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1 hour ago, CBH1926 said:

I agree about Dubrovnik, last few years it has become an elite and expensive destination.

Don't get me wrong, even when my parents had their honeymoon in Dubrovnik 50 years ago, place was expensive.


My grandparents retired and moved to Split back in 1969, so as a kid I used to spend winters are summers there.

Sarajevo was cold in the winter and smoggy, also I wasn’t much of a skier, tried it after 1984 Olympic Games and didn’t like it.


I loved Split. The big stones in the old town were awesome to walk on. When it rained they were like ice and you could basically skate around. I have a lot of good memories traveling around there by myself. There was this old pink house with what looked like no foundation... it was just built right into the top of a cliff. Live music in the old town with a cold beer on a warm evening. Great place. You must have had a great time as a kid. 


Game of Thrones and Star Wars turned Dubrovnik's old town into a bit of chaos, but still loved it. 

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2 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

Its not about educating kids.... its about free daycare for workers going back to work.  Trying to salvage our economy. 


That is how  much BCers actually care about children's education.....

Yea some people cry the blues about missing education and how important it is.....then they pull their kids out of school and go to Mexico.


All they want is free daycare and not to deal with their responsibilities.



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9 hours ago, Wilbur said:

Who knows with Civil War, but I can't see how those tweets aren't considered treasonous?  He's literally advocating for the overthrow of the governments in those states.  In my books that's treason.

Funny you should mention that. An interesting read:



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My neighbours are about to be introduced to Marilyn Manson, RATM and G & R.


We share a balcony (with a 6 foot glass divider in between).  They've got 3 carloads of guests over, including a dog that they're letting run loose on my yard...the one that we just finished landscaping yesterday (including fresh grass seed).


I told them, but they speak very little English.  We're normally friendly but I'm about to go ballistic.  I'm working HARD to keep my family safe ... even lost my job over it.  I'll be damned if these dimwits are going to cram in and invade my space.


Smoking and the smoke drifts right into my kitchen.  Had to close my patio door, but am not happy.  So let's play some music, shall we?  Trying to be positive, but they apparently are all here to wash their cars in our shared driveway space.  Hope they like loud music.....Dope Show here we come...



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1 hour ago, Chris12345 said:

Yea some people cry the blues about missing education and how important it is.....then they pull their kids out of school and go to Mexico.


All they want is free daycare and not to deal with their responsibilities.



How do you equate kids eduction = free daycare??


If you are expecting parents to forever homeschool their children, then there is no need for teachers.  Not every parent went to post secondary to acquire skills for teaching. 

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6 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

Stop the shutdown says the guy wearing a gas mask!


Suppose these gun toting god fearing Trump supporters were muslims or blacks. I think that It would not end well. Shots would likely be fired and lives lost..

Ain’t that America. Land of the free.

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1 minute ago, PistolPete13 said:

Suppose these gun toting god fearing Trump supporters were muslims or blacks. I think that It would not end well. Shots would likely be fired and lives lists.

Ain’t that America. Land of the free.

I'm honestly starting to think they really aren't going to make it out if this intact.  I feel they are headed for something very bad.  If they make it November and Trump is voted out......Oy Vey, blood will be spilled I think.

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56 minutes ago, 73 Percent said:

Speak for yourself. I'm in ontario and daycares are closed. My wife is a nurse and I work in the alchohol industry.  Things are tough right now having a little one. I'd pay double to have daycares open let alone free.


Daycare is more essential than tim hortons and Canadian tire in my eyes. 

The rules about daycare must change absolutely. Perhaps creating nanny jobs for kids instead of grouping a whole bunch of kids together...


Its a very difficult one to deal with.

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50 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

they are opening some golf courses here on the Island.


Love golf but I don't know what to think about that.


Not sure if it's not a bit too soon. 

Golf; the sport of Social Isolation

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For those thinking that we can relax initiatives early, there is this.  React to late or lift your interventions too early, not good.  (Thanks Reddit)


The effect of public health measures on the 1918 influenza pandemic in U.S. cities

Martin C. J. Bootsma and Neil M. Ferguson
PNAS May 1, 2007 104 (18) 7588-7593; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0611071104
  1. Edited by Burton H. Singer, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, and approved March 13, 2007 (received for review December 13, 2006)



During the 1918 influenza pandemic, the U.S., unlike Europe, put considerable effort into public health interventions. There was also more geographic variation in the autumn wave of the pandemic in the U.S. compared with Europe, with some cities seeing only a single large peak in mortality and others seeing double-peaked epidemics. Here we examine whether differences in the public health measures adopted by different cities can explain the variation in epidemic patterns and overall mortality observed. We show that city-specific per-capita excess mortality in 1918 was significantly correlated with 1917 per-capita mortality, indicating some intrinsic variation in overall mortality, perhaps related to sociodemographic factors. In the subset of 23 cities for which we had partial data on the timing of interventions, an even stronger correlation was found between excess mortality and how early in the epidemic interventions were introduced. We then fitted an epidemic model to weekly mortality in 16 cities with nearly complete intervention-timing data and estimated the impact of interventions. The model reproduced the observed epidemic patterns well. In line with theoretical arguments, we found the time-limited interventions used reduced total mortality only moderately (perhaps 10–30%), and that the impact was often very limited because of interventions being introduced too late and lifted too early. San Francisco, St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Kansas City had the most effective interventions, reducing transmission rates by up to 30–50%. Our analysis also suggests that individuals reactively reduced their contact rates in response to high levels of mortality during the pandemic.

Edited by thedestroyerofworlds
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3 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

My neighbours are about to be introduced to Marilyn Manson, RATM and G & R.


We share a balcony (with a 6 foot glass divider in between).  They've got 3 carloads of guests over, including a dog that they're letting run loose on my yard...the one that we just finished landscaping yesterday (including fresh grass seed).


I told them, but they speak very little English.  We're normally friendly but I'm about to go ballistic.  I'm working HARD to keep my family safe ... even lost my job over it.  I'll be damned if these dimwits are going to cram in and invade my space.


Smoking and the smoke drifts right into my kitchen.  Had to close my patio door, but am not happy.  So let's play some music, shall we?  Trying to be positive, but they apparently are all here to wash their cars in our shared driveway space.  Hope they like loud music.....Dope Show here we come...



I definitely understand your position on the matter.


Hopefully everything stays as calm and controlled in BC as some seems to indicate.

But here is where we’re at in Ontario and Quebec social distancing rules and house parties.

'Idiotic' Ottawans Are Still Throwing House Parties & The Fine Just Went Up To $100k


Birthday party leads to Barrie's first fine under emergency act


Physical distancing fine issued in Brampton after backyard party


Organizer of parking lot party fined for not adhering to social distancing rules: Belleville police

GATINEAU: Party people hit with $1,200 in fines under strict anti-gathering rules



Police Fined 6 People Between $500 & $1,000 For Gathering In A House On The South Shore


During the COVID-19 pandemic, a quick 'Happy Birthday' tune can turn into a $1,546 fine


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2 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:



Amazes me anything gets done there....

That’s what the Trump admin has been doing. It’s absolutely disgusting. 

Global pirates. These masks will be seized and are going to go to pro-Trump States.


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