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4 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

Now Dr. Bonnie just said "yes, kind of a mixed answer" from them as she goes against Dix's bring your own food message to suggest it's still essential travel only "next week and the coming weeks"  It's getting a little muddled.

it is, but its not like they can pick the date everything re-opens to normal, they're waiting on the data just like we are. I suspect there's some fatigue going on there too. 


I do agree with you and @Jester13 the messaging needs a little rework. 

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6 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

it is, but its not like they can pick the date everything re-opens to normal, they're waiting on the data just like we are. I suspect there's some fatigue going on there too. 


I do agree with you and @Jester13 the messaging needs a little rework. 

I'd prefer they wait rather than try to provide answers that aren't yet settled.


They have said May 19 for Phase ll but it's sort of all over the map in relation to what that looks like/means.  Really like both of them...love how they've led us through this.  Just see it getting a bit more strained as, obviously, they sense the impatience.  I just don't want them to succumb to it or start to try to give answers to satisfy people.  They've done really well, no doubt about it.  But they're not at the finish line yet so I want them to keep strong and be the leaders that they've been throughout.  Don't "settle" or waver.  I'm sure fatigue is an issue...having to get up there day after day.  I wouldn't want to be in their (awesome) shoes.


We've been lucky to have them.  Maybe i just need to move on/away from the daily updates because I feel they're becoming a bit more forced than informative.  Not as much clarity being delivered.

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30 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:



He's going for herd immunity.  'Bout all they can do now.


15 minutes ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

He’s not wrong...

Well that will all depend on how much of the herd floods the healthcare system.

Regardless...herd immunity is where they're heading anyways.

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3 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

Love Dr. Bonnie but really wish she'd quit using "in the coming days and weeks".  She just did.  They're two completely different things but the impatients will glom on to "days".   Which one is it for BBQ's...days OR weeks?  Days can be "tomorrow".


This is where some of the ambiguity creeps in.  


Smaller groups, fewer faces, bigger spaces is her message but many are ignoring that part because it's being diluted.  And she continued by defending not having a unified/strong message because it's based on individuals and circumstances.  Not sure it should be.  Because your situation might be clear sailing while my family has vulnerabilities.  So it really goes against the "we're in this together" to suddenly make it a more individual choice that has a more selfish aspect to it.  


I get it...she's appealing to the masses with the hope that "choices/options" are made correctly.  I think she's over optimistic in that and the strength she showed previously that is now waning is opening up for cracks in the overall progress/efforts we've been making.  Some people are chomping at the bit so you don't just open the gate and let them fly.  To expect them to continue if they feel their family is "safe" is unreasonable - they won't. They want it all and they want it now (for many I hear out there).  Many don't give a rat's behind beyond their own safety and risk assessments and my neighbours are a good example of that..."we're ok so screw you".


She's losing me.



Make sure you don’t lose yourself!


You’ve been at the forefront of information exchange here. You cannot achieve that without doing some very good research as you have.

Since you’ve been keeping on top of all this information, it is highly likely you have all the tools to make great choices for yourself as well as for your close ones.

Pre-Covid I was a First Assistant Director on multi-million dollar film sets. I was front and center of management, leading teams of 50 to 300 people forward toward a common goal, 14hr days on my feet, sometimes I’m very tight areas where there is absolutely not a chance to avoid each other. 

So that’s not happening anymore...


Since my industry is completely shut down, I won’t be able to manage multi-million dollar film sets anymore. And honestly, I absolutely loved what I did. But I’ve had to recycle my career on a whim.


What will I be doing for the next decade?



Will it still be in the film industry?

Maybe yes, maybe no.


But it’ll be nothing like what I used to do.


I also recently chose to live more at night when there’s no one and I can go on my walk not feeling threatened, nor feeling like I’m a threat to others. But that’s just me.


I encourage everyone to rethink their lives creatively and think of what skills they may have that are transferable to something else and also how they can change their habits and behaviours to go with the times.

Because Covid-19 ain’t changing for us.


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I think in terms of providing updates and guidelines, we all want definition and that's hard to do.  The messaging as I understand it is that Phase 2 begins on Tuesday.  However, there is freedom within that for business' to choose when they actually reopen.  Not every business will be ready to open on Tuesday.  It may not make economic sense for an individual business to reopen.  People are being asked not to travel outside their home area this weekend, however recognizing that some people see their personal circumstance as being necessary to travel, these are the recommendations regarding reducing the impact on the community one is traveling to.  

As Dr. Henry said today, (might be paraphrasing a bit) she understands that people want black and white answers, but that is hard to provide.  


I think our provincial and federal leadership has done a tremendous job throughout this pandemic of keeping a steady hand on the wheel.  No one has a crystal ball to see what life will be like at any point in the future.  Get out in the sun/rain/wind/snow/hail but please avoid being out in the thunderstorms.  


Stay safe everyone!  

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What's the hold up with Hockey? Fauci is probably trying to talk them out of it.  He's a science guy, science guys hate hockey. I hope not. They are talking about 24 teams with the bottom 16 playing a 3 game series to get into the 16 team playoffs. No regular season.  

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Some people have suggested that China created the virus and either purposely or accidentally released it .

However in this story the US is saying they are being hack attacked by the Chinese, searching for virus information.

My question, why would China need anyones virus info if the created it themselves?


The US Department of Homeland Security and the FBI issued a "public service announcement" Wednesday warning that China is likely launching cyberattacks to steal coronavirus data related to vaccines and treatments from US research institutions and pharmaceutical companies, calling it a "significant threat."

The joint warning from the FBI and DHS's cyber arm, CISA, warns "organizations researching COVID-19 of likely targeting and network compromise by the People's Republic of China (PRC). Healthcare, pharmaceutical and research sectors working on COVID-19 response should all be aware they are the prime targets of this activity and take the necessary steps to protect their systems."

The notification elevates the accusation by the US government that China is taking advantage of the pandemic to carry out significant cyber espionage on critical institutions fighting the virus.

The statement did not provide any evidence of China's involvement.

Wednesday's warning comes as tensions continue to escalate between Washington and Beijing with the two sides issuing verbal jabs over how each country is handling the pandemic. The Trump administration has also continued to attack the Chinese government for failing to be transparent about the origins of the outbreak.

CNN has previously reported that the administration has pointed the finger at China for attempting to steal coronavirus research as officials are warning they have seen a growing wave of cyberattacks on US government agencies and medical institutions leading the pandemic response by nation states and criminal groups.

Hospitals, research laboratories, health care providers and pharmaceutical companies have all been hit, officials say, and the Department of Health and Human Services -- which oversees the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- has been struck by a surge of daily strikes, an official with direct knowledge of the attacks previously told CNN.

"We have to be the first ones through the door if we want any of our allies to follow us," a national security official told CNN earlier Wednesday, explaining the thinking behind the warning. "If this pandemic can't get our allies in the right place, what's going to?"

The New York Times first reported that the announcement was expected and CNN confirmed the news earlier Wednesday.

The Department of Justice has said they are particularly concerned about attacks by Chinese hackers targeting US hospitals and labs.

On Monday, the head of the Justice Department's National Security Division appearing on CNBC said, "it would be crazy to think that right now the Chinese were not behind some of the cyber activity that we're seeing targeting US pharmaceutical companies and targeting research institutes" doing coronavirus research.

"This is the holy grail of biomedical research right now" and it has "tremendous value both commercially and geopolitically," he added.

Demers also said that US companies will ultimately want to sell their product.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo -- who has been consistently attacking China over the pandemic -- told Fox News last month, "The biggest threat isn't our ability to work with China on cyber, it's to make sure we have the resources available to protect ourselves from Chinese cyberattacks."

Cyber espionage from China against the United States has spiked in the months since the outbreak of the virus according to the leading cybersecurity group FireEye. The group reported that Chinese group APT41 has carried out "one of the broadest campaigns by a Chinese cyber espionage actor we have observed in recent years."

Last week, the US and United Kingdom issued a new advisory warning of ongoing cyberattacks against organizations involved in the coronavirus response, including health care bodies, pharmaceutical companies, academics, medical research organizations and local government.

These malicious actors "frequently target organizations in order to collect bulk personal information, intellectual property and intelligence that aligns with national priorities," according to the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

"The pandemic has likely raised additional requirements for APT actors to gather information related to COVID-19. For example, actors may seek to obtain intelligence on national and international healthcare policy or acquire sensitive data on COVID-19 related research," the advisory said.

APTs are generally hacking groups sponsored by foreign governments and last week's alert suggests that supply chains may be especially vulnerable.


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41 minutes ago, higgyfan said:

He's going for herd immunity.  'Bout all they can do now.


Well that will all depend on how much of the herd floods the healthcare system.

Regardless...herd immunity is where they're heading anyways.

Great healthcare there though!  Obamacare was replaced by a cheaper & better system under Bone Spurs.  Coverage for all.




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Suspect in Vancouver bus attack has died of an overdose, police say


Man kicked, punched and pulled hair of woman who intervened after racist comments to fellow passengers

Transit police say the suspect in an attack on a Vancouver bus last month died of an overdose not long after the incident.

On Tuesday, police asked the public for help identifying a man who assaulted a fellow bus passenger on April 15 after she tried to intervene in his racist harassment of two East Asian women wearing facemasks.



Welp, they found the guy they were looking for.


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1 hour ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

He’s not wrong...

Highly likely he’s wrong.


Kids are getting hit hard now in America.


The consensus is that they’re getting hit much later and the symptoms are much faster; runny nose to a few hours later on ventilator.

Looks like the better your immune system is, the longer Covid-19 takes to do enough damage to show symptoms.


A new term: PMIS; Paediatric Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome.




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39 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

Even if the average college person won't die, it still means they'll most likely spread it.

Trump 5D chess plan. 


Kill off all the old folks.  Save companies and governments old age pensions.  Create job openings cuz old people died.

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