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Status Updates posted by Bur14Kes17

  1. Goldobin singing the Pokemon theme song live on Instagram with another Russian wearing a towel is now my highlight of the off season. I don't even care what happens in the draft. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Where's Wellwood
    3. JM_


      I dunno @Alflives there's gotta be a market for scooter glam. 

    4. Bur14Kes17


      @Where's Wellwood why? You wanna see Goldy in a towel? ;)

  2. All the Kesler hate is making me miss the days when Burr and Kes were at their finest. Trolling other teams. "Tell Kelly I say Hi!!" Bieksa and Lappy were always good for a laugh too. I miss being hated :(

    1. Squamfan


      lol burr give your b***s a thug u fracking pussy

    2. Bur14Kes17


      "Why? Ive got Kelly to do that for me!!"

    3. J-23



      Burr and Kes at the end LMFAO!

  3.  i dreamed last night that Dallas and Colorado both took defensemen and we ended up with Vilardi 

    1. Ghostsof1915


      I dreamt we took Rasmussen and got a player better than Tkachuk.

  4. Please hockey gods..... Hischier.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. diesel_3


      Just not Rasmussen, PLEASE.

    3. Bur14Kes17


      @Pernell Karl same here. The season he had with this being only his first year in north america, I think theres still alot we haven't even seen from him yet

    4. Pernell Karl

      Pernell Karl

      @Bur14Kes17 let's pray the hockey gods can help us just this once 

  5. Man this makes me miss Canuck playoff hockey.... to makes matters worse, after watching these games, you realize how far away the Canucks are from competing for the cup again :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Western Red

      Western Red

      Well, in the meantime lets be optimistic and cheer for the cup to come back to Canada. I realize the notion of SJ winning the cup rewarding us so it's a struggle to cheer for EDM.

    3. lethal_spaghetti


      I don't know why but i refuse to cheer for any other canadian team.

    4. Bur14Kes17


      im cheering for the Senators and Sharks with Burrows and Hansen there. Beyond that, the only other reason I cheer for a team is so I can win my fantasy pool lol

  6. Most important game the Canucks have played in 4 years tonight.... please lose 

    1. Phil_314


      They'll somehow win.  Bank on it lol

    2. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      Expect nothing less than a Canucks OT loss at worst. They are getting a point today it's Canucks luck. Will it be 2 though? 

  7. Goldobin to start on the 1st line with the Sedins tonight. Any bets on how long he stays there?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      that is not a very good defensive line, they will need to score often. although, the tankers should be happy.

    3. -AJ-


      I honestly don't think Goldobin will mesh with the twins too well. They tend to mesh with players that are willing to drive in to the dirty places in front of the net, like Granlund, Carter, and Burrows. Maybe I'm reading him wrong, but Goldobin doesn't quite seem like that kind of player. Goldobin might work well on a line with Granlund and Sutter one day.

    4. Stelar


      As long as Jake did 

  8. Erickson still not back, but Goldobin sits and Willie puts no Megna fml

    1. -SN-


      + the new contract for Megna. Good grief. 

  9. Are there any free agents this summer who could replace Sutter as a 3rd line centre?

    1. Bur14Kes17


      Like someone who would actually distribute the puck?

    2. thejazz97



  10. Willies finally gone mad. Stetcher is playing with the Twins.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bur14Kes17


      Aprils everyone. No really though. That was the line Willy was rolling at practice. His idea of a joke. Good one tho cause it's believable.

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      Tol' the Missus I was heading off on a lengthy touring/hotel trip with my cycling bud, Hiroshi. At a season we're a little busy.


      She prob thought I flipped to the 'other side'..like Brokeback Samurai, or something sinister like that.


      April Fool's was yesterday tho(16 hrs ahead of you punks!), which in the 21st C counts as nostalgia!

    4. Rush17


      Maybe it is a way of seeing how a guy like Subban would look up front with them for next season :D

  11. Disappointing to see Juolevi not even get nominated for top defenceman in the OHL.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. JM_


      Sure, if you like dirty little buggers as players, you might be pining for Tcatpuk. I like in Calgary just fine. 

    3. SabreFan1


      Even if Juolevi becomes a second-pairing d-man, I'll be happy with the pick.  Nobody's expects him to be another Ekblad.

    4. ReggieBush




      I have to disagree with you. He IS a PP QB, and knows how to work the line and get his shots through on the PP. He is incredibly poised with the puck and is a fantastic skater. He makes everything look so easy, that is what stands out for me

  12.  Canucks MUST SIGN Bobo Carpenter just for his awesome name. Stats aren't bad either.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      bo, bobo and boeser. the 4 bo line.

    3. Nuxfanabroad


      Sounds like a teletubby..a disturbing trend, in disturbing times...

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      you mean trump times?

  13. I don't mind losing games, but I miss cheering for the Canucks to win.. how do you guys deal with the apathy?

    1. Cramarossa


      I cheer for a win no matter what. I might whine and moan in the lead-up to the game- heck, oftentimes I'll expect a loss- but come game time I've got my Hutton hat on, I've got my Horvat/Henrik/Granny sweater on, and in cheering like we're in the cup finals. If you don't try cheering then what's even the point? 

    2. luckylager


      What apathy? The fact our roster is loaded with plugs makes it easier for me to enjoy watching the game, even though they've been beyond terrible.


      Do you actually sit there cheering for "your team" to lose? 

  14. If Kessel was a Canuck, he'd be in the press box on patented Willie and Jim dietial nutrition plan 

    1. Coconuts


      And he'd likely be doin a bunch of change ups but with food

  15. Alright boys this is a must lost game. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Keslerific


      Big negative 2 points tonight, boys.

    3. Bur14Kes17


      4 point swing on the board guys. Should probably play the vets and Megna 

    4. -Stammer-


      Megna should just play every position, everyone else can sit tonight. The Vancouver Megna's

  16. Remember when no one would draft Josh Ho Sang cause he was cocky with a bad attitude and a selfish player? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      ^^ you covered the yes, no and maybe in that statement... no way to be wrong!

    3. RRypien37


      Roll the dice.

    4. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      So this part of the reason lemme guess Subban cant get a shot because he comes off cocky.

  17. So... Mike Vechionne anyone? Higher PPG then the ZAR, smaller stature. I hope Benning is still all over that

    1. Quantum


      If we're signing anyone from Union, I actually like Spencer Foo more. He's a year younger, a little bigger, and only a few points behind Vechionne. I feel like Foo has a little more upside than Vechionne.

    2. Guest


      'FOO! Here comes the FOO! READY OR NOT!'

  18. Gaudette said to the ZAR "Sign in Vancouver" 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Xbox


      That's awesome to hear!! These clutch signings are the key to an accelerated rebuild.

    3. Bur14Kes17


      @DontMessMe is cool we're dope now <3

    4. Fateless


      Looks like it didn't help. Van has been reportedly knocked out of the running.

  19. Shoot.... Gaudette is opting to return to school next year and not turn pro

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alflives


      Read the kid is smart, and will be able to grad one full year early.  Does that mean he's a UFA after next season?  

    3. VanGnome


      Found the CBA clause:


      8.6 (c) (iv)

      If a Player drafted at age 18 or 19, who had received a Bona Fide Offer in accordance with Section 8.6(a)(ii) above, becomes a bona fide college student prior to the second June 1 following his selection in the Entry Draft and does not remain a bona fide college student through the graduation of his college class, his drafting Club shall retain exclusive rights for the negotiation of his services until the later of:

      (a) the fourth June 1 following his selection in the Entry Draft,

      or (b) thirty (30) days after NHL Central Registry receives notice that the Player is no longer a bona fide college student;

      provided that **IF** the Player ceases to be a bona fide college student on or after January 1 of an academic year and the Player:

      (1) is in his fourth year of college and has commenced his fourth year of NCAA eligibility,

      or (2) is in his fourth year of college and is scheduled to graduate from college at the end of his fourth year, then in the circumstances described in (1) or (2), the Club shall retain the exclusive right of negotiation for such Player's services through and including the August 15 following the date on which he ceases to be a bona fide college student.


      Basically, Gaudette going back to school for a third year means that if he chose to quit school early (why would he, he's chosen to go back to study/play), then his rights would still be owned by the Canucks until August 15th of the year he chose to leave college, I believe.

      The fact that the club and Gaudette are on the same page should quell any fears of Gaudette pulling a Schultz. 

    4. Green Building

      Green Building

      I'm not surprised. Good for him for furthering his education. It's not like the NCAA is like juniors, it's a fine league.

  20. Is there still an announcement on this free agent defencemen we apparently signed?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RetroCanuck


      Thats exactly what I was thinking Jazz. Might also be an interview with Benning later.

    3. Bur14Kes17


      Winning the ZAR sweepstakes would go a long way for our prospect pool. All of a sudden we get Goldy Dahlen and ZAR in 2 weeks? Please make to happen JB

    4. Squamfan
  21. Goldobin to debut on the 3rd line. Willie says he doesn't want to disrupt the chemistry on the top 2 lines. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. luckylager


      I'd probably start him there too," to see where he's at", no big deal. 

      Gotta admit though, when I think of "chemistry", I associate it with success... Now, I don't know about you guys, but I can't think of a current line that's had success, considering Burr is gone. 

      That's right - Baer-Bo-Burr has been our only "good" line this year. We haven't had consistent lines for more than two weeks since Nov. (Injuries and Willy's musical chairs line games..)

      So like @87Crosby wrote - What chemistry?

    3. 87Crosby


      @luckylager I agree with starting him there as well. He is a playmaker and he could fit well with sutter

    4. Blömqvist


      It'll be good for Goldobin to start on the third line. Draws him away from the tougher matchups that the Sedins and Horvat would get. 

  22. Goldobin going to the Bieber concert. Gonna party with Jake and Justin later.

    1. Alflives


      Will Jake ever live down his selfie with the Beibs?

    2. canucklehead44


      I just hope Jake doesn't start wearing Goldobin jeans

    3. Bur14Kes17


      Not looking very likely. But I feel like Jake and Goldy could end up being the best best bros who run a frat house together

  23. Confirmed: Goldobin is playing tomorrow!! Where the Goldobin Shirseys at?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bur14Kes17


      That'd be sick although from the sounds of it he's more of a play maker then a forechecking/shooter. To be honest I think Grandlund has looked pretty good with the Sedins so far?

    3. Rubik


      Not bad, but I desperately want a Sedin revival pointwise. And no more sloppy passes as we saw against the Sharks yesterday. Joe "bigbeard" Thorton could do it last year, why not the Sedins next year. The effort is there, I'm sure.

    4. Bur14Kes17


      I hear ya. Both Marleau and Thornton are revived players. Who knows. Maybe Hischier wants to play trigger man B)

  24. Burrows scores for Ottawa!!! Congrats Burr on you're your first of many to come!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jam126



    3. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      ^ I would accept that as well.

    4. Bur14Kes17


      Sharks and Sens baby! With one of Burr or Hansen winning the Conn Smythe ;)

  25. FINALLY!!! The 50 trade proposals a day will end!!!!!

    1. TimberWolf


      Trade proposals are like Bieber to me. I find them easy to avoid so they don;t bother me at all.

    2. Nuxfanabroad


      HEY Mister..I called a Van/Ott deal about a WEEK before!


      (of course, also predicted about 20 other teams, but let's forget that lil'detail:^)

    3. goalie13


      Why would they end?  Now we will just see off-season and draft day trade proposals instead.  Chronic proposal creators will not let a little thing like a trade deadline slow them down.

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