One of the highlights of my life was speaking to him at Pearson Int’l, after the Nucks were kicked out of the playoffs. 

What a decent and salt of the earth guy he was/is. Will always hold him up as one of my top 3 all time fave Nuck. 

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6 hours ago, Mackcanuck said:

Things are getting hot in Alberta concerning leaks on rumors of Jason Kenney has overruled Dr. Hinshaw 



Amazingly the same Albertans that cheered Wilson Raybould for recording those private conversations between her and the Trudeau cabinet are now pissed off that someone would dare do this...


They're the same people that cheered after the UCP took away the right to strike, right to assemble, and right to deny infrastructure projects on your own land; but are now claiming mask mandates are in fact a loss of freedoms...

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6 hours ago, Tystick said:

I'll go with the extremely good odds that are in my favor, versus the fraction of a percent that I might die.

I don't live my life in fear.

You're afraid of a mask, a vaccine and basic rules to protect people though



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5 hours ago, Tystick said:

So I can't gain natural immunity with my immune system? I MUST take a vaccine?
What's the science behind that?

Strongly suggest you go to any ICU where people are infected with Covid, lying on their stomach and being intubated and ask to be infected with it.  That way you can waive your right to medical care and build your immunity.


problem solved :) 

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5 hours ago, Amebushi said:

OK, now for a real scenario. Imagine not being able to visit your otherwise “spry” grandmother when she decides to kill herself rather than be locked down again. 

I get the need to protect people, but there is a point where it’s going to far. I for one would rather accept some risk (not fighting over masks, sanitizing etc) close some non essential things as needed but will fight for my right to see my family. Too far in either direction is simply wrong. 

You’re for taking the risk of seeing your family but you want mandatory masks in schools?? 

You’re the type of person/mentality that brings the virus into schools. Socializing outside of schools is what is brining the virus into schools. 

Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. 

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6 hours ago, BPA said:

Putting on my conspiracy hat...


Maybe they want that to not pay overhead costs for operating a school.  Maybe reduce amount of teachers in AB.


Cuz AB is looking financially bad.  Didn't they lay off a whole bunch from the health sector?  This may be a cost saving solution to them.

Or maybe Alberta cares about the long term health of their students....  or maybe Alberta realizes the kids are bringing  Covid home and infecting parents and grandparents...... spreading covid throughout their communities......   or maybe because Alberta has decided to follow current research / SCIENCE>.....

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23 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Strongly suggest you go to any ICU where people are infected with Covid, lying on their stomach and being intubated and ask to be infected with it.  That way you can waive your right to medical care and build your immunity.


problem solved :) 

The fact that he thinks his natural immunity can protect him from a coronavirus is laughable. I mean that’s the stupidest and simultaneously most hilarious thing I’ve read all day, and I read Donald Trump’s latest press briefing. 

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Just now, kingofsurrey said:

Or maybe Alberta cares about the long term health of their students....  or maybe Alberta realizes the kids are bringing  Covid home and infecting parents and grandparents...... spreading covid throughout their communities......   or maybe because Alberta has decided to follow current research / SCIENCE>.....

Or maybe Alberta was so behind the curve that they had to enact such stringent measures. Btw, Premier Kenney has been interfering with Dr. Hinshaw which has led to their exponential Covid cases. Talk about an anti science govt. 

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I am more concerned with when we get our Vaccines, than any petty squabbles, that are promoted on here


That is where my focus is now..........it is not that we know when they will be ready


But why we are not first to get them, or why we do not have a company manufacturing in Canada


These are questions that are so important and far greater in their impact, than KOS complaints


The past and present Federal Governments have let us down, and now we have to wait


I totally find it funny that KOS is slamming a provincial health employee, instead of talking about the Federal Liberals and Conservatives miss-management


We should never have been placed in this position



Edited by janisahockeynut
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1 hour ago, Sharpshooter said:

More than many. 

I do agree that schools aren't a major mode of transition, yet, but you can thank the school staff for that........admin, counsellors, teachers, EA's, custodians (especially custodians) who are stretching themselves past the breaking point to keep this all together, on top of educating.  However, as winter moves on, there will invariably be more and more cases and those people it all together are going to start to crack and when that happens it's going to get ugly.

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